Dr. David Brownstein’s Healthy Prostate Cancer Kit


Dr. David Brownstein’s Healthy Prostate Kit

Everyone should take care of their health. This goes without saying. However, it can be easy to let certain things slide to the wayside as the busyness of work, friends, and family take over. Unfortunately, as people get older, it’s easier to let taking care of certain health issues fall to the bottom of the list of important things to do. Sure, the big things will be monitored and watched, like cholesterol and blood pressure, but other problems tend to be shrugged off or pushed on until later.

A recent report released by the Center for Disease control found that men are 80% less likely to visit a health care provider than women. In fact, the study found that half of men (50%) don’t have a regular health care provider. While the reasoning for these statistics could vary, the result is the same: Men are more likely to die of serious diseases or conditions than women.

Men and the Prostate Gland

One area of health that men regularly overlook is the care of their prostate. Since they already don’t visit the doctor as much as they should, having regular prostate exams is even less likely. Most men don’t like to consider that something could be wrong with their bodies, much less their prostate. However, as more about this gland is learned and understood, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that keeping the prostate health is vital for male health.

The prostate gland starts experiencing issues in young men starting at about age 30. By the time men turn 50, more than half will have some form of prostate issue, whether it’s inflammation or enlargement. For every decade a man ages, the percentage of men diagnosed with a prostate condition increases by 10%.

However, while these numbers are scary, there is an easy way to learn more about the prostate as well as natural ways to prevent and reverse many of the conditions the prostate faces.

The Prostate Solution

Dr. David Brownstein’s Healthy Prostate Kit gives its users a host of simple and easy to follow steps and tools that help them embrace simple approaches to lower their chances of developing prostate conditions and aiding in the reversal of this issues. The Healthy Prostate Information Kit was created and designed by Dr. David Brownstein, an expert in holistic health care and alternative medicine. The doctor put this kit together in an effort to give men the support they need to keep their prostate healthy.

The information provided in the Healthy Prostate Information Kit gives men all the information they need to treat their prostate in a natural manner. The tips and guidance in the kit will help them improve sexual function, decrease inflammation, and reverse enlargement. All the information provided in the kit is designed to minimize the risk of serious prostate conditions, like prostate cancer.

What is Included in the Healthy Prostate Kit

The Healthy Prostate Kit comes with six amazing segments, in book and subscription form.

Essential Guide for Prostate Health

The first is a special report called the Essential Guide for Prostate Health. This is one of the most important guides men will ever read when it comes to the health of their prostate. The prostate is an important part of sexual function and even the slightest alteration in how the gland works can cause serious issues. Many common issues of the prostate, like enlargement, swelling, infection, and cancer, are discussed in this guide. Dr. Brownstein also gives detailed tips on how to prevent and treat the prostate issues listed above.

6 Steps to Preventing Prostate Cancer

The second thing included in the Healthy Prostate Kit is 6 Steps to Preventing Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer isn’t just the most serious issue associated with the prostate, it’s also the second most common type of cancer affecting men in the United States. The steps provided in this guide will walk through ways to keep the prostate and the libido healthy. In addition to prostate health, the steps will explain ways to help the prostate heal from issues that already exist and ways to stop the inflammation that is so closely tied to prostate cancer.

Iodine: The Most Misunderstood Nutrient

The third report included with the Healthy Prostate Kit is Iodine: The Most Misunderstood Nutrient. The majority of Americans suffer from some form of iodine deficiency, which can lead to thyroid dysfunction. There are several conditions related to the lack of iodine in the body, one of which is prostate cancer. In this guide, Dr. Brownstein goes over the best iodine supplements as well as their dosages so people no longer have to suffer from this problem.

The Miracle of Natural Hormones

The Miracle of Natural Hormones is the fourth guide included with Healthy Prostate Kit. The most key hormone in the male body is testosterone. However, this hormone begins to sharply decrease in the male body as he ages. Dr. Brownstein uses this guide to stress the importance of hormone testing and speaking about hormones with a doctor. He also goes over natural hormone supplements that can be used in place of chemically created hormone drugs.

The Guide to Healthy Eating

The fifth bonus included with the Healthy Prostate Kit is the eBook The Guide to Healthy Eating. Of course, diet is an important part of keeping the body healthy. However, diet is often considered the most difficult part of living a healthy lifestyle. In this book, Dr. Brownstein helps users categorize food into easy to understand groups so they can understand which foods they should consume more and which ones they should avoid.

Finally, included with the Dr. Brownstein Healthy Prostate Information Kit is a three month trial subscription of the beloved Newsmax newsletter, Health Radar. The newsletter is always packed full of information that helps readers learn how to fight health conditions naturally.

Getting the Healthy Prostate Information Kit

The Healthy Prostate Information Kit provides all this information completely free of charge. All that is required is a subscription to Dr. Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health. The Natural Way to Health is a monthly newsletter that contains Dr. Brownstein’s amazing and in-depth strategies for achieving optimal health. Whether users want the subscription for preventative measures or to learn natural ways to reverse their own conditions, the newsletter will contain detailed and effective information.

The Healthy Prostate Information Kit isn’t the only thing that comes for free when a subscription of the Natural Way to Health is purchased. In addition to this detailed guide on dealing with several prostate conditions, users will also get a trial subscription to Health Radar for three months.

There are two different delivery options for the Natural Way to Health. The first is to have the monthly newsletter delivered straight to the door through USPS for the flat rate of $54.95. The second option is to receive these monthly newsletters electronically through email, which costs $49.95. Both options will include all the same information and no matter which choice users make, they’ll still get all the free bonuses.

Natural Way to Health comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If subscribers aren’t satisfied with the information presented in the newsletters, they can cancel and get a full refund. For those who are interested in trying Natural Way to Health for longer, if they cancel their subscription within six months they can still keep all the gifts that were included with the subscription and still get a prorated refund.

While no shipping and handling fees are charged to the cost of these newsletters, sales taxes will applied at checkout. Signing up for the newsletter and not canceling it automatically puts purchasers in the auto renewal program, where they will be charged $39.95 (shipped) or $36.95 (digital) for future renewals of the Natural Way to Health newsletter.

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