Body Cardio – Withings Full Body Composition Heart Health Scale?


Don’t you love technology?

It certainly has made many facets of life easier. We can live chat with a love one by using our phones, connect with anyone no matter their location in a matter of seconds, and drive cars without the need for gas.

You name it.

But technology hasn’t just made hard things easier, it has effectively improved our overall quality of life.

All one has to do is ponder that last statement for a couple of seconds to see just how true it really is.

Anyone who may deny it, just think about how your life experience would be different without google.

People don’t even stop to consider how much of an impact the existence of google has had on their lives. And that stands to show us how we all take technology for granted. Who knows where we would be without it.

Some say that we’ve grown dependent on technology. But this isn’t true. A more correct assessment is that technology has enhanced what we are capable of. It has extended our possibilities.

One area in which these possibilities have been extended is in the area of health and fitness. One of the companies on the vanguard of these innovative technologies is Withings.

About Withings Fitness

is not your typical health and fitness company.

They offer no supplements or any products of nutritional value. Instead, what Withings does offer is innovative health technology.

Some may write the company off thinking that technology can’t help them with their health are fitness goals, but let’s not be too hasty.

This company takes a pretty unique twist when it comes to how people can reach their fitness goals.

Withings does this by inventing smart products and apps that are adaptable to any lifestyle and let’s the user track what they need to in order to improve their health and fitness.

IN that last statement lies Withings secret ingredient; the ability to track what matters.

Anyone who’s ever achieved anything noteworthy in the realm of fitness will tell you that the one thing you must do is track.

That means tracking progress, food, exercise, strength gains, duration of exercise. Everything. The more you track, the better the results.

Virtually everything made by this company helps consumers to do just that. It’s not rocket science, ok maybe the technology is rocket science but understanding why and how it works certainly isn’t.

Changing Fitness With Withings

One of the best things about what Withings has to offer is that it doesn’t approach fitness from a traditional approach. That is, it doesn’t focus on depriving people of anything.

Instead, it’s main goal is to help people track what they are doing and what they are consuming. It’s that simple.

These products seem to be unlike anything else in the fitness industry today. Speaking of which, let’s look and see which type of products Withings offers.

Withings Body Cardio

Withings doesn’t offer a lot of products, but what they lack in quantity they make up for in quality.

All of their products are grouped into a handful of categories. They include Sleep, Environment, Vitals, Weight, and Activity.

We’ll look at one of these categories for the sake of time. But just one of these products will be enough to show people just what this company is capable of.

In the weight category, Withings offers a couple of innovative scales. But these aren’t your grand daddies scales. They are something totally different.

Typically, scales do one thing and one thing only; show people their weight. But Withings shows that this is such a waste of technology.

Their scales are on steroids. One of the most impressive products this company has to offer is a scale. It’s called the Body Cardio Scale. This scale is rest a next-level piece of equipment.

What makes the Body Cardio Scale so different is the fact that it can tell someone their overall cardiovascular health. Yes, a scale can inform you of the health of a system as complex as your cardiovascular system. It’s possible.

It accomplishes this by utilizing Heart Rate and Pulse Wave Velocity technology. Pulse Wave Velocity is actually recommended by doctors to help people lower their risk for developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

With this capability brought home, customers will be able to receive a more complete picture of their health.

But if people think that measuring cardiovascular health was all this scale does, they would be seriously mistaken.

The Body Cardio scale is also capable of tracking weight, BMI, total body fat, and water percentage. Oh, and bone and muscle mass.

Basically, this scale can track anything that is remotely connected to peoples health and fitness. Y’know, nothing too serious.

All of what is tracked by this scale is synced to a smartphone and stored there. That way, customers are able to track any and all progress that they have made.

This scale is sold for $179.95, which is an outrageously low price when the ability of this scale is seriously considered.

It’s one of the best products this company offers, which is why the importance of it had to be shared with consumers.

Withings & Body Cardio Review Summary

Withings is a pretty unique company.

The level of innovation that they bring to the health and fitness space is something that will open doors to even more innovative products in the future.

One of the most awe-inspiring products this company offers is their Body Cardio Scale. This scale could be the only product this company offered and it would still be a noteworthy company.

People should take note at where the world is headed. Withings is the perfect place to start.

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