Benjamin Brush – Smart Electric Toothbrush Plays Music For 2 Mins?


Benjamin Brush is a device that helps consumers to learn to brush their teeth for better hygiene, making it a great brush for adults and children alike. The device is available through Kickstarter until its eventual release in March 2018.

What is Benjamin Brush?

Dental hygiene is important at every age, but very few people brush their teeth correctly. Most people spend less than a minute brushing their teeth, and avoid changing out their toothbrush regularly. It is important to establish healthy brushing habits early on in life, and the Benjamin Brush makes the experience more fun.

The Benjamin Brush is easily the first of its kind. Even though there are many electric toothbrushes on the market, this is the only one that offers an integrate music store, playing the tunes that consumers enjoy to keep their brushing on track. With Sonic Vibe technology, and multiple brush heads, these toothbrushes help to get the deep clean that every person needs, without any damage to the enamel.

This toothbrush is the product of Bleep Bleeps, which was founded in the United Kingdom in 2013. They offer two other products right now, and their goal is to continue to make hygiene an enjoyable experience, helping kids to feel the desire to maintain it as they get older.

How It Works

The device is fairly straightforward. The directions in the package indicate how to turn on the device, but the rest of the functions automatically occur as the user brushes their teeth. The brush is entirely made of silicone, which is much more hygienic than standard bristles.

To control the settings on the device, consumers need to download the corresponding app that sets the schedule and the length of time the user brushes for.

Consumers have the choice of two brushes – the Pom-Pom brush and the Big Brush. The Pom-Pom is designed for toddlers and young children. The Big Brush is more beneficial for adults and children with adult teeth.

Using Benjamin Brush

The great part about the Benjamin Brush is that it is essentially used in the same way that any electronic toothbrush is used, only requiring that the user brushes their teeth while the music plays.

To help the user switch brushing positions, the toothbrush emits a vibration every 30 minutes to tell the user to switch positions. The music only plays for about two minutes, which is plenty of time for consumers to get the cleanliness they need.

Pricing For Benjamin Brush

When the Benjamin Brush is available for purchase, the retail cost will be $99.00. However, while consumers wait patiently for the device to be released in March 2018, they can pre-order it through a pledge on the product’s Kickstarter page.

While spots are open, consumers can pledge $55.00 to get the lowest pricing offered for the Benjamin Brush. However, once those spaces are fulfilled, the price will only go up by $59 until all the spots are filled.

While placing the order, consumers will have their choice of five assorted colors and two styles, depending on their needs.

Contacting the Creators of Benjamin Brush

Since the Benjamin Brush device is available through Kickstarter, consumers can post questions publicly on the website to gain more information before making a pledge.

However, to reach out to the creators directly, consumers can visit the Bleep Bleeps website and fill out the contact form at


Benjamin Brush turns a boring activity into something fun. With upbeat music from a wide range of artists, consumers can get their children excited about the ability to improve the quality of their teeth. Even though the brush has the same colorful quality as every child’s toothbrush, the larger brush head allows adults to get in on the hygienic action.

You need to prioritize your oral health before you end up with cavities, gingivitis, or worse. Luckily, the Benjamin Brush is the perfect motivator.

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