Benexia – Advanced Chia Seed Nutrition Ingredients & Products?


Benexia is a company established in Chile in 2005, and it specializes in commercialization and marketing of Chia products. Through its modernized manufacturing capacities and its technical customer service, it offers unique solutions for the industry while working with leading food companies in developing tasteful, nutritious, and attractive products and concepts based on Chia.

Benexia offers a variety of food grade Chia seed products and has a quality certification for the food industry. Its products include Benexia White Chia seed (WCS), Benexia Black Chia Seed (BCS), Benexia Low Moisture BCS/WCS/O, and the Organic options, Xia Oil and Xia Powder.

Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, which is a member of the mint family. The seeds of Salvia hispanica are sold under their common name Chia or other trademarked names. They are believed to have originated from Central America, where they were a staple food in the ancient Aztec diet. Chia seeds have in recent years gained attention as excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

They are also important nutritional sources of fiber at 10 rams per ounce, which is about two table spoonfuls and contain protein as well as vitamins and minerals which include iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Chia is a naturally occurring product with no cholesterol, sodium, toxins, or allergens. It is gluten free and very palatable.

Health Benefits of Using Benexia

Diabetes And Heart Health

Chia seeds contain fiber, protein, and alpha-linoleic acid, all of which have been linked to a healthy heart and stable blood sugar through preventing metabolic disorders such as dyslipidemia (excessive fat in blood) and insulin resistance.

Research conducted on rats by researchers at the University of Litoral in Argentina has indicated that chia seed consumption completely prevented the onset of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, and those suffering from these conditions completely recovered upon introduction of chia to their diet. They also lost visceral adipose tissue.

Chia seeds’ ability to lower blood pressure, reverse inflammation, and regulate cholesterol is important to ensure a healthy heart. In reducing the oxidative state due to consumption of chia seeds, the chances of developing atherosclerosis are reduced as well. A study out of Massachusetts has proven this.

Linoleic acid in chia seeds helps to absorb fat soluble vitamins, and the high content of omega-3 helps protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and low density lipoproteins. Omega-3 is also important in pregnant women, as it aids in the development of the baby’s brain.

Strong Bones

A single ounce of chia seeds has approximately 18 percent of the recommended daily amount of calcium. Calcium is important to maintaining strong, healthy bones and prevents osteoporosis. Chia also contains boron, which helps metabolize calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus for the healthy growth of bones and muscles.

Digestive Health And Weight Loss

There is no significant evidence to prove that consuming chia seed helps in weight loss. It is, however, true that eating chia seeds leads to satiety due to their high fiber content that allows them to hold onto water and consequently help you to eat less.

Chia provides about 11 grams per ounce of fiber, and according to the American Dietetic Association, one serving can provide the recommended fiber intake for the day. Being so rich in fiber, chia seeds can benefit the user by providing bowel regularity and promoting healthy stool.

In addition, consuming chia forms a gelatin like substance in the stomach due to the fiber in it. This can work as a prebiotic that supports the growth of gut probiotics which are beneficial.

Skin And Aging

Mexican researchers discovered that chia seeds have a total natural phenolic antioxidant concentration, which is nearly two times higher than previously thought. The antioxidant activity was demonstrated to stop up to 70 percent of free radical activity.

This just shows that chia seeds are one of nature’s richest antioxidant foods. Antioxidants hasten the skin repair system and prevent further damage. Essentially, consuming chia seeds can prevent premature skin aging due to inflammation and free radical damage.

Breast And Cervical Cancer

Chia seeds are a rich source of alpha lipoic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid. The Journal of Molecular Biochemistry found that ALA limited cancerous cell growth in both the breast and cervix. Researchers also established that it caused cell death of the cancerous cells with no damage to normal cells.

Side Effects of Using Benexia

Chia seeds are associated with few to no side effects. There is conflicting research over the effects of chia seeds on prostate cancer.

A study done with ALA and prostate cancer showed that the omega-3 fatty acid increases the risk of prostate cancer, although later on it was shown that the research had some bias. As a matter of fact, a study conducted in 2010 showed that ALA did not increase the risk of prostate cancer but actually decreased the risk.

Since chia seed s are small, consuming too much in one sitting may cause constipation, and it is therefore advised that you drink plenty of water.

Benexia Conclusion

Benexia guarantees purity and high quality chia products, owing to their certification in the food production industry that complies with any country’s food regulations. The produce are usually microbe free after processing, and therefore you can continually enjoy the benefits offered by the chia seeds as documented above.

However, it is important to note that chia is quite versatile. The chia based products produced by Benexia that offer the above benefits are: Chia Seeds, ALA Powder, Xia Oil, Xia Powder- 125 and 435, and Xia Oil Nano-E.

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