Bellafit – Smart Wearable Jewelry For Health Fitness Tracking?


Fitness trackers are very popular these days, as they can give you a lot of information about your daily activities. Unfortunately, they can also be cumbersome and unsightly, and don’t always match what you are wearing for the day. Fortunately, there is a company called Bellafit that is trying to change that.

Today we will be discussing Bellafit’s Kickstarter campaign. We will be reviewing their product, and helping you determine if their product is right for you and if you want to donate to their campaign.

What is Bellafit?

Bellafit is a company on Kickstarter that is trying to raise money for their product launch. They create beautiful covers for fitness trackers that can be easily put on and removed. Their designs fit over the most popular fitness tracker brands, and can be a beautiful cover up for these trackers.

Since the point of a fitness tracker is to track what you do every day, you don’t want to have to take it off while you are at work or in different settings. Make it a piece of jewelry instead by covering it up with a bracelet! This makes it more stylish and attractive to look at while you go about your day.

How Does Bellafit Work?

Bellafit works by snapping on top of your fitness tracker device. It has three different models, two sizes, and three different colors to choose from to create the best look for you. As you donate to their cause, you will help them create this business and start distribution.

Other benefits of the Bellafit Jewelry include:

  • It covers the fitness trainer but doesn’t hide it; this way you can still see your information through the bracelet
  • It is made from high quality materials that come in three colors to match any outfit
  • Can help protect the display of your fitness trainer by covering with a metal casing

How Will Bellafit Jewelry Benefit Me?

The Bellafit Jewelry will benefit you by helping you make your fitness tracker a stylish accessory that matches anything you wear. It can also help protect your fitness tracker display, and can help it last longer.

Who Makes Bellafit?

Bellafit Jewelry is made by a company called Bellafit. You can learn more about Bellafit and their campaign at


The Bellafit Jewelry is currently trying to raise money for their product launch. They currently have several levels of support to choose from:

  • $10.00: this donation level will support Bellafit Jewelry only
  • $25.00: this donation level will earn you a stainless steel water bottle with the Bellafit logo
  • $60.00: this donation level will allow you to choose a Bellafit in your choice of color ($35.00 off retail)
  • $80.00: this donation level will allow you to choose a Bellafit device in your choice of color ($15.00 off retail)
  • $85.00: this donation level will get you a gift package with a Bellafit in premium packaging and a special message
  • $150.00: this donation level will get you a pair of Bellafits in your choice of both model and color
  • $210.00: this donation level will get you 3 Bellafits in your choice of both model and color
  • $720.00: this donation level will get you 12 Bellafits in the models and colors of your choice. This donation level is designed for a retailer that may be interested in carrying Bellafit

If you want to purchase a Bellafit once the campaign is over, the price is currently set at $105.00 once they get started.

Should You Buy Bellafit Jewelry or Invest in Their Kickstarter?

If you are looking for a way to make your fitness tracker stylish, want a new piece of jewelry, or just want to support their campaign to get their business started, Bellafit may be for you. These stylish pieces are as functional as they are beautiful, and they can change the way you wear your fitness tracker.

For more information on the models they offer and what they can do for you, visit their website for details.

Bellafit Review Summary

You can learn more about Bellafit Jewelry, read about how this product can benefit you, and place your pledge for this product at their kickstarter website at

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