Bayesian Bodybuilding – Hardcore Muscle Building Methods?


With an overwhelming increase in people starving for knowledge on the practice and science behind personal training, Bayesian Bodybuilding has created a course delivering just that. With the completion of this course, you will not only come to a complete understanding and learn the Bayesian Bodybuilding methodology, but you will also become a certified Bayesian Bodybuilding Trainer, providing of course that you pass the exam.

This course is designed to be delivered completely online, and will feature one physical meetup. If you are unable to attend the physical meetup, it will be recorded. Throughout the course you can expect education on the science and practice of strength training, muscle hypertrophy, strength development and fat loss.

Bayesian Bodybuilding course is geared primarily to those in the physical training profession already and those who want to improve their delivery in strength training and fat loss with clients. However, others outside of the profession have successfully taken the course for their own self development.

What Is Included In The Bayesian Bodybuilding Course?

  1. Extensive recommended reading lists
  2. Videos and Articles
  3. Q&A Sessions
  4. Access to an exclusive Facebook group where you have access to others taking the course, feedback, suggestions, networking and more.
  5. Become and official Bayesian Bodybuilding Trainer (once you pass the exam)
  6. Have your personal training services featured for free on the Bayesian Bodybuilding website

The course runs for 7 months (28 weeks). This particular course has already commenced but providing you are confident in being able to catch up, there is availability for current registration. Presently the course is offered in English and Dutch with a Norwegian variation to be released at a later date.

How To Get Started With Bayesian Bodybuilding

This course has a fee of $199.00 per month, and is viewed as a business expense (for professionals) and after speaking with your tax specialist, can be used to save yourself financially on your taxes.

There is a generous refund policy in place where should you feel that you no longer wish to continue, you are only responsible for payment in the months that you were actively registered and completing the materials.

If you have previously enrolled in a Bayesian course, you will also receive a discount, so that you are only paying for new content to allow you to stay up to date on new content and materials.

Commons Questions Answered

Given that the course is completely designed for online learning, and with candidates from all over the world and different time zones, you are able to work at your own convenient times. Any live material will always be recorded and made available to registrants.

The Bayesian Bodybuilding course is specialized in fat loss and muscle growth primarily, and secondly strength development – having noted this, it does set it apart from other course such as NSCA, NASM, and ISSA available.

The course is designed to be completed on a part time basis, allowing you an opportunity to continue with other priorities you presently have – be it employment, other education, etc.

The successful passing rate currently for this course and exam is 97%. If you are unsuccessful in passing the exam, unfortunately you are not able to retake it – but are able to postpone it should you feel you require some more time to complete the materials and/or study.

Bayesian Bodybuilding Course Reviews

“I’ve read just about everything worth reading on the topic of nutrition and training in the last 15 years and have trained with almost a dozen of the Internet’s top physique coaches. Or at least I thought I had until I met Menno! I am astonished how much more I have learned in the short time since his course began. Not only that but Menno has a gift for being able to break down complicated topics into simple, tangible information that you can implement immediately in your client’s as well as your own programs. Bayesian reasoning at it’s best!

Menno’s PT course brought my coaching knowledge and skills to the next level, and I would highly recommend it to anyone else that’s seriously interested in doing the same.”

– Michael Bombard, Power Eng., Canadian physique coach

“I can’t recommend this PT Course highly enough! Menno is one of the most knowledgeable and inspiring people in the industry. If you want real science based knowledge that will make you stand out in this industry, this is for you.”

– Daniel Rimfjäll, Swedish personal trainer, author, owner of VarStudio4

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