Asonor Spray – Anti-Snoring Solution Nasal Relief Treatment?


Snoring is an extremely common condition that is experienced by over 90 million adults in the US.

Of these 90 million individuals, more than 37 million experience snoring on a regular basis, a condition that, while it may seem harmless, can cause a wide range of medical conditions far more serious that loss of sleep.

Snoring is characterized by a vibratory sound that occurs when the muscles of the throat and oesophagus relax during sleep, creating the familiar “snoring” sound.

Snoring can be caused on a temporary basis by a blocked nose or the common cold or flu, but in individuals that experience frequent loud snoring, the condition can be indicative of a serious health condition called obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea occurs when the floppy throat muscles that cause snorting relax entirely during sleep and obstruct the airways, restricting respiratory function and causing a cessation of breath.

Many individuals that experience sleep apnea go on to develop serious cardiovascular diseases and are far more likely to suffer a heart attack than individuals that sleep without snoring

Chronic snoring and sleep apnea can even require the use of a CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure device. CPAP machines require users to wear a mask while sleeping, and can cost thousands of dollars in addition to taking up space in the bedroom and making sleep difficult.

The best way to prevent snoring and sleep apnea is to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

There are many snoring solutions available on the market today, from head straps that lock the jaw in place to dietary supplements, but one of the newest solutions is also one of the most effective.

The Asonor Anti Snoring Solution is a groundbreaking new nasal spray that clears obstruction from the nasal passages and throat, preventing snoring before it occurs.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Asonor Anti Snoring Solution and find out how it works, as well as examining some of the clinical evidence that supports it to help you decide whether it’s the right anti-snoring solution for your needs.

What Is Asonor Spray?

Asonor is a groundbreaking new treatment for snoring that is unlike any other product on the market.

Created in Denmark, this revolutionary new method for eliminating snoring uses clinically proven principles that have been demonstrated in scientific medical trials to significantly reduce snoring rates and prevent the obstruction that causes it, helping individuals that suffer from snoring- and their partners- get a good night’s sleep.

The Asonor solution consists of a simple, easy to use nasal spray that clears the airways and keeps them strong during sleeping hours, preventing the collapsing muscle phenomenon that contributes to snoring and sleep apnea.

Asonor is a product from TannerMedico, one of the leading over-the-counter sleep health and snoring solution providers in the world.

Based in Scandinavia, TannerMedico adheres to rigorous European quality control standards when manufacturing products.

The entire Asonor range of snoring solutions are created via CGMP production techniques in Denmark, Spain, and Germany, ensuring a high level of effectiveness and purity.

Asonor is suitable for individuals that experience all forms of snoring- from light, intermittent snoring to heavy chronic snoring, the Asonor solution is able to quickly and effectively eliminate the root cause of snoring and keep the airways free and clear during sleep.

The Asonor solution provides individuals that suffer from snoring with a highly effective alternative to treatments such as laser therapy, which can be extremely costly and yields only short-term results.

One of the major differences between Asonor and other anti-snoring nasal sprays on the market is that Asonor maintain a completely transparent product formula policy.

Instead of obfuscating their ingredients behind proprietary formulas that make it impossible to determine whether a product causes negative side effects, Asonor make the full ingredient list of their solution available on both the product and the company website.

How Does Asonor Spray Work?

Asonor works through the principle of nasal dilation. The Asonor formula contains several ingredients that have been clinically proven to significantly reduce the symptoms of snoring and promote healthier, more regular unrestricted breathing patterns while sleeping.

The primary ingredient in the Asonor formula is Sodium chloride. The use of Sodium chloride as a treatment for snoring is supported by a large amount of clinical evidence.

A clinical investigation performed by St George's Hospital Medical School in London used a Sodium chloride solution to determine the effects of the compound on snoring, and found that it can significantly decrease snoring noise levels as well as minimizing airflow resistance[1].

Asonor also contains polysorbate 80, which is a nonionic surfactant that is commonly used in nasal sprays, as it functions as a nasal corticosteroid[2].

Topical application of nasal corticosteroids has been conclusively proven in many different clinical trials to effectively treat the root causes of snoring.

A 2004 clinical investigation performed by the University of Thessaly School of Medicine in 2004 found that nasal corticosteroid application is able to significantly improve breathing during individuals with sleep breathing disorders[3]

Another clinical investigation performed by the Respiratory Sleep Disorders Unit at the St Vincent's University Hospital in Ireland in 2004 found that intranasal corticosteroid application can minimize obstructive sleep apnea and improve airflow during sleep, effectively halting the process of snoring[4].

Lastly, the intranasal spray delivery method offered by the Asonor solution has been proven in clinical trials to function as one of the most effective treatments for snoring. A scientific trial conducted by the University of Florida found that the administration of a nasal decongestant significantly reduces snoring frequency, even in heavy sleepers[5].

Asonor Spray Snoring Solution Summary Review

The Asonor solution is backed up by a large amount of compelling clinical evidence that proves its effectiveness.

The most compelling feature of the Asonor solution, however, is its price when compared to extremely expensive therapeutic solutions.

Asonor is available for just $31.00 USD per bottle, with discounts available for larger orders, making it one of the most cost effective solutions on the market.

If you’re looking for the most effective anti-snoring solution on the market, Asonor is the best choice available.

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