ARYA Curcumin+ – Turmeric Curcumin Infused Sparkling Water?


Before we delve into a more detailed description of the various products, let us first try to understand why the manufacturer has laid so much importance on the presence of curcumin (which is derived from turmeric) in the various products on offer. Turmeric is often underrated, and has been relegated to the realms of being a coloring agent (yellow).

However, what many people fail to realize is that turmeric is a natural anti inflammatory compound that provides us with a host of medical benefits. In terms of usage, the extract has been used since ancient times in countries like India.

All of the traditional food dishes in India contain a dash of turmeric during the preparation phase. Recent studies have shown that regular use of this compound can supply major benefits for one’s body and brain.

Based upon clinical evidence, some of the key benefits of turmeric include:

  • Anti Inflammatory: many clinical studies have shown that when people were supplied with a regular dose of turmeric in their diet, they saw a visible decrease in issues like swelling, muscle pain, joint aches. This is because the dilatory active agents loosen up the vessels in the constricted regions, thereby allowing for a relaxation based sensation to be induced in that particular area.
  • Antioxidants: recent studies have shown that the amount of antioxidants present in this compound are extremely high. This allows for an increase in our overall immunity levels. Similarly, these antioxidants counter the ill effects of any free radicals or toxins present within our bodies. This results in a brighter and more vibrant complexion.
  • Brain Function: in recent years, many studies have started providing evidence in relation to the fact that turmeric can improve cognition and mood states. Regular use has been shown to increase memory retention, mental sharpness, heighten awareness, increase clarity of thought. Similarly, it also allows for a secretion of serotonin which results in a person feeling much calmer and collected.

About Arya

Arya is an all new range of ‘curcumin infused sparkling water’. Using its special formula that includes the use of curcumin, antioxidants, natural fruit extracts, it is able to allow users to extract a host of physical benefits. As previously mentioned, curcumin is derived from a natural plant called turmeric.

This plant has been used in India for over 2000 years. However, its use in the waste has only gained momentum in the west in the past 5-10 years. During this time span, a lot of clinical studies have been devoted to finding out what makes this plant so popular in the east. Upon thorough investigation, researchers have found that curcumin (the basic active agent in turmeric) is highly potent, and can allow users to reap a wide plethora of benefits.

Key Benefits of ARYA Curcumin+

  • Cardiovascular Health: curcumin has been shown in many trials to increase the working efficiency of a human heart. Due to its natural cleansing properties, the active agents are able to get rid of harmful accumulations from within our arterial network. This results in an increased flow of blood within one’s body, which in turn increases our overall productivity and working efficiency.
  • Anti Cancer Properties: curcumin has been found to be highly effective against some forms of cancer. It prevents the unregulated growth of certain tissues so that the metabolism of an individual can stay under control.
  • Arthritis, Joint Health:in Southeast Asia many older people consume a small tablespoon of turmeric (locally known as Haldi) along with milk in the night. This is done in order to improve arthritic pain related issues, as well as increase muscle and structural health. Due to its amazing anti inflammatory properties, turmeric is able to reduce pain and swelling related problems.
  • Antidepressant: In a clinical study involving 60 people, two groups were formed wherein one group was given prozac for their depression, and the other was fed a table spoon of turmeric in their meals. Upon the commencement of 60 days, it was found that the depression alleviating benefits of both compounds were nearly the same. Curcumin has been found to boost BDNF levels, which allows for increased cranial activity. There is also some evidence that curcumin can boost the production of certain brain neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine

ARYA Curcumin+ Product Range

The various ARYA Curcumin+ product variants that are on offer include:

  • Arya Notes of Berry: this loaded sparkling water has been infused with the antioxidative benefits of various essential berries. The primary ingredients include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, which not only give the water a nice subtle fruity flavour, but also allow for many medical benefits
  • Arya Twist of Lime: this variant comes packed with a zesty punch that is proved through fresh ‘yellow lemon extract’. Due to its natural citric nature, the solution is able to act as a potent internal cleanser, thereby eliminating various bacterial accumulations and toxins from within our bodies.
  • Arya Hint of Lime: this flavour is made using green lemons which have a raw tasting natural aspect to them. Like the latter product, ‘Hint of Lime’ contains a host of antioxidants which are very effective in clearing the antibodies from within our systems. Thus, users will see benefits like increased skin vitality, radiant complexion and glowing skin.

ARYA Curcumin+ Pricing and Availability

The manufacturer is not selling the range directly on his portal. However, there are links provided to online shopping stores like Walmart and Sears which offer ARYA Curcumin+ in larger quantities.

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