Amino Vital Golf Review – Boost Your Skill On The Course Today!


Amino Vital Golf is a lineup of nutritional supplements advertised primarily towards amateur and professional golfers. Find out if Amino Vital can improve your game today in our review.

What is Amino Vital?

Amino Vital is a lineup of nutritional supplements that promises to improve your game by helping you focus, stay energized, and recover. The company behind Amino Vital makes two core supplement lineups, including the Golf bundle and the Endurance bundle.

For this review, we’re talking about the Golf bundle, also known as Amino Vital Golf. The bundle includes three supplements that improve your game in some way or another.

As you may have guessed from the name, Amino Vital supplements work by providing your body with the daily dose of amino acids it needs. These amino acids are “vital for peak performance”, explains the manufacturer.

Amino Vital isn’t some trendy supplement that just appeared online: it’s been used by golfers for 15 years. It’s also made by a Japanese nutritional giant that was founded in 1909.

Golf is a game of tiny motions and intense focus. That’s why one of the core promises of Amino Vital is that it will energize you without giving you jitters. It’s not loaded with caffeine or other stimulants: it just gives your body the good, clean energy it needs.

How Do Amino Vital Supplements Work?

There are three core Amino Vital supplements marketed towards golfers, including Fast Charge (for energy), Focus Zone (for cognitive focus), and Pro-R (to recover after a golf game). Below, you’ll find a brief overview of each one.

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Fast Charge ($39.99 for 30 Sticks)

Fast Charge comes in the form of a stick pack. It’s recommended that you take 1 to 3 sticks over the course of a golf game or workout. You rip open the stick and pour it directly into your mouth: you don’t need to drink it with water or any other liquid (although the manufacturer recommends drinking plenty of water after you’ve consumed the powder).

Each stick contains a proprietary blend of 2.5 grams of amino acids – which is towards the lower end of a recommended dosage. That blend contains L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine. To prepare for a workout, some bodybuilders take 2.5 grams of one or two of these amino acids alone, so those who want a bigger burst of energy will want to take three sticks.

To help boost your energy even further, there’s also a B vitamin complex – similar to what you would find in energy drinks.

The sticks have a special delivery system: they use a proprietary technology called Aji-Dry that means you don’t have to mix it with liquids. You don’t need to add the stick to a water bottle or shake it. The manufacturer claims this leads to faster intake and faster bioavailability. By taking it 20 to 30 minutes before a workout or golf game, you should be energized and ready to go.

Focus Zone ($45.99 for 32 Sticks)

Focus Zone uses more amino acids to enhance your focus during training and competition.

Similar to Fast Charge, Focus Zone contains a 2.4g amino acid mixture featuring BCAAs, glutamine, arginine, and electrolytes.

It’s available in two flavors: grape sensation and lemon flash. You’re supposed to take Focus Zone during your competition to help maintain your energy and focus – so you won’t get distracted or fatigued when you hit the back 9.

Pro-R ($39.99 for 60 Servings)

Pro-R is an amino acid recovery system designed to be taken after your competition or training. It contains 3.6g of BCAAs, glutamine, arginine, complex carbs, and electrolytes.

Together, these ingredients help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery.

Ingredients include Blueberry Blast, Grape Sensation, and Lemon Delicious. Just like Fast Charge, the makers of the formula recommend taking one stick for mild training or competition or increasing the dosage to 2 or 3 sticks after intense training or competition.

Pro-E ($45.99 for 60 Servings)

Pro-E is not specifically sold as part of the Amino Vital Golf package. Instead, it’s sold as part of the separate Recovery package – but there’s nothing stopping you from ordering it to improve your golf game.

Endurance is an amino acid endurance mix that promises to give you the strength and endurance you need to push through tough training. It contains BCAAs, glutamine, arginine, complex carbs, and electrolytes. By taking it before or during your training, you can enjoy a rapid boost of energy that sticks around for the remainder of your workout.

The makers of Amino Vital recommend taking this during training or competition to maintain stamina and delay muscle fatigue.

Flavors of Pro-E include Berry Crush, Lemon Splash, and Orange Zest. Unlike formulas like Fast Charge, you’re supposed to mix Pro-E with water and shake before consuming it.

How Do Amino Acids Work?

In all of the supplements listed above, there’s a common theme: amino acids go to work repairing your body and helping you recover.

But what exactly are amino acids and how do they enhance your performance? Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Your body chains amino acids together to make protein, and then it uses that protein to repair your body and generate energy.

As the makers of Amino Vital explain, “amino acids are essential protein in its purest form.”

By taking amino acids directly, you save your body a step in the digestion process. Instead of feeling bloated and gross like you do after taking too much protein, you’ll feel energized and ready to perform.

The owner of the Amino Vital brand was one of the first companies in the world to make pharmaceutical-grade amino acids between 99% and 100% purity.

Who Makes Amino Vital?

Amino Vital is a registered trademark of Ajinomoto Co., Inc.

That company’s North American address is based in Raleigh, North Carolina. The company is well-known for its Amino Vital lineup of nutritional supplements as well as its proprietary technologies like AijPure and Aji-Dry, which deliver 99% to 100% pure amino acids into your body with higher bioavailability.

As a testament to their purity, Ajinomoto’s amino acids are widely used in IV solutions, infant formulas, prescription medications, and other specialty medical products.

The company was founded in Japan in 1909 and was one of the world’s first companies to conduct extensive research on amino acids. Today, the company employs 30,000 people in 23 countries around the world.

You can contact Ajinomoto by calling (888) 264-6673.

Should You Take Amino Vital to Improve Your Golf Game?

Amino Vital is primarily advertised towards golfers, but it can also be used by bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, or anyone else who wants highly-pure amino acids delivered into their body in a highly bioavailable way. The company’s supplements are used by tour professionals and recommended by certain golf coaches.

The only drawback is that some people may find themselves taking a double or triple dosage of Amino Vital in order to get the amino acids they need. Each serving typically contains 2.5g of amino acids. Considering some people like to take a dose of 2.5g of just one BCAA or amino acid, that may not be enough, and the price could quickly add up if you’re doubling or tripling your dosage.

Nevertheless, Amino Vital supplements are pure, high-quality supplements that contain the right ingredients to achieve your golf and training goals.

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