Alpha Boost – Do These “Smart” Pills Make You Limitless?


Alpha Boost Review – Powerful Nootropic?

In today’s world of constant distractions, it can be difficult to stay focused. When you can’t even stay on task for more than a few minutes without being interrupted by an incoming call or getting lost in the black hole of social media, it’s pretty hard to imagine slaying your next big project without major setbacks. See if a recently released Nootropic Smart Drug called Alpha Boost is right for you.

How to Stay Focused for Your Next Big Project

But believe it or not, you don’t have to have magical powers to stay focused at work. Just like staying in shape or keeping a balanced budget, maintaining your edge at work all comes down to creating a routine of good habits and sticking to it.

Stop Hitting Snooze

When your alarm goes off in the morning, your first instinct is probably to hit snooze…about eight times. But if you can resist the urge to sleep in, your day will go much better. Falling back asleep after being woken up by your alarm throws off your body’s natural sleep cycle, and can make it much harder for you to get through the day.

Measure Objectives, Not Hours

When you measure your success by goals achieved instead of by time spent, you’re much more likely to finish what you’ve started. Write out your to-do list, and keep track of your top priority objectives. Pick out a realistic number of tasks each morning that you will complete that day.

When distractions arise, think carefully about whether or not you will be able to finish the day’s objectives if you allow yourself to get sucked in. Hold yourself accountable for meeting your own deadlines, even if no one else knows about them.

Chunk Your Time

The longer we work on the same task without taking a break, the easier it becomes to get distracted and lose focus. Our brains react much better to working in 1-2 hour chunks of time rather than longer periods. Set your day up in sections, and chunk your time according to what you will be doing and when you want to take a break.

Your breaks don’t have to be the full hour you would take for lunch, either. A small 5 minute break is enough to hit the reset button, especially if you will be switching to another task once you get started again. Use your break to get your brain refocused. You can listen to music, walk around the office, or grab a snack – as long as you’re doing something that takes your mind off of what you are working on.

Block Out Temptation

The best way to avoid distractions when you really need to get hyper-focused is to get rid of them completely. Close out any windows on your computers that you are not using for the specific task at hand. Get off of social media, close out of your email, and turn off your phone. If you have access to a work area that is secluded from others, retreat inside it and shut the door.

You may need to set up some sort of protocol to ensure that you will still receive urgent messages, but make sure that only the truly important information can make it through. This will be easier to do if you have an assistant who can screen your calls and scan your emails to let you know if there are any that truly need your attention.

Avoid Multi-Tasking

I know this seems counter-intuitive when you’re really trying to get things done, but multi-tasking can actually hurt your productivity if you are easily distracted. For some of us, even re-organizing our to-do lists 18 times seems more favorable than tackling a bigger task we really don’t want to take on. The best way to ensure that you don’t shy away from anything on your agenda is to make a habit of only doing one thing at a time.

Check email at set times and then close the window. Don’t let an incoming message stop you in your tracks when you are working on something else. When you’re in a meeting, be active and alert. Don’t check your phone or doodle on your notepad. When you’re taking calls, give your full attention to the caller instead of working on something else while they are talking.

In addition to making you seem more attentive and professional (because you are), this will also help you form a habit of only doing one thing at a time.

Take Advantage of Technology

So many of the distractions we deal with today are caused by the wonders of technology. But luckily, technology can also be used as a helpful tool to guard against distractions and help you take control. There are many programs and apps that can be used to keep track of where you are spending your time and even block out your screen so that you cannot do anything else until you are finished with your current task.

Analyze Your Behavior

Time tracking apps can help, but you also need to actively pay attention to what you are doing throughout the day and how it is affecting your efficiency. Once you learn to recognize where all your time is going, you can begin cutting out activities that detract from your success.

Hack Your Brain

Have you ever heard of “Biohacking”?

The name may sound scientific, but the concept is simple: know the effects of anything that you put in your body, and use that knowledge for self-improvement.

When you wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee, you know that coffee is going to wake you up and give you the energy you need to start your day. But what if you need more than energy?

When you are trying to focus on a big project, energy alone doesn’t cut it. You also need to improve your concentration and maintain your focus. When those are the effects you are looking for, coffee might not be the best idea. What you really need is a Nootropic.

Nootropics provide a natural energy source that also stimulates receptors in your brain that help with learning, memory, and cognitive reasoning. So instead of just waking up your body, you are also waking up your brain and giving yourself a leg up that will help you focus on getting the job done.

The best Nootropic I can recommend is Alpha Boost. It’s a safe and effective supplement that seriously delivers. Alpha Boost provides more energy than coffee or energy drinks without the harmful side effects, helps you to ignore distractions, and really dials you in so that you can stay alert and attentive to the task at hand. It even helps with memory and increases brain activity, so you can not only focus, but improve your mental performance as well.

If you’re looking for the best way to stay focused at work or on your next big project, it’s the absolute best method for getting things done.

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