Joe Barton’s Acid Reflux Remedy – Real Solution Kit?


Acid Reflux Remedy Review – Why Buy?

Acid Reflux Disease, also known as GERD, affects 60 percent of the adult population. The disease impacts the body’s digestive system and is usually associated with heartburn and indigestion. Those with GERD experience symptoms more than just once in a while, but twice a week. The difficulty with GERD is that there are very few ways to remedy the solution. Relief mainly comes in the form of medicines that stop working overtime and that can be more harmful than good.

One product that purports to remedy acid reflex is Bob Barton’s Acid Reflux Remedy.

What is the Acid Reflux Remedy?

The Acid Reflux Remedy is a product developed by Bob Barton and his father, who both tried numerous remedies to treating chronic heart burn resulting from acid reflux disease. For them, the impact of acid reflux was debilitating and came in the form of horrible heart burn, regurgitation of food, chest pain, dental erosion, and even asthma-like symptoms. Rather than continuously rely upon misleading and ineffective information provided to them by medical professionals, Bob Barton’s dad tried a different approach – changing his diet by incorporating more apples.

The program is based on the premise that apples are a natural, cost-effective, and easy remedy to heart burn – and based upon trial and error and continuous testing, it seems true. However, both Bob Barton and his dad pushed to learn more and to develop a program that works for longer than just one night. After years of work, the two developed the Acid Reflux Solution Kit.

The kit is a thorough and insightful approach to relieving GERD. Keep in mind that while this program worked for Bob Barton and his father, it seems that most people do well with the product when their symptoms are not as severe. The program is currently published by Bob Barton publishing, which provides individuals with remedies for other health ailments too.

An Alternative to Traditional Medicine

Bob Barton’s program is useful if you are looking for an alternative option to traditional medicine. The program is designed in a manner that allows you to take a natural and medicine-free approach to your health. If you do decide to use the program, the best thing to do is to determine whether you notice results. If you do and are satisfied, then there is no reason not to continue with the program.

However, if the impact is not as pronounced as you want, then you may want to incorporate traditional medicine into your diet too. Either way, the program is a potential alternative and does work for many.

Also, the program is ideal for you if you are looking for a way to reduce the impact of acid reflux, without spending hundreds of dollars on medications. As the creator of the program notes, “that’s my life mission – to see people healed without watching them drain their bank accounts.” With this program, you can avoid spending hundreds of dollars since it is very fairly priced.

The Acid Reflux Solution Kit

When ordering this program, you receive a kit in the mail that gives you everything that you need to eliminate your acid reflux disease. The natural solution is one of the easiest programs to implement into your diet and it is also very convenient. Here is an overview of what the kit includes and what each portion of the kit entails for your acid reflux:

Information about Acid Reflux

First and foremost, the kit contains information about acid reflux, such as the causes and why you may have developed it. By getting the preliminary information out of the way and ensuring that you understand everything that you need to about acid reflux, you are better able to implement the program into your daily lifestyle.

Home Remedies

Once you bypass the informational stage of the program, the program contains a book about all of the different home remedies that you can incorporate into your diet using items that you likely already have at home. While you need to read the book to see what the home remedies are, many individuals who have used the program note that many of them do work. The effectiveness overall depends upon how severe your acid reflux disease is. In addition, the home remedies are simple and well-written so that there is no confusion.

The main home remedy that the program advocates for is adding more apples to your diet. The apples can be different variations such as golden delicious, braeburn, fuji, and red delicious. Regardless of which variation you choose, you are bound to see results.

Tips and Tricks to Relieve the Pain

Even with the home remedies and apple solutions discussed above, you are still likely to have bouts of acid reflux from time to time. To address this issue, the kit also includes books about tips and tricks to relieve the pain. The tips and tricks are short and easy things that you can do throughout your day and according to the program, they are proven to work.

Cost of the Program and Ordering

The program can be ordered online at the brand’s website. Ordering is possible 24/7 and when you order, you also receive a free bonus pamphlet that detail remedies for other health conditions. The program costs $37.97 plus shipping and handling. Overall, the cost is pretty minimal compared to other options on the market.

Also, when you purchase, your payment is completely secure and is guaranteed by Barton Publishing. If you have any issues, then you can contact the customer service line through Buy Safe, which is also on the brand’s website.


Taking care of your health should be your upmost concern. If you suffer from GERD, then this program is a great solution to treat your condition so that you can live a normal and pain-free life. Best of all, the program provides you with all of the information that you need to make a lifestyle change that is certainly for the better.

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