Ab Doer Twist – Practical Abdominal Execise Trainer Any Good?


Gaining and maintaining an athletic physique is the primary goal of many people who diet and participate in regular workout regimes. One of the key identifiers of an athletic physique is “six pack” abs, or low body fat that reveals the abdominal muscles. As part of the core, the abdominal muscles are extremely hard to target during physical exercise outside of compound movements like squats or painful situps.

A new workout tool, however, offers fitness enthusiasts a fast and effective way of targeting the abdominals to build six pack abs in a fraction of the time with far less effort. The Ab Doer Twist is a revolutionary breakthrough in workout machine technology, offering users toned muscles and greatly enhanced aerobic exercise through the use of patented and innovative torsion flex technology. Ergonomically designed to provide the body with support through and ab workout, the Ab Doer Flex is the machine for creating ripped, firm six pack abs quickly and easily.

What is the Ab Doer Twist?

The Ab Doer Twist is the world’s first seater aerobic machine, offering the full benefits of a comprehensive abdominal and core workout while delivering top to bottom spine and lumbar support, preventing unwanted workout injuries and sprains. Designed to activate a wide range of muscle groups including the abdominal muscles and the satellite muscles around them such as the adonis belt, the Ab Doer Twist dramatically reduces the total time required to build ripped, rock hard abs.

Consisting of a seated frame that the user rocks from side to side through varying levels of intensity, the Ab Doer Twist targets all of the muscles from the anterior deltoids to the abdominals and even the glutes, delivering an all over workout that melts away stubborn adipose fat deposits to reveal healthy, vital abdominal muscles with minimal effort.

Easy to fold up, pack away and store, the Ab Doer Twist can be quickly disassembled into a flat, easily manageable flat pack for simple storage. The Ab Doer Twist protects fitness enthusiasts from the dangerous injuries that can be common in hazardous free weight exercises such as squatting and deadlifts, while still delivering olympic powerlifting levels of muscle development and fat burning.

How Does the Ab Doer Twist Work?

The Ab Doer Twist leverages insights into the science behind muscle growth and fat burning to deliver its incredible ab building effect. The process of muscle development and growth is known as hypertrophy. When the body is subjected to intense aerobic exercise, the cells in the muscle tissue are damaged. This damage causes the body to repair itself, splitting the damaged cells into two separate cells, through a process called mitosis.

The Ab Doer Twist promotes a higher state of hypertrophy by targeting the specific muscles that cause abdominal six pack growth through movements that are scientifically designed by expert sports motion professionals to deliver the exact amount of muscle stress and tension to foster growth without causing damage or pain, creating the ultimate balance between cell division and damage.

The Ab Doer Twist is suitable for all body types of both sexes, for people of all ages. Unlike other workout solutions that require expensive gym memberships or even more expensive personal training sessions, the Ab Doer Twist can be assembled, used and packed up in the comfort of your own home, delivering incredible results with only 20 minutes of exercise per day.

The modular nature of the Ab Doer Twist even allows users to increase the resistance of their Ab Doer by installing extra resistance rods that can be ordered separately, increasing the power and motion of the Ab Doer to create even stronger, more impressive abs.

Ab Doer Twist Pricing & Availability

The Ab Doer Twist is available from both the Ab Doer Twist website and a number of other online retailers, including Amazon, for an average retail price of $127.99, far cheaper than even one month of a typical US gym membership.

If you’re looking for a fast acting and highly effective method of building six pack abs in no time, the Ab Doer Twist is one of the best and most cost effective core workout tools available on the market today.

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