Nick Tait’s Ab Assault Fitness Program – Game Of Scales’ Sixpack Science?


Ab Assault is a downloadable Clickbank eBook that promises to use sports science to unlock your untapped abdominal strength. Read our review to find out how Ab Assault works.

What is Ab Assault?

Ab Assault is a $10 downloadable eBook sold online through The eBook is bundled as part of a package with Sixpack Science. If you just purchased Sixpack Science, then you’ll automatically be redirected to an offer to buy Ab Assault.

So you’re probably wondering: is Ab Assault worth the extra $10 USD?

The eBook claims to help you get the abs you’ve always wanted – similar to the promises made in Sixpack Science. While Sixpack Science focuses mainly on the exercises you need to perform to get six pack abs, Ab Assault focuses more on the foods and dieting strategies you need to get a six pack.

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how Ab Assault promises to give you abs.

What Will You Learn in Ab Assault?

Ab Assault breaks down its lessons into the following fourteen points. Some of these points are pretty much just a few sentences or a paragraph, while others require a longer and more detailed explanation. In any case, here are the fourteen main lessons you’ll learn through Ab Assault:

1) The number one reason we overeat, including how to cut out calories you didn’t even know you were eating

2) Mental tricks to end the mindless snacking, so you’ll stop snacking on foods that steal away your six pack

3) Why you should never deny yourself a food group or remove a whole food group from your diet

4) How to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in your body, allowing you to stay in an anabolic state where you can constantly build muscle

5) A quick question that reveals what you should eat every day

6) The most powerful ways to prevent stress from destroying your life and controlling your health

7) Why the foods you eat while drinking alcohol will almost always be stored as fat

8) How often should you feed yourself? The author explains why eating a larger number of smaller meals has “zero effect on your metabolism”

9) Why your hand is the perfect way to measure food portions

10) Table of 68 six pack superfoods that make you fit, not fat

11) How to prepare your meals for the week in one day

12) How you can use “Carb Syncing” strategies to turn the most delicious foods into your new best friends by forcing insulin to go to work for you – instead of keeping fat glued to your body

13) Learn different methods of cardio, including the pros and cons of each method and how to use those methods to burn fat

14) Why crunches aren’t going to give you the six pack abs you want. Instead, the book recommends 31 core exercises “even experienced trainers should add into their workout programs”.

Ultimately, Ab Assault is primarily a dietary manual – but it also contains 31 core exercises that can vastly enhance the effects of the Sixpack Science program.

You don’t need to purchase Sixpack Science to buy Ab Assault. You can visit the Ab Assault sales page regardless of whether you’ve previously purchased anything from Nick, the author of Ab Assault.

Ab Assault Pricing

Ab Assault is priced at $10 USD. It’s sold online through, where the online form accepts MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover, and PayPal. You’ll be directed to Clickbank to pay.

Like all Clickbank purchases, Ab Assault comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. You even get to keep Ab Assault after you’ve requested the refund – so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Who Wrote Ab Assault?

Ab Assault was made by the same guy who wrote Sixpack Science, Nick Tait.

According to the main Ab Assault sales page, Nick has “trained world champions, professional athletes, cover models, and even helped house moms become world record holders.”

Nick claims that he bills his clients at a price of $150 per session. Nick is based in Australia and is known for his other online product, Sixpack Science.

Should You Use Ab Assault to Get Better Abs?

Ab Assault is a series of dietary rules – and exercises – you can perform to get better abs. The lessons work in conjunction with the lessons in Sixpack Science – which was written by the same author.

If you appreciated Sixpack Science, or you just want a cheap ab training manual, then the $10 fee for Ab Assault seems like a reasonable price – especially since you get a 60 day money back guarantee (and get to keep the manual to boot).

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