Goplus Electric Treadmill For Seniors – Walking & Jogging Machine?


It is surprising how a majority of us who were very active when young will suddenly grow complacent and lazy as we get older. And most of us will blame the dipping energy levels, longer recovery time and a tanking metabolism rate for this.

Then there are those who complain of the dire lack of exercising equipment that is optimized for seniors. Which, of course, explains the need for such a jogging machine and treadmill that is fitted with relatively longer handles.

Features & Benefits of Using the Goplus Electric Treadmill For Seniors

The Goplus Electric Treadmill For Seniors is not just particularly made for seniors but also designed with their ergometric in mind. Here are some of the leading features of this exercising machine.

1. It's Perfect for Seniors

The Goplus treadmill is made with a combination of two extra holding arms that are conveniently wrapped with a strong foaming that can effectively stave off potential accidents as the elder works out. Unlike regular electric treadmills, it's well-cushioned to prevent the chances of accidental injuries during workouts.

2. Boasts a Solid Construction

The well-wrapped and cushioned frames are constructed using solid but light version steel. This way, it is not surprising that the walking machine weights just a little more than 220 lbs. with dimensions measuring approximately 45.5″ by 15”. Having said that, the running belt that is included in the final set-up will give you a sturdy workout experience without compromising on sheer comfort.

3. Superior Foot Rest and Pads Design

There's something about a strenuous workout that makes it necessary for designers to incorporate foot pads in this electric treadmill. The foot pad effectively protects the sole of your feet from shock sustained during running/jogging by effectively damping it and redirecting it elsewhere.

4. Employs a Limb Safety Guaranteed Design

Unlike conventional treadmills that are made for the younger generation, the Goplus Electric Treadmill For Seniors meant for seniors integrates a safety key feature.

You can use the safety-stop key to initiate an emergency halt in the event of an accident/problem that will require you to stop working out immediately. This is practically useful for seniors who are constantly at a risk of developing heart and metabolism related complication while engaging in high-intensity cardio.

5. The Brightly Illuminated LED Screen

Goplus Electric Treadmill For Seniors integrates an incredibly easy-to-read LED screen that displays the workout stats while exercising.

This includes the speed, the number of calories burned, the distance covered while jogging or running, the mode of performance. This makes it exceedingly easy for one to keep track of their workout performance. Besides, monitoring their progress becomes as easy as a walk in the park.

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