Immunotec – Immunocal, MiForm & Elasense Skin Products MLM?


Immunotec is a company that produces products that are aimed at improving the lives of people on a daily basis. It is a company that started with the immune system, taking the focus away from what most companies tend to focus on.

While most companies offer wellness, health, and beauty products, Immunotech tends to focus more on opportunity and products based on ground breaking science. The company has been in existence for over 20 years, giving consumers products that are reliable and a network of marketing opportunities.

The story of the company is grounded in their 40 years of research and 20 years of marketing. Their research is based on the immune system. The company offers high-quality wellness and science products that have been nutritionally proven to improve the quality of life and performance in people.

The company does not just stop at giving the people the products they need, but also by empowering them with a market opportunity where they can share the products with others.

Immunotec’s Story

Immunotec started 40 years ago in Montreal, Canada, when scientists discovered the role of one specific whey protein isolate. The whey protein isolate now commonly known as immunocal raises the levels of glutathione, a molecule known as the body’s master antioxidant. These very same scientists went ahead and teamed up with veteran marketing gurus to form what we’ve come to know as Immunotec.

The company would then grow and create the immunocal as their first product which has gained recognition across the world. The product has even been listed in some of the respected medical publications. Since then, the company has grown tremendously and created several other products, all aimed at the wellness and health of people around the world.

In simple terms, Immunotec is a company based on what consumers out there want. Some of the things people want nowadays are health, inner and outer beauty, and wellness. The company has created products for all these categories with the aim of improving the daily lives of people while also giving them an new opportunity for earning a living.

The company’s science based line of products range from probiotics, multivitamins, and Omega-3 to several other products that help support:

  • Weight Management
  • Joint Health
  • Mental Alertness

The company has not stopped there with their, most recent line of products looking to address skin issues.

Here, they have developed a wide range of skin care products. When people join Immunotec, they not only get products that improve their daily lives but also get an opportunity to sell the products, make money, and improve the lives of others. The network marketing is done online, which means you have a home-based business where you can work from home selling the Immonotec products online.

Why Are These Products Needed?

The products manufactured by Immunotec are products that consumers require in their daily lives. These are not just any products manufactured randomly but products that have undergone 40 years of research to truly find out what people want in their lives. There are three categories of products that are aimed to address the day-to-day problems suffered by people.

These categories are:

  • Health And Wellness
  • Weight Management
  • Elasense Skin Care

When you look at the problems people look to solve nowadays, most of them fall under the categories of the products provided by the company. Health and wellness are a major concern for people nowadays as we strive to live a healthier life in a world where junk foods have filled the market.

Getting your nutritional requirements from food is never easy with the methods of cooking used and the choices of foods available to us. This is a problem that is addressed by Immunotec, which has a line of products that aim to supplement the nutrients we lack in our foods.

There is a wide range of vitamins and minerals all aimed at supplementing what our body lacks. Some of the common products under this line produced by the company include:

These are just a few of the products you can expect in the health and wellness category. The other two categories of skin care and weight management also have great products that aim to solve the daily issues people face.

The Immunotec products are highly recommended as they support a healthy life. They are needed by everybody and proven to work after undergoing a lot of research.

The story of the company and their products is a unique one that will improve your life and support you in every way possible. If you’re looking for health, strength, and performance, then you’re more than welcome to check out the company’s various products.

The company’s products are among the best in each category and recognized by medical professionals and researchers worldwide. The company has continued to set high standards for the products that come to the market.

Immunotec is reputable and works with a team of experts to make its products the best. The ever expanding lines of new products are made by some of the best scientists and research experts in the world. The company stands out as the only company with non-drug nutritional products that have been listed by specialties, Physician's Desk of reference, and the compendium of pharmaceuticals.

Most of the company’s products have incorporated the Immunocal science as they look to produce products that address the issues of the people from the inside out.

Benefits of Immunotec

The benefits of the company’s products are many and depend on the product chosen. Each of the products here has certain benefits. We will review a few of the products and their benefits to give you an idea of what you stand to gain. The main product which actually led to the creation of the company was immunocal, which is also known as the glutathione precursor.

Immunocal is a formulated whey protein that has been proven to help with the immune system. The immune system works complexly, but its ability to obtain the glutathione molecule boost its ability to protect us.

Glutathione is present in every cell in human bodies, where it plays a critical role in our health. The constant use of the molecule and the fact that it is hard to replace leads to its depletion. The molecule is the master antioxidant in our bodies and plays a key role in detoxification. When we introduce immunocal, it boosts the production of glutathione, which leads to maintenance of a stronger immune system.

There are hundreds of products on the market with the aim of boosting your immune system, but none has undergone the rigorous clinical testing Immunocal has undergone. It is a proven molecule that has been greatly published and most of the benefits it offers come from the fact that it can regulate glutathione.

Here are some of the benefits of the product:

  • The Immunocal compound acts as a major source of the glutathione, which is the precursor cysteine for maintaining a strong immune system in people.
  • The whey immunocal protein has a high biological value to the body
  • It also works as a source of protein, whereby it repairs body tissues and builds strong antibodies
  • When combined with exercise, this protein will help build strong muscles and improve performance
  • The protein is also a source of the essential amino acids required in the body for a healthy life
  • The protein can also be used as a workout supplement by athletes and people who exercise regularly
  • When this protein is combining with a balanced diet and regular training, it helps in the development of lean muscles.

When you need a strong immune system, incorporating this product into your diet and workout routine makes good sense. It is a product that is scientifically proven to work and one that will help you on a daily basis.

While this is just one of the many products the company offers, it is the main one that leads to what they have built and is included in many of the other products they offer today. The discovery of the immunocal protein has driven the company upwards and given rise to the other categories of products so it is not the only way to benefit from the company.

The company manufactures several other products that also have several health benefits. Products like K-21, for example, help you to metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

You will be glad to know that most products have the immunocal incorporated so that you can benefit with a strong immune system on top of other benefits. We will not list all the products in this article, but the company has done that for you on their website. You will be able to see the specific benefits of every product before you order. You can also work for the company by selling their products and making a profit.

The Opportunities Given By The Immunotec

The networking opportunity of the company has exactly what you need to succeed in life. Members can either choose to sell these products, use them for themselves, or do both at the same time. It can turn out to be a full-time home based business model that can earn you money.

You will build a team of other people that will also do the same, and you can earn some money from their sales as well as a mentor. It is a win-win situation for the company, the consumer, and the employees. Some benefits when you engage in this network are:

  • You will earn profit on the sales you make
  • You will be able to build a team and earn commission on the sales they make
  • You will be recognized by the company in their annual meetings and earn some bonuses
  • The company will train you in person, online, and at business events, making you a better sales person for their products
  • The company will provide you with all of the necessary sales tools, give you a personalized eCommerce site, ship all your products, handle support, and process returns while you earn.

It is a pretty good business model that not only guarantees you high-quality products that cater to your daily needs but also empowers you. There are three simple ways to get started with Immunotec. These are:

  • You can just be a customer looking to benefit from their products. You will shop every product you need online and have it delivered.
  • You can also be a regular customer that gets products on a discount and automatic monthly deliveries without any hassles.
  • You can, lastly, become a consultant with the company. They will train you and offer all the necessary marketing tools. This way, you will be empowered to create a home based business, with the company helping you all the way.

Are There Any Side Effects From The Use Of These Products?

Immunocal products are generally safe and recognized by the FDA. However, you still have to follow the right dosages and consult with your doctor in case of any serious side effects. Individuals that have reactions or are sensitive to proteins might experience unpleasant side effects that include:

  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Rash

These side effects are rare and occur only in people sensitive to milk proteins. If you’re sensitive to milk proteins, then consult with your doctor before taking them.

There is also caution for individuals undergoing therapy for immune reasons. In such cases, immunocal can only be used under supervision from a doctor or qualified physician.

Immunocal products should not be taken on an empty stomach or when individuals have taken only small amounts of foods. Follow the recommended daily dosages of about 20 grams and make sure you take them on a full stomach

Immunotec Review Summary

Immunotec is a great company that aims to produce products that solve our daily problems in life, while at the same time giving you a means to earn some extra income from home. The products have undergone extensive scientific research and are generally safe for consumption without much worry.

By boosting the glutathione levels in our bodies, the immunocal helps the body fight infections, detoxify, gain more energy, and prevent early aging signs. You can choose to become a regular customer and get monthly products sent to your home or to be a consultant and make money selling the company’s products.

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