Genius Brain Power – The Ultimate Mind Expansion System?


Genius Brain Power is a system that helps you increase the productivity of your brain during different tasks to have stronger mental power. Once you pay your fees, you will have immediate access to all the materials available, along with bonuses.

What is Genius Brain Power?

Whether you’re stressed out, aging, or just having a rough day, your attention span and energy level may not be in the best shape. Even with your second and third cups of coffee, you may not feel the effects kicking in at all. That’s how you know that you’ve reached a point of critical exhaustion. You need to do something to stimulate your brain, rather than allowing it to lay dormant and make it even more difficult to get through your day. Genius Brain Power is a new system that may be able to help.

Genius Brain Power isn’t a supplement or an energy drink, and you won’t have to apply any strange formulas topically. Instead, it triggers different changes in your brain and mood with music and other audio files. You won’t need headphones, but using them can help you focus on only the audio in the room. If you keep up with the rules of the program, you should see dramatic changes in your stress level and productivity.

Most of the products that help to improve the state of your cognitive abilities are nootropics, which supply your brain with nutrition that supports different signals in your body. However, you may not be able to swallow these capsules at any given time, and they aren’t meant for immediate change. With Genius Brain Power, all you need to do is hit play and relax.

What You Will Learn from Genius Brain Power

The beauty of the layout of the website is that the company tells you important details about what you’ll be learning throughout the program. The lessons are divided into modules to make the concepts easy to understand, giving you the audio files you need to trigger a certain response from your brain. Most of the files should be listened to daily, but the included manual will tell you anything you need to know about altering that schedule.

  • Module 1: IQ Increase
  • Module 2: Laser Focus & Creative Ambition
    • Improves your brain’s ability to use creativity
    • Helps you remain relaxed and focused
    • Features classical music from Handel, Pachelbel, Mozart, and Vivaldi
  • Module 3: Easy Relaxation & Alpha Light Meditation
    • Helps you focus during meditation
    • Relieves stress
  • Module 4: Profound Relaxation & Deep Theta Meditation
    • Guides you through over three hours of meditation at a deeper level
  • Module 5: Extreme Relaxation & Ultra Deep Delta Meditation
    • Gives you the same level of relaxation that you only can get from the deepest level of sleep
    • Trains your mind to stay awake

Overall, this set of modules comes out to 16 different tracks with 11+ audio files.

Pricing for Genius Brain Power

To make Genius Brain Power a regular part of your routine, you need to make a one-time investment of $97.00. You won’t need to partake in a subscription, and you should be able to access the materials within the program online.

The creators of this product are confident in how well it can change your life. That’s why they offer a money-back guarantee that goes up to six months after you’ve made your purchase. All you need to do is contact customer service to initiate the process.

Bonus Materials

Aside from the core information that you will learn from the guide, the creators of the Genius Brain Power system want to sweeten the deal by adding a few helpful bonuses. Each bonus elaborates on a part of the plan in different ways.

Digital Caffeine

Digital Caffeine is a CD that features different melodies that stimulate your brain like coffee would, but without the jittery feeling that you get when you drink it. Essentially, this CD triggers the energized areas of your brain to keep you alert in any situation.

You should be prepared for the intensity of these tracks before playing the CD. They should not be overused, and you can follow along with the right instructions for use in the manual.

Creativity Unleashed

Creativity Unleased features two tracks that last about 30 minutes. The first track uses the sounds of the rain, while the other plays classical music. With these different reverberations in your ear, you can continue working for hours while remaining focused and stimulated. You can play them freely or with headphones in, depending on the circumstances.

Quick Relaxation

To help you unwind, you can choose from two 15-minute audio files. The first one features relaxing classical music, while the other features the sounds of rain. This bonus is especially helpful for the days that you can’t spend 30 minutes at a time to unwind.

Depression Relief

While depression is a clinical issue, you may be able to calm yourself and refocus your attention on something positive. To bring up your spirits, you can choose from a 30-minute file of didgeridoo music or relaxing rainfall.

Stress Relief and Adaptation

This bonus is like the Depression Relief audio, since it has the same theme and the same length of time.

Exercise Power & Peak Performance

When you’re in the gym, you need music that stays pumped with you. This bonus only uses one audio file, which uses energizing, classical music to transform the way you handle different exercises.

Gamma Advanced Meditation

This meditation audio file lasts for 23 minutes, which should give you enough time to gather your thoughts and eliminate them all. This file uses the sounds of nature to help you focus on your body within.

Soothe Your Nerves

There’s only one track to help you calm your nerve, which has rainfall to help you relax. It lasts for over 20 minutes and helps you to heal both your limbic and central nervous system.

Audio Tranquilizer – Fall Asleep Easily

If you have a hard time sleeping, this four-part file gives you a variety of different sounds to help you fall asleep. Those audio files include:

  • 40 minutes of rainfall
  • 60 minutes of rainfall
  • 60 minutes of rainfall with no other frequencies
  • 60 minutes of rainfall with no other frequencies

Contacting the Creators of Genius Brain Power

Even with all the information listed on the website, you may still have questions about the Genius Brain Power materials and lessons. If you need assistance, the customer service team can only be reached by sending a message with the online form.

At this time, the company does not offer a direct phone number or email address.


Genius Brain Power challenges you to change the way you think, feel, and act, but it doesn’t make you change a thing in your life. You don’t need to follow a specific diet or take the right vitamins to calm your mind and recharge. Instead, you just need anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours to experience relief like you have never felt before with Genius Brain Power.

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