1MD Krill Oil Platinum – Natural Astaxanthin Omega 3 phospholipids?


Where many of us have heard of widely used fish oils, there has been another type of oil that has been giving superior results. Krill, a tiny shrimp like animal that are naturally whale food, are found in the Antarctic. These tiny animals produce an oil, Krill oil, that has been showing better results in treating heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis, PMS, and even depression.

How Does 1MD Krill Oil Platinum Work?

Krill oil contains fatty acids similar to that of fish oil. These fats are beneficial in reducing swelling, lead to less blood clotting, and reducing cholesterol.

Fish Oil vs Krill Oil

Among several reasons why you would choose 1MD Krill Oil Platinum over regular fish oil, here are a few favorites:

Better Absorption

Krill oil is known to have their superior source of EPA and DHA packaged as phospholipids, which are immediately absorbed by your body. The phospholipid found in krill oil is easier to absorb that fish oil because the majority every cell membrane is made of phospholipids. The phospholipids in fish oil must go through additional processing in order to make them bioavailable. The bottom line is, krill oil is more potent than fish oil.

Antioxidant Power

Fish oils are susceptible to oxidation. This means that when it comes in contact with oxygen, it starts to go bad. Krill oil includes astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that protects it from oxidizing. Astaxanthin is not present in fish oil. In addition, it helps the body defend cells and DNA against the harmful effects of free radicals. It is actually one of the only nutrients with the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier and send key nutrients throughout your body.


We all know how polluted our waters are, and how this is affecting our ecosystems, including the fish population. Fish oils typically have higher levels of mercury and PCB. This varies based on harvesting locations, but krill is harvested from the Antarctic Ocean, which is one of the last remaining pure ecosystems in the world. What this also means, is that the longer lifespan of the fish, the more concentrated the levels of toxins will be. Krill is a tiny fish, with a short lifespan. Combine this with living in the Antarctic Ocean, and they have far less potential for contamination.

No Aftertaste

If you have ever taken fish oil, even in capsules, you’ll notice a fishy taste, even hours after taking it. Those “fish burps” are a reminder that the capsules are not as good at hiding the taste as you may have thought. The lemon coated soft gels, along with Krill Oil’s special composition, there is no fishy aftertaste or fish burps hours later.

Why Choose 1MD Krill Oil Platinum

It’s one of the best omega-3 supplements available. The krill oil is formulated with the most clinically studies and highest quality krill oil available. It’s safe to say that Krill Oil Platinum serving of krill oil is the highest on the market.

1MD Krill Oil Platinum has been created with K·REAL® krill oil to deliver you the best quality, potency, and consistency possible. The krill oil is extracted from the Antarctic with a patented multi stage oil extraction process called MSO. This cold press technology assures the highest quality and freshest krill oil available.

The reality is, in our busy lives along with the changes in our ecosystems and farming practices, we simply are not able to get all the vitamins and nutrients our bodies need from our diet alone. The ability especially to get the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids critical to proper health is just not realistic with diet alone. 1MD Krill Oil Platinum is precisely what you need to ensure your body has the fuel to work at its best.

Antarctic krill oil is essential for strong cardiovascular health, comfortable mobility, improved mental focus, and to combat inflammation in your body. Low level inflammation is the source of several diseases, disorders, and disabilities that are associated with the Western diet. Krill Oil Platinum from 1MD is critical to an anti-inflammatory diet as it restores balance, along with the natural flora in your digestive system.

All Natural

1MD Krill Oil Platinum contains 100% natural ingredients, no fillers or synthetic additives, and is clinically proven to be effective. Along with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy habits, Krill Oil Platinum will be what your body needs to remain ultra-healthy.

Suggested Use

As a supplement, it is suggested you take three (3) soft gels per day, with meals.

If you are ready to improve your cardiovascular health, your joint health, and improve your cognitive health, then now is your chance to order Krill Oil Platinum by 1MD and see and feel the difference.

How to Order 1MD Krill Oil Platinum

1MD Krill Oil Platinum can be ordered online for $49.00 per one (1) bottle of 90 lemon coated soft gels.

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