11 Minute Meditation – Pure Energy Cleansing Sound Healing?


Meditation is the only mean in which consumers can reconnect with him or herself because every other time consumers are always on the go.

While keeping oneself busy and on the go in terms of achieving one’s dreams is important, but to ensure one is still sane and continuously works to strive for the best, meditation is a much needed healing component for one’s overall wellness.

The 11 Minutes of Pure Energy Cleansing Meditation uses music to help consumers achieve a sense of peace and enables them to reconnect with their mind, body and ultimately their soul. Eleven minutes seem quite specific doesn’t it?

As the saying goes, “everything happens for a reason” and this review will ensure that consumers do believe that meditation has the ability to transform oneself in the way he or she sees themselves, sees the world and then enlightens one in terms of what they can truly achieve with such positivity.

What Is 11 Minutes Of Pure Energy Cleansing Meditation?

The 11 Minutes of Pure Energy Cleansing Meditation is created by Tom Cassella.

While consumers may see this as another musically induced meditation, the next 11 minutes of one’s lives is certain to change, as Tom Cassella handpicked a wide range of components that will affect one visually, emotionally, and spiritually. Let’s take a closer look at what the 11 minutes might look like for consumers.

What Does This Respective Meditation Consist of?

The 11 Minutes of Pure Energy Cleansing Meditation contains sound healing, Ho’oponopono, cleansing visualizations and third eye activation.

While meditation requires exquisite music, the music alone isn’t enough as meditation consists of consumers trying to picture themselves in their safe place in the world.

Let’s take a closer look at the basic aspects of each of the components found within this respective 11 minutes of meditation.


Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that is known for its ability to clear one of negative thoughts. In terms of this respective meditation, a prayer from the Morrnah Simeona, a well known Ho’oponopono practitioner in Hawaii is also included.

Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

This is a visual aspect that has the ability to release any type of tension one seems to be carrying. This type of frequency consists of geometric shapes.

This respective component has been greatly used in Gregorian Chants and Hymns, which have also been coded into the Bible. This was a way to release a sense of spiritual awakening and eventually a connection to God.


This 11 Minute Meditation contains a lesson of the seven main body chakras. The seven chakras are consisting of Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakra.

Why Is The Meditation 11 Minutes Long?

It is believed that 11 minutes is all it takes for a meditation to influence and bring effects to one’s body. At 11 minutes, one’s pituitary gland and the nerves start to adapt and change.

In addition, this time frame is all it takes to release negative energy from within and ensures that one is capable of filling their brain and mind with only love and positivity.

Purchasing 11 Minutes Of Pure Energy Cleansing Meditation

The current the going price of this individual meditation is approximately $9.99. It is a worthwhile investment because it can be listened to wherever one pleases, as consumers are only required to download it as an mp3.

In addition, it tries to elevate one’s mood by ensuring that consumers are acquiring new techniques and information, and by inducing a sense of relaxation by its visual and musical aspects.

11 Minutes Of Pure Energy Cleansing Meditation Summary

Overall meditation is important, as it allows consumers to silence those in one’s surrounding by simply focusing on oneself and to achieve a sense of peace from within.

Regardless of whether one is anxious or feeling depressed, this on the go meditation is certain to ease one’s emotional stresses.

Within the continuous 11 minutes, consumers are provided with an eye opening experience that is certain to leave consumers feeling far calmer, viewing the world in a positive light and ultimately viewing oneself in a positive light.

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