Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer – Improve Bat Speed?


An innovative device that gives users real time data to help them improve their swing in baseball or softball. Valuable to both coaches and player, the Zepp Swing Analyzer collects a variety of data that helps people change their swings based on real data.

In addition to the data collected, this device also offers tailored coaching videos by professionals in the field based on the specific swing types. Please read further to learn more about this tool and how to purchase.

What Is The Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer?

The second edition of the Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer, it offers Bluetooth connection making it much easier to use than the first version.

Imagine how much swing improvement can be obtained simply by having accurate data to work with. Whether users are players or coaches this device offers a range of data options with every swing. Simply attach the sensor to the end of the bat and start swinging.

Coaches can easily access swing data without being in person to watch their team.

How Does Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer Work?

An innovative product that delivers real time data about every swing to any smartphone device.

The 3D Swing Analysis measures the most important aspects of each swing including bat speed, time to impact, attack angle, and more. Both coaches and players can access instant evaluations which help players focus their training to maximize every practice swing.

In addition to real time data this system gives users access to personalized coaching videos by MLB players and coaches to help improve overall form and performance. Designed to attach to the end of the bat and deliver a personalized evaluation based on each swing, this product can be used by both left and right handed batters.

The analyzer runs for eight hours per charge and can easily be charged using a USB connection. It is important to note that the Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer is designed for people over the age of twelve.

Both players and coaches will benefit from adding this device to their training regime.

Data Collected By Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer

Each analyzer collects a variety of data points that will help both players and coaches work to improve swing quality, form, and impact.

This analyzer delivers real time data showing bat speed at impact, the speed at which players get their bat in the hitting zone, how long it takes to hit the ball, and the angle at which the player hit the ball.

Additionally, this analyzer gives players and coaches a 3D analysis of their swing making it easy to compare swing form with the best in the field as well as the ability to video the swing and analyze it frame by frame on any smartphone.


Each box contains one mountable sensor, a glove mount, USB charger, one lithium battery, and owner’s manual. This analyzer works with any Apple or Android device and the data can be shared to mobile devices anywhere in the world.

Company Details

Zepp is a sports company that has designed a series of sensors for a variety of sports. Analyzers are available for golf, soccer, tennis, in addition to baseball/softball.

The analyzers for golf are also available in two versions.

Pricing Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer

Available for purchase online through Amazon for the lowest available price of $141.12 and ships for free. Additionally consumers can purchase the Zepp Swing Analyzer through the Academy Sports webpage at www.academy.com or the Zepp homepage for $149.00.

Should You Use Zepp Baseball & Softball 3D Swing Analyzer?

A great option for anyone who is involved in baseball or softball, this device is designed for any players age twelve and older. The Zepp Swing Analyzer 2 gives users access to data that is impossible to get simply by watching a practice.

For coaches, having access to so much data regardless of their location is phenomenal. Whether players are just perfecting their form or are seasoned professionals, this device will help each person improve their swing based on real data.

Coaches have a very thorough interface giving them loads of data to support their coaching. Further information is available on the Zepp website at www.zepp.com.

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