Vital Plan – Quality Natural Herbal Extract Protocol Supplements?


Over the past several years, health and nutritional supplements have gained a bad reputation. While more and more people are turning to supplements to help support their health and wellness, they also have a healthy dose of doubt when it comes to these alternative medicines.

For one, supplements have become notorious for being untruthful about their ingredients, hiding behind proprietary blends to mask their lack of real active ingredients. Secondly, supplements often don’t use the right amounts of the active ingredients they do include in their formulations, making them completely ineffective.

Vital Plan is a company that is trying to change how people view natural supplements. With strict standards for its ingredients and dosages, Vital Plan has been able to craft the highest quality supplements that provide real results for its customers.

By being truly invested in the health of its customers, Vital Plan is building the reputation of supplements back up.

About Vital Plan

Dedicated to helping its customers get their lives back, Vital Plan is a wellness company that has long been committed to crafting the highest quality natural supplement.

Founded by Braden Rawls and Dr. Bill Rawls, the foundation of Vital Plan has always been two fold. First, the Rawls wanted to create supplements that used superior ingredients at the right dosages so that users could regain and safeguard their health and wellness. The second goal of Vital Plan is to provide its customers with the information they need to make educated choices when it comes to their wellbeing.

By keeping these two goals at the focal point of Vital Plan, the company has grown to become one of the most well-respected supplement companies in the industry.

Vital Plan has taken a unique approach to crafting its superior supplements. Many people believe that being healthy just means not being sick. However, Vital Plan believes that good health isn’t just the absence of disease, but an overall wellbeing of the mind and body.

In order to support the health of its customers most effectively, Vital Plan looks at the multiple causes for disease, treating them before they accumulate into illnesses. Through the use of natural herbal supplements and lifestyle change suggestions, Vital Plan is able to completely transform the health of its users, allowing them to reach their wellness goals.

An exciting new aspect about Vital Plan is that the company has recently been certified as a B Corp member. This certification is given to companies that work to use their business acumen to address and overcome problems in society and the environment. Because Vital Plan has always approached its business with a focus on people, the planet, and then profit, it was a perfect fit for this certification.

What Makes Vital Plan Different

One of the biggest differences between Vital Plan and other supplement companies is seen in the company’s ingredients. As mentioned above, supplement companies have become notorious for not being forthright about their ingredients.

However, Vital Plan isn’t just transparent about every ingredient included in its supplement formulations, but it only uses the best of the best ingredients. Every ingredient used in Vital Plan supplements are picked by a group of herbal experts and physicians and come from the purest and most potent sources.

Just as important, Vital Plan uses activated forms of vitamins and minerals, allowing them to be better absorbed by users.

Using the right ingredients to offer the best results doesn’t mean much if they don’t come in the right doses. Another reason Vital Plan is different than other supplement companies is that it uses the best dosing amounts for each ingredient.

Each and every ingredient is tested to find the amount that best supports the health and wellbeing of the body. It’s these amounts that are included in every Vital Plan supplement. And, because Vital Plan is a firm believer in complete transparency, it lists these ingredients clearly for its customers to see. Vital Plan never uses proprietary blends, instead being honest about its ingredients and fully supporting its claims.

Vital Plan isn’t just a B Corp member, as mentioned above, but is also proud to meet and surpass all Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards. In order to meet these standards, Vital Plan must be inspected by third parties and constantly test its batches throughout the manufacturing process. This constant testing allows Vital Plan to protect the quality of all its supplements.

By paying such close attention to all the ingredients used in its supplements and their purity throughout processing, Vital Plan is able to guarantee that its products are perfectly safe to use together. The line is complementary, meaning they have been formulated by physicians to work with one another without any dangers.

Products Sold by Vital Plan

Since Vital Plan was started, it has gradually added to its product line, taking its time to make sure it was only offering the best and most effective supplements to its customers. Now, Vital Plan sells 12 different products, each one designed to give users the support they need to not just stay disease-free, but to live healthy, thriving lives.

Due to the transparency Vital Plan fosters in its company, customers can see all the products sold by the company, as well as a detailed look at their ingredients on the company website (

Vital Plan also has a tab where it lists the entirety of its ingredients with in depth looks at the benefits of each ingredient and why it’s included in the company’s supplements.

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