The Ultimate How-To Book of Pilates Mat Exercises Home Workout


There are many different methods that have been invented to improve the physical health of the body. One of the most popular methods is Pilates, created by Joe Pilates, which uses various techniques to improve flexibility and strength without placing too much stress on the body. offers an eBook that promises to teach you how to participate in this form of exercise, and here is our review of the product.

What is the The Ultimate How-To Book of Pilates Mat Exercises Home Workout?

The Ultimate How-To Book of Pilates Mat Exercises Home Workout is a complete package that contains pictures and HD videos to accompany the text of the eBook. The package also includes access to your own personal trainer who is employed to assist you with creating your personal workout regimen and to help with diet and motivation.

At the time of this writing, the author is including two bonus products with your purchase. The first bonus is a 30-minute workout session with Bob Hannun, the creator of the eBook. The second bonus is a poster you can hang on your wall that displays the mat exercises with the correct forms so that you can see them at a glance.

How Does the Pilates Lessons eBook Work?

After you make your purchase through Clickbank, you will be able to download your copy of the eBook files. You can use the videos so you can see the proper form of the poses and stretches. If you don’t like to watch videos, you can use the pictures in the eBook along with the text that describes each exercise pose.

The Ultimate How-To Book of Pilates Mat Exercises Home Workout Pricing

This eBook package is sold for $37.00 and you will be granted complete access immediately after payment.

Who Makes the Pilates Lessons eBook?

Bob Hannun is an avid student of Pilates and has practiced the exercise for over 40 years. His love of the practice began under the tutelage of his instructor, Mary Bowen, who later became his teaching mentor. He created Pilates with Bob and began producing instruction videos and books, including this eBook.

Pilates Lessons eBook Reviews

As with many products of this nature, there are not many reviews to be found on this product. The reviews that have been recorded by the Better Business Bureau have been all positive.

The BBB has several reviews registered that recount success stories from people who turned to Pilates as a form of exercise to improve their health. Other people have recorded success with the product while using it to deal with injury or pain. It is also noteworthy that this company has no negative reviews posted with the BBB.


  • Instant access to product after payment
  • Can practice the moves and positions in the privacy of your own home
  • Have access to a personal trainer for additional assistance
  • Company has a very positive reputation with the Better Business Bureau
  • The information is imparted from a longtime practitioner with over 40 years of experience
  • You have a 60-day money back guarantee with no questions asked


  • $37.00 can seem costly for a 30-minute exercise video

Should You Use The Ultimate How-To Book of Pilates Mat Exercises Home Workout?

The Ultimate How-To Book of Pilates Mat Exercises Home Workout was created by a man with a deep love of Pilates and a deep admiration for the man who created the exercise form. Even though he has over 40 years of experience and he has imparted that experience and expertise within the megabytes of information that makes up this eBook, but you should ask yourself if paying $37.00 is worth it when the same information could be obtained freely online.

If the idea of having a long-distance personal trainer is worth paying the money, then you might find value and usefulness in this product.

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