TYME Style – The TYME Iron Hair Straightener & Curling Iron?


Did you wake up late today? Not enough time to decide on what to do with your hair? Are you questioning whether or not to do your hair and just to rock the bun? These are some questions many women have to ask themselves before heading to work. Be it for a job or simply getting ready for school, how you present yourself says a lot to others. For instance, pulling a messy bun might make others think that you don’t take yourself or whom you work for seriously. They might also think that you are poorly representing them. Presentation is part of a huge equation, and this is something many people forget.

Many people are starting to break that perspective of “presentation and appearances, gets you that desired assurance” and are instilling people that it’s more than the looks, it’s about what we can offer. That’s 110 per cent right, you won’t get a job, if you aren’t qualified, but the way we present ourselves mentally and physically is what attracts employers. If you can pull a look off without having your employers regret or doubt what you can offer, by all means. For most women, doing their hair, make up and dressing up is a form of expression. Just like art and music, through their overall presentation, they have the opportunity to express their likes, dislikes, and personality by the way.

There are many ways to style hair. Whether you want a wavy, straight or curly look, there are multiple products that meet your hairstyle tastes, but what if you can do all that with just one product. I don’t mean curly-like, or mediocre straight, I mean, being able to produce both ringlets and paper straight hair with the same product. If you were told there exists one product that can be used to achieve multiple styles in less time than the average time it takes by using straightener or curler, would you consider it? Well, Tyme has what your next purchase waiting to be bought.

About Tyme

Tyme came to life because an entire family came together. Inventor and CEO Jacynda Smith came up with the concept for the Tyme Iron. Known for her creativity, she works long hours on coming up with new products and ideas that are both fashionable and in trend. Every important member in this organization is a family member or friend of Jacynda Smith. From her brother to her husband, her close family members spend time with her at home and at Tyme.

Tyme Style’s main product is the Tyme Iron that is certain to provide endless hairstyle possibilities. In addition, Tyme also provides their customers with hair essentials such as brushes, blow dryers, caps and other possible accessories needed to keep up with your beauty needs.

What Is The Tyme Iron?

An interesting product in the beauty industry, the Tyme Iron is in the form of a straightener but can be used to make the same ringlets a curler can achieve and straight hair a straightener can achieve.

In order to get the curls you dream of, you simply have the place hair between the guidelines from the root and with one glide you have perfect curls. For straight hair, place your hair on the side that does not have guidelines and within one glide; you’ll achieve silky straight hair. Because the Tyme Iron works both in cooling and warming of hair, therefore it does not heat or damage your hair, as it requires very low heat.

Regardless of hair type, consumers are bound to see results. For instance, if your hair is thin, then glide with the Tyme Iron faster, whereas if your hair is much thicker, you will see better results if you take more time to glide through. There really isn’t much you can do with the Tyme Iron to create different styles in terms of straight hair.

It’s either you want it straight or not, but when it comes to curls there are many different curls you can achieve. How so? Well, it all depends on the way you use your Tyme Iron. The direction in which you glide through your hair is the sole dependent of the types of curls achievable. To better understand the different types of curls achievable, check out Tyme’s visual aids at: http://www.tymestyle.com/.

Tyme Saving Time And Money

Hands down, it’s well worth the money. If you have the means to purchase a separate straightener and/or a curler, this is a 2 in 1 product, which cuts your spending in half. The Tyme Iron costs $190. It is definitely a great investment for a product that can potentially produce multiple hairstyles.

An average straightener can cost somewhere between $60 and $200, whereas a curler’s cost may range between $70-$250. Even if you purchase two individual products, one of each, you will either come close to the price of one Tyme Iron, or it will cost much more.

Time To Tyme It Up

Overall, the Tyme Iron is a well-fit purchase as it beats competitors’ in terms of price and innovation. To be able to get two products embedded into one, which produces endless styles and saves as much as 30 minutes from having to do your hair, is the greatest of feelings. This product would be most beneficial to those who try a wide range of styles.

If you are someone who prefers straight hair and dreads curls or vice versa, there’s no harm in purchasing the Tyme Iron because anyone in your family can use it. CEO Jacynda Smith is helping us save time with the Tyme Iron, so what are you planning on doing with your extra time?

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