Thriving Child Summit – Online Parents Conference Video Event?


Whether a parent has one child or a few of them, there never seems to be enough experience that can prepare a parent to ensure their child is thriving and doing well in various aspects of their lives.

Unfortunately, parents find themselves struggling on a daily basis to safeguard their child’s well being and there are very few informational tools out there to help – until now.

Recently, medical doctor, holistic specialist, and mother Elisa Song developed a new program called the Thriving Child Summit. This is a one-week event that provides parents with information by experts that they can use to truly generate the wonderful childhood that their kid deserves.

About Thriving Child Summit

The Thriving Child Summit is an inspirational and uplifting one-week program that gives parents guidance and support. With this system, parents will be able to watch video interviews from some of the world’s leading experts in areas such as integrative medicine, holistic health, parenting, nutrition, and mind-body medicine.

By gaining knowledge in each of these areas, parents will have everything that they need to promote a fuller, happier, and healthier life for their child. In addition, this system is applicable to both parents of healthy children and those who have chronic health conditions because at the heart of – every parent and child deserves support and empowerment.

What Parents Learn

Parents who go through watching this program learn many things that enable them to generate a better and higher quality of life for themselves and their child. Here are a few things that the program teaches:

  • The foundation of optimal health for children
  • Foods to avoid giving one’s child
  • Natural medicine and antibiotics for health
  • What parents need to know about GMOs, pesticides, heavy metals, and toxins
  • The root of children’s anxiety, leaky gut, depression, autism, ADHD, eczema, acne, and chronic health issues
  • Vaccine safety
  • How to discuss stress, puberty, and social media with children
  • The genetics of generating a brighter future
  • Reclaiming mama vitality

These are just a few of the main teaches of the many videos provided through this system. Parents can rejoice in knowing that there are plenty more bits of information that they’ll receive to cultivate a better and healthier lifestyle for themselves and their child.

Professional Presenters

One of the main markers of a high-quality program is that it features information from some of the leading professionals in the childcare, development, and health fields.

In this case, those who choose this program can feel glad knowing that they’ll receive information from individuals who know what they are talking about. Every presenter has their own presentation that features information that has been researched, studied, and proven to work.

By choosing a program with this level of quality and insight, parents can feel confident that they’re making the right decision for their needs. Further, those who are interested in learning more about the experts in this program can read their profiles and about their specific presentation on the site.

Bonus Materials

In addition to the main presentation, those who access this program will also be able to obtain a number of bonus materials from the experts. The bonus materials are gifts from the speakers to all summit participants so that they can get that extra stream of information for particular concerns and issues. A few of the bonus materials include:

  • A Guide on How 6 Moms Healed their Kids
  • The Poop Chart
  • Free Video Training on Adrenal Dysfunctions, Copper Toxicity, and Parasites
  • Recipes to support Your GeneStyle
  • 15% Off at Checkout on

These are just a number of materials that people receive when choosing this program. Those who are interested in viewing the entire set of bonus products can do so on the site.

When Is The Summit?

Granted, it is imperative to know when the summit starts and ends. Those who are interested in watching this program and gaining access to all of the videos are able to do so by registering through the brand’s site. The videos are available on September 18 until the 24.

Thriving Child Summit Review Summary

Ultimately, those are interested in learning useful information for their life and that of their child may want to consider giving the Thriving Child Summit a try. This summit is a great tool for parents to obtain excellent information on how to take the right actions for their children and themselves.

To learn more and to go through the quick registration process, just visit the brand’s website today.

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