Symbiont-GI: Gastric Aids Digestive Enzyme Probiotic Supplement?


Competitive athletes require a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins which can be difficult for the body to digest. Poor digestion can lead to constipation, gas, and diarrhea setting back completive athletes in their training and development.

Symbiont-GI is a daily supplement formulated to boost digestive function by elevating zinc levels as well as offering probiotic support. High-level athletes will appreciate how this supplement works to gently enhance their body’s ability to digest food easily maximizing nutrient absorption.

What Is Symbiont-GI?

Both prebiotics and probiotics have been gaining in popularity for their ability to naturally support digestive health but these popular bacteria do not account for the specific dietary support needed by athletes.

Because athletes consume a larger amount of carbohydrates and proteins it can be difficult for their digestive system to keep up. Symbiont-GI offers daily support in keeping digestive rates normal without causing issues like gas and constipation.

Combining ingredients like zinc and slippery elm bark this supplement will help people maximize their body’s ability to absorb nutrients helping foster better athletic performance and overall nutrition. Better nutrition can lead to better health and athletic performance.

How Does Symbiont-GI Work?

Symbiont-GI utilizes a patented ingredient called PepZenGiI which combines zinc with slippery elm bark. This special zinc formula works directly in the stomach to promote better digestion in regards to food soften difficult to digest like carbohydrates and fats.

Formulated for the specific dietary support of athletes, Symbiont-GI works to gently support the body’s digestion to reduce gastrointestinal stress that can be caused by carbohydrate rich diets. Users simply take one to three capsules daily to enhance digestive health which may lead to better athletic performance and overall wellness.

It is important for users to note that this supplement should not be used in place of proper medical care if severe gastrointestinal issues are present.

Symbiont-GI Ingredients

Two different ingredient blends are combined to support athletes in better absorbing nutrients from food without causing digestive issues like gas and diarrhea. Each three capsule serving contains over 100% of the daily-recommended value of zinc. This mineral supports the body in effectively digesting proteins which support lean muscle growth and post workout repair.

Slippery elm extract and garlic are combined to promote a healthier digestive system preventing irregularities like gas, constipation, and diarrhea.

The Biocore Optimum Complete blend enhances the body’s ability to digest high levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are crucial to an athlete’s diet for energy production and performance enhancement. Lastly, the patented ingredient LactoSpore is a probiotic added to enhance digestive system health.

Symbiont-GI Pricing

Consumers can purchase this supplement online through the PEScience website at

Each ninety capsule bottle of Symbiont-GI is available for $21.41. Consumers who anticipate using this supplement regularly may want to choose the auto-delivery option which offers a five percent savings plus monthly delivery.

Should You Use Symbiont-GI?

Enzyme blends have been gaining in popularity for athletes who want to better support their health while training. By improving the body’s ability to digest carbohydrate rich foods and high levels of protein, athletes can help their body stay healthy and in optimum performance condition.

Symbiont-GI is a bit pricey at nearly one dollar per day but users who only need one capsule per day can make a bottle last up to three months.


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