Sugar Bear Hair is a gummy vitamin company that produced a sweeter way to healthy hair formula that improves the quality of your hair to grow stronger and longer. This is our review.
What is SugarBearHair?
SugarBear Hair is a vitamin company that produced a formula to help improve the quality of your hair. By following a specific regimen, the company claims that the user can grow healthy and long hair by taking a sweet and sugary gummy bears.
The formula for this supplement is meant for all hair types and both genders, allowing anyone to add length to their hair. One upfront caveat we found interesting was in the ingredients, no form of silica was present which is one of the best factors and minerals in growing healthier hair. But, the Sugar Bear Hair gummy vitamin ingredients used are worth taking a closer look into just how effective they can be.
Each of the gummy vitamins is infused with berry and citrus fruits, giving them a sweet and delicious taste, unlike other gummy vitamins that may taste bland and processed.
Additionally, these gummies are safe for individuals who pursue a vegan lifestyle. The main reason the makers of Sugar Bear Hair vitamins created a gummy bear was to help out adults that have a difficult time swallowing pills.
Some of the claims that Sugar Bear Hair makes is that the gummy vitamin will:
— Grow Longer And Stronger Hair
— Nourish Your Hair From Within
— Improve Overall Health
— Increase Hair Strength
— Improve Hair Elasticity
— Stop Hair Breakage
The only problem with these promises is that the company doesn’t make any promises regarding the amount of the difference, which is unlike other companies that promise additional hair growth. Conveniently, this lack of promise essentially lets the company off the hook of indiscernible differences.
How SugarBearHair Works
The SugarBear Hair vitamin contains 5,000mg of biotin, which is the main active ingredient. Biotin is used to stimulate the process that creates fatty acids in the scalp, which are necessary to promoting growth in the scalp. Essentially, your hair growth is slowed without enough hydration and nutrients in the scalp and in your body. By having such a high biotin level, your hair begins to grow at a faster rate.
Other ingredients and vitamins included in this supplement are:
— Vitamin A
— Vitamin Cs
— Vitamin D
— Vitamin E
— Vitamin B-6
— Folic Acid
— Vitamin B-12
— Pantothenic Acid
— Iodine
— Zinc
— Choline
— Inositol
Luckily, the ingredients in Sugar Bear Hair vitamins do not stimulate excessive hair growth through the rest of your body. However, each vitamin has a specific purpose in stimulating additional hair growth.
Vitamin A (Palmitate)
The vitamin A in SugarBearHair vitamins is added to help promote your blood’s circulation. A healthy blood flow is essential to stimulating hair follicles to grow. With additional vitamin A in your system, your hair follicles grow faster.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin C is important to your body’s creation of collagen, which is the responsible nutrient for your hair’s strength.
Vitamin E
Like vitamin A, vitamin E helps to stimulate your blood circulation and bring necessary oxygen to the hair follicles to speed up your hair growth.
Vitamin B-6
Vitamin B-6 is one of the few ingredients that isn’t a stimulant for the growth and production of hair. Instead, vitamin B-6 is necessary to form cells and bring oxygen to your scalp.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B-9)
Folic acid helps to promote healthy hair growth by stimulating cell division, which is necessary to help with the growth of your hair and your body.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy red blood cells, which are the part of the blood that is responsible for delivering oxygen to the hair follicles. Proper circulation is essential for hair follicles.
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5)
Pantothenic acid is the vitamin responsible for delivering keratin to your hair follicles. It also helps to repair hair strands that have been the victim of breakage or shedding.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the few oils that actually helps to hydrate your scalp, rather than making the hair feel greasy and unappealing. By hydrating the scalp, it has the necessary components needs to stimulate the growth of hair.
Using SugarBearHair
Taking Sugar Bear Hair vitamins is similar to taking any other daily vitamin. The company recommends taking two gummy vitamins a day, but it doesn’t state if these vitamins need to be taken with food or separately.
The company warns that individuals with a medical condition should not take the medication. However, the company doesn’t list the specific medical conditions that are threatened while taking the vitamin. The company also warns against using the supplement when pregnant or nursing.
They do have a lofty line up of Hollywood celebrities and celebrated TV personalities behind the brand, even beauty icon and sexy hair symbol Kim Kardashian has been promoting her use of Sugar Bear Hair gummy vitamins via her Instagram account. Whether that is a deal breaker or not, there does seem to be a lot of growing interest and speculation as to why this combination of herbal extracts and hair loss/restoration ingredients are working and catching on so quickly.
SugarBearHair advises consumers with any type of medical condition to consult with their physician before they begin the regimen. At this time, there are no listed side effects of taking this supplement.
The website also offers an online guide to using the product and taking care of your hair.
Pricing for SugarBearHair
Sugarbear Hair has three different subscriptions, which impacts the overall cost that you will have to pay out of pocket.
The one-month supply includes enough gummies for 30 days, which is 60 gummies. This subscription costs $29.99.
The three-month supply includes enough gummies for 90 days, which amounts to 180 gummies. This subscription costs $81.99, which is about a 9% savings.
The six-month supply includes enough gummies for 180 days, which amounts to 360 gummies. The subscription costs $154.99, which is about a 14% savings.
Shipping is presently available worldwide. Each subscription is subject to taxes, and is available on a non-prescription basis.
You can purchase SugarBearHair Vitamins on Amazon if you like the ease of purchasing through Amazon.
The Makers of Sugar Bear Hair
There is very limited information about the creators of this hair regimen. SugarBear is the company’s character mascot, which is the voice behind the information listed on their website.
To contact Sugarbear Hair, there is only an email address is available for correspondence, which is: [email protected]
You can also follow SugarBear on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We highly recommend doing this as you should be able to see real time results and user experiences on how well this helps people to growing longer and stronger quality hair.
Overall Recommendation
The problem with SugarBearHair is that the ingredients used are generally found in any other multivitamin, with the exception of biotin. If you already take a multivitamin, and you want to promote better hair growth, you may as well switch out your current vitamin.
The price is high, but the stimulation of biotin may be worth the cost for those who are trying to age gracefully and keep a fuller head of hair going into their golden years in life.
I’m taking this Sugarbearhair vitamins for 3 days but unfortunately I’ve got rashes on my body , is it the effect of high dosage on biotin , 5000mg can you help me on this ? Please
Can I take one if I’m 11?
I don’t mean to discourage anyone from purchasing the Sugar Bear Hair gummies, but I merely want to give a warning to those considering purchasing them! I was very excited upon receiving my Sugar Bear Hair gummies after researching them and reading really great reviews, but my experience with them was not at all how I had imagined! After about two weeks of taking two gummies everyday, I began to get a dry, itchy, rash-like breakout on my face… I have never been prone to acne (just small blemishes here and there), and I have never been one to “breakout.” These rash-like breakouts developed in three red patches on my chin, in between my eyebrows, under my right eye, and on the inner area of my right cheek. This all occurred at the same time. My mom, knowing that my skin never has such reactions, became very concerned and did some research. She found out that excessive amounts of biotin in one’s system can cause such breakouts, so, in order to determine what was causing this awful reaction, she told me to stop taking the Sugar Bear Hair supplements to see if my face would clear up. After a couple weeks of not even touching the gummies, my face finally began to look normal again. I considered just taking one of the gummy bears everyday, but when the redness under my eye began to spread more, refusing to clear up and forcing me to see a doctor, I didn’t have to think twice about not taking the gummies ever again. I was very disappointed that after spending so much money on these supplements all I got in return was skin irritation, however in the short amount of time I was taking the gummies, I do think they helped with my split ends a bit. But they are not worth having my face breakout in splotchy, red, dry spots again. I just wanted to put this out there for others like me who may not be aware of what the Sugar Bear Hair gummies can cause.
SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!! So this definitely verifies that it was the SugarBearHair. I was so excited to take them after seeing it online and one of my friends was taking it but literally after DAYS of starting I got this itchy rash on my jaw. No bumps have shown (yet), it just feels itchy to me which is so unusual. I’ll be stopping my use of them now.
That’s probably the B-12 Vitamins. If you don’t drink enough water then they will absolutely break you out in acne or dry patches. Check with your doctor first (since this is a supplement and you should always check with your GP before use) and then try them again but take the vitamin with 16 oz of water every time and try to get no less than 12 glasses (96 oz OR 3 Liters) of water a day (the extra 4 glasses is because of your new vitamin intake.)
I used to take a 10,000mcg Biotin supplement every day and it did the same thing to my skin but shortly after I cut out all drinks but water so I was drinking at least a gallon or more of water most days… The problem solved itself.
I have struggled with my hair for a long time now. I am quickly approaching my 30s and I have bad hair quality. Recently, I have also noticed that my hair has stopped growing as it used to. A few years ago I went to the salon on a monthly basis. Now, it takes me almost two months before I even need to cut my hair! I am desperate and I really need help right now. Hair is one of the most important parts of a woman and I don’t want to give up on this one. I went to the doctors but they didn’t found anything wrong with me. The exams I took showed that I am healthy and there’s no reason for this to even happen to me. Please, I really need hair advice urgently!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happens if u stop taking them?
product claims to be cruelty free when its vitamin d comes from lanolin which comes from the sheep’s wool. and we all know how the sheep are treated in the wool industry! this product needs to remove “cruelty free” off its label, it is false advertisement!
Imdustries that treat sheeps correctly don’t abuse them. Only industries that do it wrongly abuse sheeps so yes, its possible that its cruelty free
Get a life.
Not vegan. The vitamin D comes from sheep
The product never claims to be vegan.
I have been taking these for a month my hair is falling triple times more than it did and I got a rash and I can’t get rid of it I don’t know what they have in these but I wouldn’t recommend taking them I am pissed off because I bought a three month supply and there’s no phone number for this stinking company I think their rip offs and I’m going to find a way to report them because this is bullshit selling products that are no good and expensive on top of it !!!
I used these for a month. My hair started falling out in clumps and I’ve noticed an insane amount of breakage. I do not recommend.
Does anyone know if these are safe to take while trying to conceive? I know it says to check with your doctor if you are pregnant, but just wondering if anyone knows.
Prenatal vitamins are just as good. Not to mention what happens to your body once you do get pregnant. Your hair (usually) grows like crazy.
Ask your dr
I have used this for 1 month and noticed a huge difference in my hair thickness, ( I am afro Canadian) and perm my hair every 6 weeks. the front of my hair was thinning due to weaves and its now grown back about 1/2 inch… enough to comb and notice. I also thread my eyebrows and those also grew as well as my eyelashes…
Hi. It’s been only half a month of taking these vitamins and I can see a change not only from my hair, but my nails too. My nails are weak, and I used to use a lot of Sally Hansen products which helped for a while, but since taking these vitamins, my nails are much stronger and are growing quite quickly without chipping or breaking, so on that note, I am extremely satisfied, despite these vitamins specified only for hair. Furthermore, despite it being only half a month of using these vitamins, my hair I feel is much stronger AND thicker. I am a 22 year old female with very fine, straight hair, and hair used to come out in clumps whenever I brushed or was in the shower. I have slight balding spots from where I used to apply dry shampoo a lot, especially around the front section of my head. Whilst taking these vitamins, I noticed a change in these spots, where they are not as evident anymore, something I’m so happy with. I take one tablet after I’ve had breakfast, chewing thoroughly, then another before I go to bed at night. Since there are no instructions on when to take them or to take them together or not, I find that taking one at the start of the day allows it to work through my body throughout the day whilst I work, exercise, eat, etc. And taking one before I sleep allows it to take full action of my body while I sleep and relax. I only bought one month supply just to try out in case they were not effective or good, but I definitely intend on purchasing the sets of 3 months or 6. I have experienced maybe a total of 3 spots since taking these vitamins, but I see this as something normal as my body adjusts to the changes it is making. I had quite a poor diet before too, eating fatty foods and junk, not drinking water much and not even a single fruit throughout the day. I still do eat junk, and maybe eat a fruit or 2 a day, though I am keep on vegetables, and yes, I drink less than 2 litres of water a day. So no, you don’t have to go all out crazy and start an extreme diet of just lettuce leaves and 6 gallons of water and intense exercise lol!
I really hope this helps some people, as I highly recommend these sugary, cute vitamins!
What do you mean by “Experienced a total of 3 spots?” what is a spot?
A spot, I believe, is like a pimple or acne. I think it’s the British way to say it.
Hi I read in one of the magazines that it can help with wait loss is this true??????
Can I take it if i am 13?
Take vitamins for teenager . You are a teenager . They have vitamins speciallly made for teen girls okay ?
does this work for bald men
Nope, it helps hair to grow stronger but it cannot regeerate the growth of hair if bald
Not recommended at all. I was using it for 2 months and It caused me a really bad spots all over my face!!!!!!!!
I would love to find out if it’s the synthetic folic acid or the true form folate if your someone with the MTFR gene you should not take folic acid as it doesn’t metabolise right in your body and you need to take folate instead
I considered buying these, but personally I am not willing to pay that much money for 30 days worth of gummies, when I can buy Nature’s Bounty Extra Strength Hair, Skin & Nails for half the cost and still see a difference with my hair.
Those who buy these, I commend them for being willing to let go of a good chunk of money so easily, but hey, if it works for them I have no complaints against their decision.
Hi Brooke, are the Nature’s Bounty vitamins in pill form or gummy? I can’t swallow those big vitamin pills, which is why I’m researching these Bears. I realize now this post is like a year old, I hope you see this lol.
I have been taking these vitamins for 3 months now and can say, the health of my hair has significantly improved. I would like to point out that I have an extremely healthy lifestyle, drink no less than a gallon of water a day, and was also taking a multivitamin before starting sugar bear. With all of that, I still had loads of breakage and excessive shedding. In case it helps, I am African American and one issue we tend to have is dry, brittle hair. This definitely helped with that. I can’t say if it is necessarily helping my hair grow longer as much as it is prolonging the life of each hair and making the follicle stronger. I am still only getting 1/2″ to 1″ of hair growth a month, however the hair isn’t breaking or shedding too much so it appears it is growing faster than normal. Overall, healthy hair coupled with the fact that they don’t taste awful makes it worth it, if you can afford it!
Can my 13 year old take the vitamins?
Should i take 2 gummies at same time or different times.?
I didn’t use these vitamins but i want to use just because of hair fall
I don’t want longer hair, i just want healthy hairs from front
Tell me please is it really works?
iv been using them for almost a month now, and its safe to say that it does decrease hairfall, and gives a fuller and healthier looking hair. HOWEVER the changes arent that drastic, but also keep i mind that it has only been about 3 weeks and a 1/2 …
Should we take the 2 gummies in the same time or in a different time and if it in a different time how long it should be between them?? Ty????
Deos this really work
Is there any side effects ?
Should i consult a physician before taking this or i can have it ?
Do you have to be a vegetarian to take these?
How many inches can your grow In a month?…… The average
Average of half an inch a month
Thanks for the rewiew????????????????????????????
I have a question that I have yet to find answers to, i’m already taking a multivitamin (Vitafusion multivites) and I’m not sure whether it is safe to take these and sugar bear hair vitamins at the same time? ( I just got mine two days ago and haven’t tried them yet). I need an answer asap. Thanks
No it says u must not take it wild taking others
These vitamins do nothing special–you get the same results, if not better by just taking a Regular multi-vitamin. Plus you will save money
I am from Pakistan I want to parches this…… can I buy…..
I’d rather advice u oil ur hair with coconut oil before bed then shower in the morning …wesa he him pakistaniyon na khoota and injected murgi kha kha k health ka keema nikala howa ha upper sa ye supplement side effect daiti ha for sure ..
hahahaha MAHNOOR bilkul sahi kaha
I have inquiry about this vitamin
What about the other hair on my body,
For example, my hand hair, my leg hair
I don’t understand how it’s true but it was written that it affects only hair on your head.
Hello, I am very interested in wanting to buy this Sugar Bear Hair. However, there is one problem that makes me feel unconcern to buy it. I would love to know that is the Sugar Bear Hair halal for the muslims?
They have a vegetarian option
Hey Adriana, yes sugar bear hair is halal because it is a vegetarian gummy thus there are no animals involved in the process at all, so it’s safe for all Muslims to consume! Have a great day.
Thanks for your confirmation .
yea its vegetarian
Yeah it is its vegetarian , and am a muslim too
They’re not vegan just vegetarian. Think that’s important to note.
Nope they are vegan!
The vitamin D they use is not vegan. It is from lanolin.
Its not from lanolin, its from Cholecalciferol so its vegan
I have not order them yet I’m thinking about it now thank u
What will happen if you stop taking the gummies?
Omg! Thanks for the review. My cousin has been talking about these non stop and I tried to find something bad about them for her (I’m the realistic one) but I can’t. It all checks out. I guess this time she’s right and I do need to order these. I haven’t seen any other vegetarian gummies like these and she had me try two of her- delish! So yea… I’ll be ordering with her next time.
I love these. My hair is shinier, fuller, and faster growing now. I noticed results within 3 days when I started seeing my nails growing smoother. I highly recommend as these vitamins DO work amazingly!