Success Rice – Easy To Prepare Delicious Meals In A Bag?


Success Rice is a product manufactured by Riviana Foods, Inc., that is found in most homes in the United States. It offers a quick cook method of preparing rice. It is available in all major supermarkets, grocery stores and many on-line retailers.

What Is Success Rice?

Preparing dinner on a nightly basis can be quite time consuming. Is it any wonder we indulge in a nice dinner out or a quick trip to fast food every once in a while? On those nights when you prepare a meal at home, trying to find what to cook and a faster way to cook it can be a mystery.

Mashed potatoes, pasta or rice often fill in the side of the plate reserved for starch. Rice is the most widely consumed staple food for a significant part of the world’s human population.

With its fiber, protein and carbohydrate content, along with the many types of rice available and its great versatility, rice is a terrific addition to any meal. And with quick cook rice available on the market, there is no excuse to skimp on a quick and easy dinner at home.

Success Rice is the ultimate in convenience. With its lack of measuring, it is truly fast and convenient to prepare.

It leaves no mess, just a bag to dispose of, and it can be prepared on the stovetop or in the microwave in just 10 minutes. From healthy whole grain, brown rice to the aromatic Thai Jasmine rice, regular white rice or Basmati rice, the boil-in-bag rice offers a quick and easy dinner staple. And Success Rice is available for larger households, with its variety of sizes.

Products By Success Rice

The line of Success Rice offers several varieties, including:

  • Basmati Rice – an aromatic, long-grain rice, grown in the foothills of the Himalayas. Due to its fragrance and subtle nutty flavor, it is known as the prince of rice. The grains of this rice are long and slender, and they stay separated and fluffy when they are cooked. This rice make a great accompaniment for Middle Easter and Asian dishes.
  • Brown Rice – Success’s original Boil-in-bag, quick-cooking, brown rice presents similar nutritional benefits to conventional brown rice, but is ready in one quarter of the time – just 10 minutes. This rice contains rice bran and is void of additives or preservatives. With its whole grain, sodium-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free containing composition, it is an excellent source of carbohydrates that is high in fiber and low in fat.
  • Thai Jasmine Rice – this long grain rice with a fragrant, aromatic scent is also available in a boil-in-bag. It is grown in the highlands of Thailand, and is named for the sweet-smelling jasmine flower of Southeast Asia. Its naturally distinctive scent is released during the cooking process, and is likened to the flower’s perfume. This white rice is soft and fluffy when cooked and is known for being white and aromatic with a taste that makes a great accompaniment to Asian cuisine.
  • White Rice – Success’s original Boil-in-Bag, quick-cooking rice. This versatile rice can be used in a variety of recipes, including sweet and savory, due to its ability to absorb the flavors it is surrounded by.
  • Quinoa Tri-Color – this latest addition to the Success line of products is the only boil-in-bag offering of this grain on the market today. It is quick-cooking, prepared in only 10 minutes. This grain is light and fluffy and carries with it a nutty flavor.

This complete source of protein, containing all of the nine essential amino acids, is a great source of fiber and folic acid. This Tri-Color blend combines white, red, and black quinoa in its quick-cook offering. Quinoa is quite versatile. Change it up a bit by cooking it in broth, fruit juice or milk to create a boost in flavor.

Success Rice is the leader in boil-in-bag rice products, and with its registered trademark phrase, “Success is in the bag®”, you are guaranteed quality rice every time.

Using Success Rice

Preparing Success Rice is as simple as placing the bag in water and allowing it to boil. The website gives cooking directions for conventional stovetop cooking or microwave preparation.

There is also a large database on the website at that contains recipes on how to prepare dishes for dinner, appetizers, soups, salads, side dishes, entrees and desserts, along with a list of recipe blogger ideas.

Contacting Customer Service For Success Rice

To contact a customer service representative for Success Rice, simply telephone 1-800-226-9522 or use the fill-in-the-blank form provided on the website at

Success Rice Summary Review

Whether you are looking to prepare a breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert for your family, let the versatility, ease and convenience of Success Rice boil-in-bag products lead the way on your path to creativity. Visit to expand your idea of what rice can be.

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