Stoked XT – Test Booster That Controls Estrogen Levels?


Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males and is essential for sexual and reproductive development.

It is produced by women’s bodies as well but in much smaller quantities. The hormone is categorised as an androgen, and is produced in the testicles and adrenal glands. Its production rate is governed by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

The hormone is linked with the formation and maturity of the male sex organs before birth.

It also plays a vital role in the development of many characteristics in adolescent kids like the deepening of one’s voice, increased penis and testis size, growth of facial and body hair.

According to a study conducted by the Mayo clinic, testosterone plays a large role in the sex drive, sperm count, fat distribution, energy levels and muscle strength of men.

What happens when levels of testosterone become low?

Levels of the hormone are seen to naturally decline with age. The primary cause for this effect is still debateable and researchers at Harvard have found that a number of external factors like time of day, physical activity, genetic disposition also influence the production rate.

Some common symptoms of low testosterone include reduced sex drive, ED (erectile dysfunction), impotence, gynecomastia, reduced sperm levels, hot flashes, depression, irritability, reduced mental acuity, reduction in bone density, balding, loss of lean muscle mass, softened testicles.

How can I increase my testosterone levels?

There are numerous scientifically proven ways to increase one’s testosterone levels. The methods include:

Consuming more fats: foods with a healthy fat content play a critical role in maintaining testosterone levels in our bodies. In a recently published study it was found that foods with high content of saturated and monounsaturated fats boost levels of the hormone.

Consuming healthy levels of Cholesterol: testosterone is naturally derived from cholesterol hence it is obvious that healthy levels of cholesterol in our bodies promote the production of the hormone.

Using supplements: there are many supplements containing potent ingredients like fenugreek extract, zinc, d-aspartic acid, vitamin d, diindolylmethane which are effective in boosting testosterone levels.

High Intensity Training: Research has shown that certain HIT exercises cause a larger secretion of testosterone.

Getting adequate rest: Reduction in sleep durations has been found to decrease the amount of testosterone our bodies produce. In a recent study it was found that individuals who rested more were found to possess higher levels of the hormone.

What is Stoked XT?

Stoked XT™ is a testosterone booster that has been created by AI Sports. It possesses strong anti-oxidative and SERM (anti-estrogenic) properties which aim at maximizing the potential one can receive from working out.

However, the product is not simply intended to elevate testosterone levels but also provide a host of other benefits including:

  • Enhanced sexual performance and stamina.
  • Improved energy levels and muscle strength.
  • Ability to shed water weight more easily.
  • Increase endurance and resistance levels to last longer during high intensity workout sessions.
  • Reduction in levels of estrogen.
  • Improved lean muscle mass content.

How does Stoked XT differ from other products?

The product contains various ingredients that have been studied to provide users with ‘multiple benefits’.

  • The ingredients have been highly researched and findings have been published in many scientific journals worldwide.
  • It has been linked with an increase in insulin sensitivity, allowing users to keep their blood sugar levels under control.
  • It is safe for use by men and women aged 18 years or older.

    Stoked contains a host of ingredients which include:

    (i) N-Acetyl L-Carnitine: it is an amino acid which is known to reduce symptoms of fatigue, improve mental functioning and increase mitochondrial energy production. Some studies have also suggested its use as an anti-aging substance.

    (ii) DIL (Diindolylmethane): it is known for its estrogen controlling properties. It prevents any major up or downswing in the levels of estrogen in our systems.

    (iii) Epimedium Herb Extract: it is a natural aphrodisiac and is used to cure cases of erectile dysfunction.

    (iv) Safed Musli Root: it is also used to improve sexual performance and stamina. Various studies have also shown the root to improve penis functioning and testosterone levels.

    (v) Turmeric Root Extract: it is an important herb which has been used widely in the east as a natural medicine. It has been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties, high antioxidant content, anti-ageing properties and an ability to remove plaque accumulation from the body’s arterial network.

    (vi) Boron: it has been shown to improve testosterone levels.

    (vii) Astragin: it acts as a bio enhancer which means that it promotes the absorption of other essential nutrients into the system. The ingredient also improves the overall functioning of the digestive system.

    (viii) Horny Goat Weed: it is known for its high content of Icariin which is known to improve the user's libido and act as a mood enhancer.

    The product is intended to be used as a dietary supplement and can be consumed with one's breakfast or other meals. 3 capsules should be consumed daily for best results.

    The easiest way to purchase the product is to place an order online at Alternative, Stoked XT can also be bought via for a reasonable price.

    The product comes in the form of pills which are packed in a plastic container. Each container has 90 pills each and is priced at $49.99. Payment can be done using a variety of safe and secure transaction methods like PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Electron.

    All products supplied by AI Nutrition come with a 30 day guarantee, and unsatisfied customers may claim a refund by producing the original proof of purchase.

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