Spartagen XT – Natural Testosterone Booster


Spartagen XT Review

Spartagen XT promises to boost your testosterone levels using natural ingredients. But is it actually a useful steroid replacement? Here’s our review.

What is Spartagen XT?

Spartagen XT is a nutritional supplement advertised as a powerful way to increase your testosterone and restore your libido.

Using familiar ingredients like tribulus, Spartagen XT claims to restore and improve your testosterone levels to the same level they were at when you were younger.

Instead of using synthetic chemicals – like hormones – to raise testosterone levels, Spartagen XT promises to use 100% natural ingredients.

Spartagen XT also claims to be tested by medical doctors – which is something that most other testosterone boosters sold online today cannot claim.

The supplement is priced at around $70 per bottle. Each bottle lasts for one month.

So is Spartagen XT worth the high price tag? Let’s find out how this supplement works.

How Does Spartagen XT Work?

Spartagen XT is a nutritional supplement that claims to use nothing but natural ingredients. Those natural ingredients include all of the following:

— Tongkat Ali: “Shown to help stimulate libido & support healthier semen quality”, according to the manufacturer.

— Tribulus: Natural herbal extract that promises to help restore and improve libido and boost your sexual performance.

— Vitamin D: “Great for supporting a healthy immune system and muscle growth” but is not linked to improved testosterone production.

— Magnesium: Helps boost your cardiovascular health while providing other benefits throughout your body – like the release of toxins.

— Vitamin B6: Does not boost testosterone production in any way, but may increase energy levels to help you improve your libido.

There’s a big problem with Spartagen XT: the manufacturer has chosen not to list the actual ingredients list for the supplement.

Instead, the manufacturer only claims that there are 900mg of formula in each capsule in total. The vast majority of those 900mg are hidden behind proprietary formulas, which makes it difficult to assess the benefits.

We do know the amounts of ingredients like vitamin D included in the supplement. There’s 4000IU of vitamin D.

But that vitamin D dosage presents another problem: the manufacturer seems to think that vitamin D is some ultra-powerful testosterone booster.

In reality, vitamin D has been linked to numerous health benefits and acts as a precursor for different chemicals within your body.

However, what vitamin D doesn’t do is act like a hormone. Which is why it’s weird to see the manufacturer describe vitamin D like this:

“Spartagen XT is one of the only male boosters on the market that contains the essential steroid hormone vitamin D.”

Essential steroid hormone? Vitamin D is a nutrient that should never be described as a “steroid” or “hormone”.

In any case, Spartagen XT is basically just a multivitamin supplement with a handful of unproven “natural” testosterone boosters like tribulus extract and ginseng extract thrown in for no apparent reason. With no clinical evidence backing up these claims of higher testosterone levels, it’s hard to recommend Spartagen XT.

Spartagen XT Ingredients

Spartagen XT Ingredients

Spartagen XT only lists the dosage for a handful of its ingredients, while we’re left to guess about most of the other ingredients. Here’s what the list looks like:

As you can see, only the amounts of vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc, and Chrysin are listed. The remaining ingredients – which included botanicals and herbal extracts – are hidden behind proprietary formulas, where their dosages can range anywhere from 1mg to 290mg.

What’s Chrysin, anyway? Chrysin is a type of flavonoid that is found in passionflower extract. claims that chrysin is used by bodybuilders “because laboratory research suggested that chrysin might increase the male hormone called testosterone…but research in humans hasn’t found any effect on testosterone levels.”

WebMD also added that your body has trouble absorbing Chrysin as it passes through the intestines – so even if it did work, the overall effect on the body would be relatively small.

Scientific Evidence for Spartagen XT

The sales page for Spartagen XT also makes numerous citation references with numbers after each claim. Unfortunately, there are no actual studies linked on the Spartagen XT sales page.

In any case, even if Spartagen XT did link to any studies, we wouldn’t be able to assess the benefits of the supplement because no dosages are listed for most of its ingredients.

We do know that vitamin D is beneficial in doses of around 15mcg (600 IU) and higher. Spartagen XT contains 4000 IU of vitamin D – which would make it a fantastic vitamin D supplement. Unfortunately, vitamin D hasn’t proven to be very effective at boosting testosterone levels on its own.

In any case, none of the ingredients in Spartagen XT has been linked to higher testosterone levels in any major studies to date. The Spartagen XT formula as a whole has also not been studied in any way, which means that its benefits are impossible to verify.

Spartagen XT Pricing

Spartagen XT is priced at the following rates:

— 1 Bottle: $69
— 3 Bottles: $177
— 6 Bottles: $294

Note: be very careful when ordering Spartagen XT online. At the bottom of the ordering page, you’ll see a confirmation box that has already been pre-checked for you. That box explains that you’ll be automatically signed up for “Keep Your Edge Exclusive Coaching Sessions” at a ridiculous price of $19.95 per week. Those coaching sessions claim to teach you “how to improve your performance in the bedroom, increase your lean muscle, and understand the secrets to attracting women”. There’s very little information about this product available online and it’s not likely to be worth $80 per month.

Shipping is included on all US orders, but you pay $14.95 S+H on all international orders. NJ residents will also be charged sales tax.

All purchases also come with 5 downloadable eBooks, including all of the following:

— Kama Sutra – The Lost Chapter
— Spartan 300 Top Secret Workout
— Healthy, Happy and Hung
— Superstar Stamina
— 33 Innocent Words Turn Her On

These eBooks are delivered to your inbox immediately after you order Spartagen XT. They’re not physical copies of the books.

Who Makes Spartagen XT?

Spartagen XT is made by a company named Edge Bioactives.

Edge Bioactives is a New Jersey based company headquartered at the following address:

Edge Bioactives
725 River Road Suite 108
Edgewater, New Jersey 07020

You can contact the company by phone at 1-800-458-4634 or by email form here:

Thus far, Spartagen XT appears to be the only supplement sold by the company. The company does not sell any other nutritional supplements, although it appears to have been launched in 2014.

Note: Although the official Edge Bioactives website does not list any other nutritional supplements made by the company, Edge Bioactives is listed as the official manufacturer for a nootropic supplement named Alpha Levo IQ.

Should You Use Spartagen XT To Boost Testosterone Levels?

One of the good things I do have to say about Spartagen XT is that the supplement comes with a fair refund policy. Under its FAQs section, the manufacturer is asked what happens if the supplement doesn’t actually raise testosterone levels. In this case, the manufacturer claims you can return it within 60 days to receive a full refund or your money back.

In other words, if the supplement doesn’t work (which it probably won’t), you can get your money back with little hassle.

Although the ingredients aren’t backed by much scientific evidence, Spartagen XT may still work as an overpriced vitamin D supplement, as that’s one of the few ingredients backed by real clinical evidence (and also one of the few ingredients where the actual dosage is listed).

Unfortunately, if you’re looking for natural testosterone boosting power, then Spartagen XT doesn’t appear to have any evidence backing up its benefits.

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