Smartwater – Spice It Up and Taste This New Take On Water


Smartwater is a popular company that produces bottled water infused with electrolytes to give your body the nutrients and hydration that is necessary to maintain your health. Read on to find out how this balanced water can help you perform better and recover faster.

What is Smartwater?

With the majority of the human body being comprised of water, it is fairly clear that you need to make sure you consume enough of it during the day to stay healthy. Water benefits your body in a number of ways, which includes supplying necessary moisture to your skin and motivating healthy digestion. However, regular water can only help your body to a certain degree; Smartwater can take your simple beverage to a completely new level.

Smartwater is infused with electrolytes, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, giving you more nutrients that most people ever expect from a simple water. This special infusion gives pure Smartwater a crisp and fresh taste that is unlike any other brand you can try.

In spite of including so many other vitamins and nutrients in the beverage, you may be surprised to find that Smartwater does not have even one calorie. You won’t find any sugar, artificial coloring, artificial flavors, or even sodium in the blend. The makers of this water are very careful to keep the flavor as untouched as possible, but with as many vitamins as they can fit in.

Due to the amount of other nutrients included, Smartwater is a great way to supplement your workout or even just a hot day. Your body loses a lot of nutrients in the day through sweating and exerting yourself. By reintroducing those ingredients to your body, you can avoid muscle fatigue and tiredness without a mid-day coffee break.

How Is Smartwater Different?

The process used by Smartwater is one of the big ways that they set themselves apart from other companies that filter and distribute bottled water. With vapor distillation, Smartwater is able to replicate the way that water is typically filtered naturally by the environment. During this process, the water molecules are put through many different filtering tasks, using their technology to separate, purify, and then reassemble the molecules.

Since the process involves vapor, the water is heated to dissolve and eliminate any toxins or contaminants in the water. After the water cools, it is ready to be packaged and distributed. During this process is when electrolytes and other nutrients are infused into the water.

Why are Electrolytes Important?

To understand why your body needs the electrolytes in Smartwater, you first have to understand what electrolytes are and what they do. Electrolytes are chemicals that form ions in the body, which are electrically-charges particles. While you may think that introducing this type of substance into the body seems unusual, ions actually help your body to perform many functions.

Electrolytes are necessary for carrying the internal electrical energy needed for multiple bodily functions, like nerve signals and muscle contractions. Without a sufficient amount of electrolytes in your body, you put yourself at risk for muscle cramps and unnecessary pain.

Take exercising, for example. As you exercise, you sweat and lose hydration and electrolytes through your sweat glands. Since your body is working hard to strengthen muscles and keep them active, replacing electrolytes allows your body to keep working hard without getting a Charlie horse in your calves or arms. In fact, following up your workout with an electrolyte-infused drink can help your muscles recover after a workout, which is when you are at the highest risk for cramps.

Pricing for Smartwater

Usually, the price for a single bottle of Smartwater is only a dollar or two, but the actual price will depend on what location you purchase the drink from. Sales and promotional discounts in the area may allow you to spend even less.

Where to Buy Smartwater

Smartwater has gained a lot of popularity through its advertisements featuring Jennifer Aniston, which encouraged retailers everywhere to stock up on these tasty and healthy drinks. You don’t even need to check any store locator tool. Instead, you can walk into almost any gas station, grocery store, or supermarket and find a bottle.

Contacting Smartwater

The website for Smartwater is fairly simple and concise, so you may not have many questions about the products. However, if you want more information about where you can buy Smartwater or clarification on their processing methods, you can speak with a representative by calling 1-877-GLACEAU. No hours of operation are listed.


Smartwater is not just another pure water that you can drink to relieve dehydration. When you are dehydrated, you put your entire body at risk for problems that cannot be remedied by just drinking water.

Instead, Smartwater gives your body what it needs to restore your hydration level, while soothing the different internal organs that require electrolytes and calcium to function properly. While fitness drinks often have all of these nutrients, drinking Smartwater instead helps you to avoid the excess sugar and just reap the physical benefits.

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