Relax Remedy Phenibut – Natural Nootropic For Stress Relief?


Since it was first discovered in the 1960s in Soviet Union, Phenibut has been used for treatment of emotional and mental ailments. It is a type of chemical which is similar to a chemical of the human brain.

It is also known as gamma-aminobutyric acid or short form GABA. Relax Remedy Phenibut is used normally for anxiety treatment. It's being used also for treatment of insomnia, stress, fear, and tension. Additionally, it is permiited to cross the blood-brain obstruction of humans through phenyl ring.

Advantages and Effects of Relax Remedy Phenibut

Anxiety-reduction is the commonly known phenibut's benefit and was even documented by Izyaslav Lapin.Now, anxiety may be as a result of the brain focusing on as well as overworking unimportant details. Switching off the processing of this distracting neuron may free the individual to process a broader, and a more productive range of stimuli.

Decreases Social Anxiety

The anxiolytic effect can result in more fulfilling social interactions. There is a few limited research which support enhanced cognitive processing that followed Relax Remedy Phenibut consumption, however anxiolytic is the primary and supported benefit.

Restores Your Healthy Sleep Patterns

Those living through anxiety, stressful life events, depression and hormonal changes, such as menopause, always report deteriorating quality of sleep. Some have unsuccessful used melatonin and are not willing to use any pharmaceutical sleep aid.

The lack of good sleep can produce unbroken cycle of an impaired cognitive processing, resulting in more anxiety, and leading to more lost sleep even. Phenibut used as a sedative or an ataractic supplement can restore helpful, natural sleep patterns, quality and duration.

How Does It Work?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a brain inhibitory neurotransmitter that occurs naturally. The blood-brain barrier really makes taking GABA supplements ineffective, but phenibut can easily cross the barrier since it has an extra phenyl group molecule. Once it's in the brain, it inhibits down the neuronal process.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid opens up channels in your neurons, reduces other neurotransmitters function, and decreases collective anxiety in the neuron. It's not clear yet if phenibut will bind to this GABA receptor or not. Research has shown that it really does and even others that it might but in high concentrations only.


It's a powerful compound which is best started with careful monitoring at a low dosage.

While the ideal phenibut dosage is not really known and may vary from different persons, a lot of users report that 250 mg per day helps them to run at their optimal level. Others are needed to slowly increase ingestion, slowly reaching levels closer to a 1000 mg per day target.

Phenibut lasts in the human body for up to 24 hours, so as soon as a dose is ingested, its best to wait for awhile for the supplement to be assimilated fully before additional dosing.

Side Effects of Relax Remedy Phenibut

Whenever any new food, medication or supplement is introduced, the human body is the best source of criticism. Any person who wants to take supplements of phenibut has to start with a low dose and then tuned into the feedback which is provided by your body.

Apart from the “drunkenness” feeling which overdosing can create, other side effects include dizziness and light headedness. Other users have reported nausea, fatigue, and stomach discomfort after ingestion of phenibut. Also, people with epilepsy MAO inhibitors or medication should consult with their physicians before taking phenibut.

Avoid alcohol when taking phenibut because of synergistic effects.

Phenibut shouldn't be supplemented on a daily basis. It has the capacity to be addictive, particularly when taken excessively. If you take it regularly, tolerance will be developed which will reduce its efficacy as well. Limiting usage, just as others have, to a specific time-frame each week will reduce the possibility of tolerance and addiction.

You may want to only consider using it when you know you'll be in a kind of anxiety-inducing case or find that anxiety or stress have become disruptive to a person sleep schedule.

You are encourage to respect phenibut's power. It would be wise to consult a medical professional before you take phenibut, especially if you've an existing medical condition or you're on a medications.

Relax Remedy Phenibut Conclusion

Phenibut is a very effective supplement for anxiety-relieving without causing the drowsiness that always follows other anxiolytics.

If you're in need of a supplement that has a proven history of anti-anxiety, cognitive-enhancing benefits, sleep-promoting, phenibut is a worthy choice.

Proceed with caution if you're going to use phenibut as it can really be dangerous if used improperly.

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