Regenexx is a non-surgical procedure offered by professional physicians in treating injuries, arthritis, and other degenerative conditions that occur in the body. It is one of the world's most advanced procedures that is seen as an alternative to back surgery and spinal surgery, amongst other painful joint operations.
What is Regenexx?
To patients with serious medical conditions who are uncomfortable of undergoing surgical procedures, there is now a more advanced medical routine that is not painful, and works instantly. Regenexx is a procedure that treats knee, hip, shoulder, spine, hand and wrist, elbow and other joint problems.
This procedure uses precise injections of the patient’s stem cells that live in our body or blood platelets, to help the body in healing and repairing damaged and worn out muscles, ligaments, and bones.
In addition to stem cell and platelets procedures, Regenexx also provides joint supplements which strengthen weak joints, and they offer free e-books that educate patients on how Regenexx works.
Regenexx also shares videos of some of the procedures they undertake and videos of patients’ stories who have undergone their procedures, along with their testimony and results, motivating other patients with similar problems and encourages them to try Regenexx.
Regenexx provides information on physicians who work for them in providing quality services, this puts patients in the know and keeps fraudulent physicians away.
How Does Regenexx Work?
Stem cells are found in our bodies and act as building blocks in repairing damaged tissue. Due to some injuries we receive, and aging with time, we cannot get enough of these stem cells to repair some injured areas.
Regenexx procedures help to solve this problem by increasing the body's natural repair of cells and promoting speedy healing.
Regenexx does this by harvesting cells from areas which are rich in stem cells and refocusing them on areas which are damaged and are in need of repair.
More commonly, physician are starting to offer Regenexx treatment to their patients as it is proven to be effective and has been an established treatment for a number of years.
This procedure promises to repair damaged joints by taking stem cells and blood platelets from the patient’s own bone marrow, negating the need for a donor.
During the procedure doctors extract blood from the patient and spins the blood in a centrifuge to separate stem cells, which are then re-injected directly to the injured area.
It is a straightforward process; on the first day blood is drawn from the veins, then it taken to be processed in the lab together with the stem cells.
The stem cells are then re-injected into the patient's joints, for example, the knee or the back. The stem cells help in the healing and repairing process, and it starts working immediately by building new cells in the injured areas which repairs damaged joints and cures pain.
The doctor disperses the stem cells evenly to allow a greater number to affect the injured area, compared to how one’s body can deliver on its own.
It regenerates' the customer's blood and helps new blood vessels to grow in every part of the body with the help of the blood platelets that contain growth hormones, which is capable of repairing and creating new blood vessels.
Blood platelets contain healing growth components that increases the body’s natural ability to repair itself.
This treatment is effective since platelets have an stimulating effect on stem cells in specific areas and stem cells are found all over the body, which play the role of repairing tissues. The main goal in platelets treatment is to get the most powerful cells to work faster and harder.
Regenexx Pricing
Regenexx's official website does not give the actual pricing for undertaking the procedure, since it varies from one person to the other. As people are treating separate conditions, the the pricing varies from one person to the other.
However, the website gives a chart which provides a general idea of the procedure and where they fall in terms of cost and the condition to treat.
Blood platelet procedures costs less than stem cell procedures since in stem cell therapy, severe injuries and orthopedic conditions are the focus, and are more demanding.
To provide reliable, accurate, and interesting information about their services, Regenexx has provided their contact information for anyone who would like to enquire for anything regarding Regenexx.
Who is behind Regenexx?
Regenexx is a stem cell procedure that is offered by a company known as Regenerative Sciences, which is based in Colorado, and has been offering the service since 2005.
Regenexx first priority is to produce the best possible outcome for its patients. It incorporates leading and professional research teams and physicians that constantly update their services and findings online.
At Regenexx, they educate their patients about the various procedures they offer, giving clients variety to select from depending on their needs and the treatment they decide to choose.
They also offer options and encourage patients to take an active role in their own health and treatment. Regenexx strives to provide innovative treatment plans that are affordable and designed to meet the patient's health needs.
They are self-driven, compassionate, and dedicated to ensure that they are able to cater to all the patients who have joint problems. This makes Regenexx be the most experienced and long running stem cell therapist in the whole of America.
Regenexx Review Summary
Being a leading company in terms of stem cell therapy and blood platelet procedures, patients that have undergone this procedure claim it is the best procedure they could have received, and it provided instant and long lasting results, allowing patients to go back to how they were before the injury, and live life free of handicap.
The procedure is approved by FDA which ensures its safety for patients. It is popularly considered by health practitioners who have tried it on several patients across the country to be the best treatment available.
The procedure is not time consuming, requiring only a day, because they are taken from one place and re-injected in another location on the same day.
Due to the many innovations by Regenexx, the rate of surgical processes is drastically reducing making it the best company for stem cells and blood platelet procedure.