PointPet: Chewable Supplements For Dogs Based On Science?


Everyone is well aware of the supplements which we can take to give our body all the nutrients we aren’t getting from our diet. So if humans need supplements to ensure long lives then why aren’t there any supplements for our furry friends?

PointPet has recognized that pets, just like humans, might not get all the nutrients they need from the foods that we feed them. We often make the mistake of feeding our family pet with the same dog food day after day. The problem is that even though these dog foods do offer the basic nutrients our dogs might need, they don’t offer additional benefits that our dogs eventually develop a need for throughout their lives.

About PointPet

Originally PointPet was a product wholesaler company but overtime they quickly moved towards developing their own products. Their facility is based out of San Francisco, CA and has been in business since 2014.

The company is able to offer affordable pet supplements because they are able to make large volume purchases from suppliers which gives them a discounted rate and allows them to control manufacturing completely. The result is a quality product which can be sold at affordable prices. Additionally, the suppliers that PointPet uses are all very reputable and vetted in the United States which is why all of their products are not only effective but also completely safe.

The supplements produced by PointPet are made from 100% natural ingredients. They combine scientific knowledge with the quality of natural ingredients to create products that are healthy, effective, and safe. All of their manufacturing happens in FDA approved facilities and they follow strict Good Manufacturing Practices.

PointPet Products

At the moment PointPet offers 9 different products. All of them are pet supplements which contain specific ingredients designed to tackle various conditions which dogs can develop. Here are some of these supplements and a short description of their functionality.

PointPet Advanced Hip + Joint

This supplement product by PointPet is specifically designed to help your pet get back the energy they had as a puppy while improving their joint health. Glucosamine and glucosamine sulfate are the two main ingredients used in the formula. These ingredients are very well known for their ability to help improve the health of cartilage which is the tissue that cushions bones around your pet’s joints. Currently, this supplement can be purchased on the official website for $18.21.

Advanced Immunity Support

Our immune system is one of the most important parts of our body, it helps us stay healthy and combats all sorts of pathogens and bacteria. The same can be said about the immune system of our pets. High in digestible protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the key players in this supplement.

Both of these ingredients come from hemp seeds and offer huge nutritional benefits. The hemp seed oil is actually filled with essential nutrients that our dogs utilize to improve their overall wellness and health. Cardiovascular health is also linked to hemp oil. Not only does this oil provide support for our dogs’ hearts but it’s also filled with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which are absolutely crucial for a healthy dog. This supplement is currently available for $22.79.

Advanced Probiotics

Have you ever witnessed your dog eating grass? This is usually a sign that your dog is trying to either fix their digestive system or meet a nutritional need. The probiotics formula used in this supplement is designed not only to help your dog with their digestive problems by revitalizing their microbiome of the gut but also to help them create a stronger immune system.

Deficiencies in live bacteria can often lead to allergies and inflammation, using this supplement will ensure that your dog has all the right probiotics and nutrients needed to help fight yeast, ear infections, skin issues, and allergies. Advanced Probiotics is available on the official site for $24.73.

Advanced Skin & Coat Supplement

If you ever notice that your dog is itching and scratching all the time without a good reason, they might have developed allergies or just have sensitive skin. This supplement by PointPet should help you get your dog’s dry and itchy skin under control.

It is packed with Omega 3, 6, and 9 which are all vital for exceptional skin and coat health. Furthermore, these same Omega fatty acids improve your dog’s immune system and boost its functionality. So if you ever find high amounts of dog hair around the house, it might be time to get your dog this type of a supplement. This supplement can be currently purchased for $24.75 from the official website.

PointPet Review Summary

Supplements are needed to fulfill the nutritional needs that our bodies have, especially when our diet isn’t supplying all of those nutrients. Our dog’s body has the same basic requirements which need to be met in order for them to live a long and healthy life. Offering supplements for your dog depending on which condition you think they are experiencing is a good idea.

We do strongly suggest that before you purchase any of these supplements, you first see a veterinarian in order to rule out any serious problems that your pet might be going through. If you do determine that supplementation is a good idea, ensure that you notify your veterinarian about your intentions and double check to verify that the supplement you are planning on offering to your pet is the right one.

Overall, it seems that PointPet is offering some very credible supplements which make complete sense. The ingredients they use in their products seem to be high quality and are also known for working well to tackle the issues that each of them is designed for. The only issues we have with these supplements is their price.

Some of these products are more expensive then supplement which are designed for humans. We understand that because of the quality and a very specific niche, the price can often be higher than expected but at the same time paying more for my pet’s supplementation then our own shouldn’t be the case.

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