Phenterthin – Healthy Appetite Suppressant And Fat Burner?


Phenterthin is an appetite suppressant and fat burner that is marketing itself as the best appetite suppressant for females in America. Read our Phenterthin review to find out if it’s legit.

What Is Phenterthin?

Phenterthin is a diet pill that works by suppressing your appetite. When your appetite is suppressed, you can eat less without feeling hungry. Obviously, weight loss isn’t just about exercise: it’s about dieting. By taking Phenterthin regularly, the manufacturer claims you can burn fat and boost your metabolism by up to 75%.

Phenterthin was initially released back in 2007 and 2008 – or at least, a diet pill under the same name was released back then. In 2016, the pill appears to have been re-released as part of a free trial offer.

Like most free trial offers, Phenterthin’s free trial involves paying a small shipping fee today – and then paying a larger $50 to $150 fee 15 days later.

Is Phenterthin worth the high price? Let’s take a closer look at how the diet pill claims to work.

How Does Phenterthin Work?

Phenterthin makes a number of bold claims about its ingredients and its effectiveness. For example, the diet pill claims that the product is available without a prescription – which suggests that it offers near-pharmacy-grade effectiveness.

There’s also the fact that Phenterthin contains the word “phen” in its name. We’ve seen a number of scammy diet pills do this because it makes it seem like Phenterthin is affiliated with phentermine, a weight loss chemical that was so effective it was banned in the United States (mostly because it also killed a lot of people by over-straining the heart).

There’s no evidence suggesting that Phenterthin has been associated with any weight loss benefits. The makers of the supplement don’t list any clinical studies or evidence that shows it works as advertised.

In fact, the makers of Phenterthin aren’t even upfront about their ingredients. There’s very little information available online about Phenterthin at all.

Based on our research, Phenterthin appears to be a re-branded version of other “phen”-named diet pills, namely Phentrazine.

Information about Phenterthin is hard to find online. However, numerous sites report that each serving of Phenterthin (3 capsules per serving) contains a high level of caffeine (300mg).

We assume that the daily dosage is 3 capsules, which would be considered a very high dose of caffeine.

To put 300mg of caffeine in perspective, that’s the same amount of caffeine in 3 cups of coffee. It’s the same amount of caffeine in 4 cans of Red Bull.

If you take the three capsules all at once, then you’re going to very likely experience some negative side effects – including jitters, anxiety, and other unwanted side effects of caffeine.

Will 300mg of Caffeine Really Help You Lose Weight?

Before it was banned, phentermine was a weight loss chemical that worked in a similar way to caffeine. It was a stimulant that fired up your metabolism and boosted your energy, making it easier for your body to lose weight.

Then, it was banned because it was wreaking havoc on the cardiovascular health of users – and was even linked to some heart attacks and deaths.

Ever since phentermine was banned, manufacturers have been selling phentermine-like products – which mostly just contain caffeine. Phenterthin is one such product.

Fortunately for you, caffeine does have proven weight loss effects. Many people use caffeine as an appetite suppressant. Others use it to boost their metabolism. And some people use it to boost their energy before a workout – helping them work out for longer and harder. reports that 200mg is enough caffeine to produce noticeable effects on the body – especially if you’re not a regular caffeine user or coffee drinker. However, those who are accustomed to the effects of caffeine can enjoy weight loss benefits at doses of 300mg and higher.

Most medical organizations around the world recommend taking less than 500mg of caffeine per day. So the dose in Phenterthin is high – but it’s not quite a dangerous amount of caffeine.

Phenterthin Pricing

Phenterthin is available exclusively online through a free trial offer. Like most free things on the internet, there’s a lot more to this trial than meets the eye. Here’s how pricing breaks down:

-You pay $4.99 today for shipping and handling

-If you don’t call the company to cancel and return your trial bottle within 15 days, you’ll be charged the full price for the supplement

-The full price varies based on your package. Most customers claim that they were charged a $49 fee for the trial bottle, and then were quickly charged $149.95 for two more bottles – even though they didn’t explicitly order them.

-Basically, based on all the information we could find online, the makers of Phenterthin appear to take your credit card information saying they’re going to charge you a small fee, and then max out your credit card with hundreds of dollars of hidden charges

Obviously, reputable companies don’t have pricing policies like this. So who’s the company behind Phenterthin?

Who Makes Phenterthin?

Phenterthin is purportedly made by an Oklahoma-based company named Pure Energy Products.

Just like with Phenterthin itself, there’s very little information about the company available online. The first thing that pops up when you search for Pure Energy Products is an investigation report by the FDA.

That report states that the company was found illegally distributing the banned food additive DMAA, another popular diet ingredient that was restricted by the FDA after it was linked to health problems.

That FDA report also went on to state that there were problems with how Pure Energy Products was marketing its supplements. The drug Phentrazine 37.5, for example (which appears similar to Phenterthin), was warned because “the name closely resembles the name of the drug phentermine”.

The lengthy report makes a number of other claims against Pure Energy Products, Inc. and its owner and president, Darrin R. Clanton. It’s a lengthy report expressing problems with a number of Pure Energy Products supplements.

In any case, the company’s address is listed as:

6409 S. Western Avenue

Oklahoma City, OK 73139

Phenterthin Review Summary

Phenterthin appears to be a caffeine pill that is masquerading as a highly effective weight loss agent.

There’s plenty of evidence to suggest caffeine works as advertised to help you lose weight – but there’s no need to spend this much money on caffeine pills.

You can buy caffeine pills for a fraction of the price – or even just drink coffee and tea throughout the day to enjoy the same dosage of caffeine.

We haven’t even mentioned, of course, that the pill makes some very problematic claims with its marketing: including references to the product appearing on CBS News and MSNBC (neither claim is true).

There’s also the fact that it calls itself “the world’s most potent diet pill” and the “number 1 female appetites suppressant in America” (again, there’s no evidence suggesting that this is true).

Oh, and there’s also the fact that the FDA launched a massive investigation into the makers of the supplement, specifically stating problems with misbranding and inaccurately labeling their products, and continuing to sell illegal food additives like DMAA after they were banned across America.

For all of these reasons, Phenterthin appears to be a scam. You can use caffeine to lose weight, but you certainly don’t need to buy dangerous, expensive products like Phenterthin to get a strong dose of caffeine.

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