Organic Sunshine Burgers – Wholesome Veggie Non-GMO Patties?


Organic Sunshine Burgers is a company the creates healthy burgers with vegan ingredients, without any meat or non-organic substances. By choosing to eat organically, you get many benefits that are lost with the use of various chemicals.

What Is Organic Sunshine Burgers?

Becoming a vegan is a major life choice, which is often brought on by a conviction about the severe mistreatment of animals. However, since the human body is physiologically designed to require the protein that you usually can only find in meat, you need to find a way to get those amino acids otherwise.

Unfortunately, too many vegan companies cut corners, which means that you don’t actually get the nutrients you deserve. That’s when Organic Sunshine Burgers comes in.

Organic Sunshine Burgers offers you a balanced option for the classic “veggie burger” that is easily a staple in the lives of many vegetarians.

Most of these options contain sunflower seeds and brown rice for the right amount of protein and amino acids. However, ingredients like gluten and wheat are noticeably absent from the recipes.

This company was founded by Carol Debberman almost 15 years ago, due to her adoration for a diet that is exclusively vegetarian. Without nutritious options available in stores, she decided to create her own brand that is family friendly and delicious. However, the only way to achieve this nourishment is by using organic ingredients that have been verified for their purity.

The Importance Of Organic Foods

Even though it may seem like just a trend right now, organic foods can provide you with a wealth of nutrients that isn’t offered with other foods. Organic foods are grown in healthy soil that is free of pesticides, which means you don’t have to worry about ingesting toxic chemicals.

As a vegetarian, every food that you eat is scrutinized, since you need a balanced supply of nutrients. That’s why you need to be careful which foods you put in your body.

By choosing the organic materials in the Sunshine Burgers, you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need, without the toxic chemicals that you don’t.

Products By Organic Sunshine Burgers

There are plenty of different flavors that are presently being offered through Organic Sunshine Burgers, helping vegans with multiple dietary preferences.

These flavors are sold in stores, and you can check the store locator online to see the nearest participating stores in your area.

Read on below to learn about the different options available to you.

Garden Herb

The Garden Herb blend features a blend of carrots, spices, rice, and other substances for a classic type of veggie burger. However, with the included herbs, this burger is bound to be one of the best flavors you’ve experienced.

Quarter Pound Original

This original burger is 50% bigger than any of the patties that you can find from Organic Sunshine Burgers. It offers plenty of fiber and protein, along with vitamin A and vitamin E. It gives you brown rice, sunflower seeds, carrots, and spices.

Loco Chipotle

Loco Chipotle offers four hearty ounces of nutrients in a fiery blend. You get all the delicious tastes of brown rice, carrots, chia seeds, cilantro, and jalapeño pepper, which is easily enough to keep you wanting more.

Black Bean South West

The Black Bean South West burger introduces the spicy sensation you enjoy from jalapeño, cilantro, and black beans. This burger is incredibly hearty, and gives you a balanced blend of omega-3 fatty acids. You can even crumble this burger into a taco.

This burger offers the combined nutrients and taste of brown rice, carrots, black beans, green pepper, and more.


Everyone loves the sweet taste of barbecue sauce, which is the taste that you get to enjoy from this organic burger. To complement the main flavor, this burger includes the tastes of pinto beans, paprika, and sea salt. It even incorporates the smoky flavor that you usually can only get when you throw a burger on the grill.


You can enjoy the delicious taste falafel within a burger with this option. You will be able to enjoy the complements of chick peas, Tahini, garlic, and parsley to enhance the main flavor of this dish.

Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake Mushroom offers a high-quality, gourmet taste to the veggie burgers. To improve your number of nutrients in the remedy, this mixture also includes quinoa, organic carrots, organic onion, and other foods that you already enjoy.

Hemp & Sage Breakfast

The Hemp & Sage Breakfast burger offers a hearty and satisfying flavor in this vegetable-based patty. It’s low in sodium, while still providing you with the fiber and protein your diet requires of you. This flavor is created by adzuki beans, hemp seeds, and sage.

Contacting The Customer Service Team For Organic Sunshine Burgers

Even though you will learn plenty of information about the Organic Sunshine Burgers from the website, you may have other questions that you want to bring up before trying them out. The customer service department offers a fill-in form on the website to enter your inquiry. However, you can also email or call the company.

Emailing the company is a simple way to reach the company without hold times, by sending a message to [email protected]. However, if you want to reach the team right away, you can call (920) 568-1100.

Organic Sunshine Burgers Review Summary

The Organic Sunshine Burgers offer you variety that other brands simply don’t. While you get plant-based proteins, you also get real flavors that won’t overwhelm or overfill you. If you’re ready to reinvent your perspective of the veggie burger, this brand can obliterate your views.

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