Nvie Nutrition – Protein, Meal Replacement & Sports Supplements?


Getting the best results in bodybuilding often requires the use of muscle growth aids and supplements designed to help you melt off the fat, pack on the lean muscle and bulk up like a pro.

Even though there are people who claim they can do it “au naturale”, the reality is that there is always a limit to how much muscle you can put on, even when you have good genetics.

So, if you want to shatter those limits very quickly, and gain the bulk or size you need, you need good supplementation. Few nutrition companies like Nvie Nutrition are dedicated to creating the best possible protein powders and capsules for weightlifters, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

Nvie Nutrition is a nutritional supplement company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that manufactures and sells protein whey for bodybuilders and weightlifters. If you have been looking for a nutritional whey protein made from the finest organic materials, you might want to check out the supplements from the house of Nvie Nutrition.

How Is Nvie Nutrition Better Than Other Manufacturers?

Well, truth be told, the company offers transparency in its ingredients. We did some research and couldn’t find many other companies that had a full listing of their ingredients on their product label.

They even include ingredients like saw palmetto, wheat and dairy; all ingredients that some are allergic to and others aren’t. Nvie Nutrition really doesn’t hide anything from its customers.

What you see on the label is what you get. This is refreshing in an industry rife with misinformation, false labeling or even intentional withholding of information because it will affect their bottom line.

While they do offer whey protein powders and nutritional capsules that’s similar to that provided by the other houses, we love that they provide the information so we know what we’re putting in our bodies. We would take that over any other brand whose product ingredients are shrouded in secrecy.

The company offers a slew of pre-workout, intra workout and post workout whey supplements that you can use to get increase your performance, build your endurance and stamina, and finally, get great results from your workouts as quickly as possible.

Now, because they haven’t been in the market for long –established in 2013, they don’t have the pedigree, test results or history that other brands do. This can be both a good and a bad thing.

Good in the sense that because they’re new, they’ll put a lot of effort into creating premium products at a competitive price. This means that you can probably get better quality whey protein from them than you would from older, more established companies.

Most new nutrition companies aren’t usually worried about profit margins, they’re more concerned about product quality, establishing a brand and becoming a known name.

That’s most likely, what Nvie Nutrition is currently doing with their offerings. We give it to them: Their product offers, full ingredient listings and great packaging makes them very appealing.

The bad is that because they don’t have as much history or haven’t been in the business for long, product quality may not be consistent across board. We’re not saying that’s the case here, but it is a possibility among new brands.

Then, the lack of objective research and data, which is usually a product of “age” and rigorous testing, might be an issue for some people who prefer to have concrete evidence that a certain product works.

Nvie Nutrition Product Range

If you’re still reading this, it’s probably because you’re really interested in what we know about their product offerings. So, let’s do that.

Nvie Nutrition currently sells 22 products. These include:

2LB Isolate Protein

This is a top shelf whey isolate protein that contains about 25g of whey isolate protein and 5g of BCAAs. It comes in chocolate and vanilla flavors, and offers about 32 servings.

2LB Meal Replacement

This 2.6 pounds Pro-MRP meal replacement formula contains 34g of protein blend, and various nutrients. It’s the perfect meal replacement supplement. It only offers 16 servings and priced at $49.99. Also comes in chocolate and vanilla flavors.

4LB Perfect Pro

Designed to be the perfect protein formula for athletes, 4LB Perfect Pro contains 21g of proteins and 5g of BCAAs. Comes with no maltodextrin, so you know you’re getting pure protein. Priced at $79.99, this container offers 62 servings and comes in bot vanilla and chocolate flavors.

2LB Perfect Pro

Same as above, only smaller, offers on 31 servings and is priced at $44.99.

Pro Gainer

This is an incredible supplement for mass gains and badass bulk. Comes with 127g of carbs, 64g of proteins and great as a meal replacement. It is simply an amazing option for those looking to get built like the Hulk. Priced at $67.99, this 6.7 lbs container offers 14 servings, and only has the vanilla flavor.


The ultimate protein powder for max gains and muscle recovery. This is jam-packed with nutritional benefits and great for post workout recovery. Each 2 pound jar contains 5g of EAA, BCAA, and Glutamine each, followed by 30g of carbs, and 20g of proteins. Priced at $59.99, it’s available in watermelon, orange creamsicle, and very berry smoothie flavors.

BCAA 2:1:1

This is designed to help with muscle recovery, and relieve muscle soreness. Contains 6g of BCAAs like l-isoleucine, l-leucine, and l-valine. This great tasting drink comes in blue raspberry and green apple flavors, offers 30 servings and is priced at $39.99.

Edge Pro 2

This is a powerful pre-workout and intra workout supplement designed to kick in the energy, further driving you to do more reps, sets and achieve maximum growth without feeling spent.

Priced at $49.99 per jar, it offers 1.5g creatine, 1g l-citrulline, and 30 servings. It also comes in different flavors such as orange mango, watermelon, lemon lime, punch berry and icy blue razz.

Shred Pro Xtreme

If you want to torch body fat, this is what you need. This advanced thermogenic supplement is designed to accelerate weight loss, suppress appetite, and get you the fast track to being ripped and fit.

Sold as capsules, this bottle contains 120 capsules (60 servings) which are made up of ingredients like caffeine, l-theanine, l-tyrosine, and l-carnitine. It’s priced at $69.99 and should be taken two at a time.

Other products from Nvie Nutrition include TX3 Xtreme, Aromastim, Image, Clean, Creatine, Kreactive, Glutamine, Flush, Reflex, Life, Elixir, Protein Pancake Mix and Hemonox

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