Nutrabolics Aggro – Dual Action Lean Muscle Hormone Amplifier?


The testosterone levels of the body are responsible for most of the bodily functions that are most important to fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and athletes. Commonly referred to as the “male hormone”, testosterone controls the rate at which the body generates lean muscle mass, heightens strength and endurance, and is even responsible for libido and mood balance.

The production levels of testosterone in the male body, unfortunately, drop by 2% to 4% every year from the ages of 20 to 54. This process, called androgenesis, can leave many men with critically low testosterone levels in just a few years, which can stall strength development, fitness training, and physique progress.

This drop in testosterone production is exacerbated by the fact that most of the foods we eat in modern society are pumped full of hormone disrupting chemicals and xenoestrogens that inhibit the ability of the body to create testosterone.

Short of following a testosterone replacement therapy course, which is a drastic option, there are few ways to increase testosterone production through physical exercise and diet alone.

There are, however, a number of supplements that have been clinically proven to dramatically increase testosterone production. Taken singularly, these supplements vary in efficacy and strength, so the best way of using them to boost testosterone levels is to take a hormone boosting stack. Not all testosterone supplements are effective or trustworthy, unfortunately- many supplements use untested or unproven ingredients that don’t have any real effect.

A new hormone amplifier from highly popular sports nutrition brand Nutrabolics, however, is offering fitness enthusiasts a proven and effective testosterone boosting supplement that contains ingredients that are supported by a large amount of clinical evidence.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Nutrabolics Aggro formula and assess the scientific evidence that supports it to find out whether it’s actually able to deliver on the promises it makes.

What is Nutrabolics Aggro?

Nutrabolics describe Aggro as a dual-action hormone amplifier that is able to maximize lean muscle mass, promote the synthesis and release of anabolic agents in the body, increase testosterone production by over 40%, and enhance the production of human growth hormone.

While testosterone boosting supplements are extremely common in the sports nutrition industry, there are a few things that make Aggro stand out from the crowd. Firstly, the Aggro formula doesn’t contain any proprietary blends that obfuscate the active ingredients in the product, a practice that is frequently found in less reputable supplement brands. Nutrabolics maintain a transparent and upfront policy, providing a full breakdown of active ingredients to consumers.

Secondly, all of the ingredients in the Nutrabolics Aggro formula are backed up by clinical trials that have tested the efficacy of the respective active element in real human trials. There are many supplement companies and testosterone boosting product that rely upon in vitro or animal tested ingredients and the evidence gained from them to tout the effectiveness of their product. While in vitro trials can make a new supplement appear promising, it doesn’t mean the ingredient has any benefits to the human body.

The Nutrabolics Aggro Formula

We’ll proceed to break down the active ingredients in the Aggro formula and take a look at the clinical evidence that supports their use as testosterone and anabolic compound boosting elements:

D-Aspartic Acid

D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that is commonly found in foods such as oysters, asparagus, and wild game. A clinical trial performed in 1998 found that a small amount of this unique compound, added to daily dietary intake, is able to control androgen secretion, and is strongly linked to testosterone production1.

Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens, also known as velvet bean, is a bean plant that is native to Africa and tropical Asia. This botanical extract was proven in 2009 to cause an increase in male sex hormone production, which has the side effect of boosting overall male fertility2.

Deer Antler Extract

Deer antler extract supplementation was pioneered by the Russian Olympic team in the 1980’s and has been clinically proven to increase the production of human growth hormone in the body, a powerful anabolic agent that can significantly increase the rate at which the body can build new lean muscle mass. A 2003 clinical investigation found that deer antler velvet extract is able to increase muscle strength by 26%3.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali, also known as longjack, is a powerful herb growth throughout Southeast Asia. This herb has been used for thousands of years for its powerful aphrodisiac qualities, but has recently been proven in a 2014 clinical trial to increase testosterone production in the male body4.

Cinnamomum Cassia

Also known as Chinese cinnamon, Cinnamomum Cassia, this traditional medicinal herb contains a volatile compound called Cinnamaldehyde, which has been demonstrated to increase the levels of testosterone in the body, as well as promoting higher production levels of an androgenic compound called dehydroepiandrosterone5.

Berberine HCL

Berberine is an ammonium salt that has been shown to increase the levels of AMP-activated protein kinase, or AMPK in the body. Increased AMPK levels has been clinically proven to stimulate energy generation and promote strength and muscle endurance6.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid, or ALA, is commonly found in foods such as yams and broccoli, and has a number of performance boosting abilities. Firstly, ALA is able to regulate and balance blood sugar levels7, and secondly, was proven in a 2013 clinical study to minimize oxidative stress and boost aerobic performance8.

Bitter Melon Extract

The final element of the Aggro formula, bitter melon extract, has been proven to increase fat metabolism and speed up the rate at which the body is able to cut away unwanted weight, increasing metabolic function9.

Nutrabolics Aggro Verdict

Nutrabolics Aggro is perhaps one of the most comprehensive hormone boosters available on the market, combining all of the most potent hormone regulators that are backed by clinical science into one cost-effective and powerful supplement.

If you’re looking for a completely natural supplement that is able to increase free testosterone production and significantly improve overall physical performance and strength, Nutrabolics Aggro is one of the best options on the market today.

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