Nose Budz – Proven Allergens, Pollens and Pollution Protection?


Respiratory illnesses are currently on the rise, as there are a wide range of bacteria, particles and possible pollutants in the air consumers are surrounded in. If an action is not taken, people are sure get illnesses such as asthma, chronic coughs, and even lung cancer.

This is where Nose Budz comes into play. Nose Budz works to ensure that such bacteria and unwanted particles do no enter the nose, ensuring that only clean air passes through the nose and enters the lungs.

Let’s take a closer look at this innovative and unique product that is certain to heal oneself.

What Is Nose Budz ?

Dr. Robert Brunst is the creator and co owner of Nose Budz. He is a family medicine doctor and has been in practice for over 38 years. He’s excelled beyond his scope and has taught as an assistant professor, ensuring people are well informed of what potential illnesses are out there and how to better treat them.

Nose Budz helps to prevent respiratory illnesses by using filters that clean the air surrounding the nostrils before it enters into one’s system.

Ultimately, Nose Budz works to sanitize air that way allergens, flu and viruses are neither worsened nor created. The question now becomes how it all works.

How Does The Nose Budz Work?

Nose Budz are no ordinary nose buds that are inserted into one’s nostrils, they are actually small conical filters. These conical filters are made with hypoallergenic silicone.

When one inhales, the particles within the air quickly enter the filters, but are purified prior to entering one’s system, which ultimately ensures safety of each and every individual.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Using Nose Budz?

  • Nose Budz are designed to fit perfectly into one’s nostrils that way comfort is not compromised
  • Prevents consumers from getting respiratory illnesses in the long run
  • Ensures that one’s current health condition related to respiratory illnesses is not worsened
  • No longer need to worry about being part of large crowds
  • Works only through inhaling and exhaling, therefore preventing filters from getting clogged by mucus and moisture
  • Barely noticeable

Are Nose Budz One Size Fits All?

NoseBudz are not one size fits all, as each and every individual and his or her respective nostril sizes are subject to change from one another. This is why NoseBudz have been designed in three different sizes; small, medium, and larger that way everyone has the opportunity to inhale the cleanest of all airs and can continuously maintain a proper well being.

How Much Do Nose Budz Cost?

Consumers have the option of purchasing one pack, two packs or three packs. The following is a breakdown of prices for better analysis:

  • One pack of NoseBudz comes with 4 conical filters and a hard plastic travel carrying case for a price of $9.95.
  • Two packs of NoseBudz come with 8 conical filters and a hard plastic travel carrying case for a price of $19.90.
  • Three packs of NoseBudz come with 12 conical filters and a hard plastic travel carrying case for a price of $29.85.
  • Consumers also have access to a travel pack option as well

In terms of prices, NoseBudz are definitely affordable. It is hard to find a health related product that makes breathing easier and safe for the long run at such prices.

It uses innovative technology to embed such filters at these specific sizes to work. One pack alone may suffice, as it contains 4 conical filters and not just one!

Overall, consumers are at risk of getting any type of respiratory illnesses. Whether one is at work, at home, lawn mowing, or in large crowds, there is always someone contaminated with germs (i.e. sick), that is bound to spread even from fairly large distances.

NoseBudz will never allow for such bacteria to enter one’s system, as the conical filters are like a shield/barrier that purifies air and excludes the unwanted.

It is an easy wear that can be worn for up to 12 hours and can be removed and worn to one’s liking. For comfort and risk free encounters, check out:

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