No Cow Bars – D’s Naturals Dairy Free Organic Protein Snacks?


Working out and eating well are important steps to protect and maintain your health.

But, if you’re going to maximize your workout routine and get all of the benefits that you deserve for your body and mind, you also need to make sure that you’re fortifying yourself with high-quality and effective proteins, minerals, fibers, and the like.

While there are many food options that you can try, this review would like to introduce you to a particular product that you can take with you on-the-go to have whenever you need the extra boost.

The food product is called No Cow Bars and it is a dairy-free protein bar that features natural, organic, and healthy ingredients that provides your body exactly what it needs before and after a workout routine.

What Is No Cow Bars?

No Cow Bars is a dairy-free and natural protein bar that you can work into your daily routine before or after your workout. The bar comes in an array of delicious flavors, making the product a step up from the other traditional bland and cardboard-like options on the market.

By choosing a product that you actually enjoy, you should have an easier time adding the food to your daily routine so that you can maximize your health and workout.

No Cow Bars Brand Story

Knowing the story behind the brand is a great way to get a sense of the product that you’re interested in. No Cow Bar was developed by D Katz in 2005.

After experiencing health issues after consuming dairy, he noticed that the he had a serious issue, much like a large portion of the population.

Rather than cause detriment to his workout routine, he decided to create an energy bar that would keep him, and others, going after a challenging session and that would deliver all of the necessary nutrients, minerals, and other compounds for optimal results.

With that, the No Cow Bar was born. Today, the protein bar has exceeded expectations in terms of performance and popularity and it is now featured in over 1,200 stores around the country.

Therefore, if you do decide to add this protein bar to your lifestyle, you certainly should have no problem finding it.

No Cow Bars Benefits

It’s always optimal to choose a product that provides you with the qualities and support that you’re looking for. In this case, here are the main advantages of this bar so that you know what to expect when you add it to your routine:

Made with Organic Brown Rice and Pea Proteins to Promote Fullness

Excessive hunger, snacking, and overeating can cause serious detriment to your body and workout routine. Luckily, when you add this formula to your routine, you can protect yourself against these issues. The No Cow Bar is made with organic brown rice and pea proteins.

The organic quality ensures that you don’t need to worry about pesticides and toxins in your diet, while the proteins themselves promote fullness throughout the day.

The protein also works to help restore and rebuild your muscles so that you can develop a stronger, firmer, and leaner body.

Includes Prebiotic Fiber for Optimal Digestive Health

Your digestive health can be delicate, especially if you aren’t used to eating quality foods. Many foods often cause an imbalance in your gut health, which leads to bloating, irritation, stomach pain, and the like.

When you use this product, you receive prebiotics that work to enhance your digestive system and the fiber also works to keep you fuller for longer. You’ll feel healthier, stronger, and you’ll experience fewer bouts of digestive problems.

All Natural Sweeteners

Sugar is terrible for your body and limiting it as much as possible is one of the best steps that you can take for your overall health. Luckily, when you choose this product, you don’t need to worry about consuming harmful sugars.

Instead, this formula is made with all-natural sweeteners such as stevia and monk fruit. You’ll get the sweetness that you crave, just without the harmful impact of sugar.

As you can tell, there are many benefits to be had when you choose No Cow Bar. The protein bar provides you with healthy and fulfilling proteins, it boosts your digestive health, and it features all-natural sweeteners.

No Cow Bars Ingredients

Another quality to look out when making a purchase is the ingredients. Most protein and energy bears include ingredients that most people can barely pronounce, let alone understand.

No Cow Bar makes the process easy for you by providing you with a list of ingredients that is clear, easy to understand, and that you’ll have no trouble recognizing.

While each bar’s ingredients is a bit different due to the flavor of the bar, here are the main ingredients that you’ll find in almost every option:

  • Brown rice blend
  • Pea proteins
  • Prebiotic fibers
  • Cocoa butter
  • Monk fruit extract
  • Stevia
  • Freeze-dried fruit

Each of these ingredients is an all-natural substance that you can trust to be good for your health and to provide you with the boost that you need.

Further, the all-natural quality makes It easier for you to keep out harmful toxins from your system so that you can maintain your health levels.

No Cow Bars Flavors

Here are the main flavor options available that you can choose from:

  • Blueberry Cobbler
  • Banana Bread
  • Chocolate Fudge
  • Dark Raspberry Truffle
  • Lemon Meringue Pie
  • Mint Cacao Chip
  • Peanut Butter
  • Raspberry Truffle

Purchasing No Cow Bars

If you are interested in purchasing the No Cow Bar, then you can do so through the brand’s website or at your local store. If you decide to purchase through the brand’s website, the product can only be bought in packs of 12.

The price for one pack is $29.99 and you receive 12 bars in every pack. On the other hand, you can purchase the bars at your local store and each bar may cost around $1.50.

No Cow Bars Summary

Overall, the No Cow Bar is a great option for those who are looking for a delicious, healthy, fulfilling, and protein-rich bar to add to their workout routine or active lifestyle. To purchase, just visit the brand’s website or a store.

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