Natural Solutions – Health & Wellness Supplements & Diet Plans?


Online supplement and nutrition companies have become a popular staple among many of people’s shopping habits. It’s now easier and faster than ever before to purchase supplements online, and with today’s modern security checks and procedures, they are also safe to buy.

One New Zealand-based company that sells a range of supplements and pills on an international scale is Natural Solutions, which is based in Newton, Auckland on number 40 Benedicts Street.

What is Natural Solutions?

Natural Solutions sells a range of supplements for a variety of uses, including: cancer care, probiotics, ketogenics, and those that treat common ailments such as inflammation.

Although the chances for disappointment with one’s purchase is rife when buying from a company for the first time, Natural Solutions does its best to alleviate some of that concern with their positive reviews, as well as their valid security certificate. These trust indicators could mean that the company is vetted for protecting the shopper’s credit card information and personal details.

Shoppers can purchase from Natural Solutions using a variety of payment methods, which includes credit cards, internet banking, cheque, and wire transfer. The company has a customer service team on standby to answer any questions that one may have about their product line, and reportedly ships worldwide.

What Products are Sold by Natural Solutions?

Natural Solutions appears to be a distributor for several trademarked brands of supplements such as:

  • Colostrum-MAF
  • Bravo Probiotic
  • Rerum
  • TBL-12
  • Natural Care
  • UltraCUR
  • Reum Blue

And many others.

The company states that they are continually expanding their product line to include diverse and innovative products to improve the health of their customers. Products such as raspberry ketones and garcinia Cambogia could be expected to be featured here, although these reports are so far unverified by the company.

It should be noted that the business does not offer any assurance to their customers in the form of a money back guarantee, which could be seen as a disadvantage of the enterprise as a whole. Money back guarantees or free trials are frequently used as an incentive to buy from many other companies.

Ketogenic Guide by Natural Solutions – What is it?

Besides reselling supplements to their end users, the company also offers a wealth of information on how one can remain fit and healthy, and appears to advocate a particular kind of diet that applies Ketogenics.

Ketogenics is apparently a diet that involves removing the excess of carbohydrates from one's system, which can include starch-based foods, such as bread, pasta, grains, and sugar. The other side to the diet is to increase foods that are rich in fat, such as coconut oil and cream, as well as ensuring one is consuming a moderate amount of protein.

The company states that the diet will mimic the effects of mild starvation, which quickly burns away excess fat whilst stimulating muscle growth due to the uptake of protein.

Many supplements can be found on Natural Solution’s website that can be used in conjunction with this diet, and there are links to other resources that can be read for free to support the diet’s claims of success.

Natural Solutions Conclusion

Natural Solutions is a registered company in New Zealand, trading as Natural Solutions NZ Ltd. This permanent presence in the local and international markets could give the company some legitimacy in a market that is often shrouded in uncertainty.

Shoppers will be able to make their purchase some with some relative certainty, knowing that they are buying from a real company and not a counterfeit operation. Having the ability to phone the company and speak to a representative may also alleviate some of the fears of buying online, and the company reportedly has an outstanding reputation (by their own admission) of delivering world-class support at discount prices.

In short, Natural Solutions appears to be a strong company to buy a range of supplements from at competitive prices.

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Supplement Police
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