Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks – Coca Cola Men’s Beverages?


Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks are non-carbonated juice drinks that have high amount of caffeine, but appear to be a healthier option than other energy drinks. They will be released to the public later in 2017, but have been previewed at select summits to promote the upcoming debut.

What Are Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks?

Waking up in the morning can be a rough start for night owls. No matter how late they stay up the night before, morning brings obligations that need to be met with optimum energy. Hydrating the body is the key to fighting fatigue, but what if you need a bigger energy boost than that? That’s when Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks come in.

The Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drink has no carbonation, which makes it easy to smoothly drink it like juice or water, since that’s the closest comparison. With a little sweetener, this drink will be available in four different flavors, though the only two names that have been released are Tropical Thunder and Mean Green. Following the same style as other drinks from the brand, the caffeinated juice drink is available in a clear can, promoting the idea that it’s healthier than previous options.

While there have been a few bumps in the road as Monster Energy unmasks the new blend, they are on track for their new release date. In fact, they debuted two of the flavors at a summit in Glendale, Arizona, following the release of Monster Mutant, which is the first attempt from the brand of a soft drink. The campaign for Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks targets men in their 20s to 40s, though it’s meant for anyone.

Consuming Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks

As with any sports drink, whether it’s from Monster Energy or another brand, consumers should be careful in their usage. Drinking an excessive amount of caffeine can have a negative effect on the body, potentially causing spikes in blood pressure or even jittering throughout the body. Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks contain 120mg of caffeine, which is about the same amount as what can be found in 1.5 cups of coffee. However, it’s still less than the 140mg that is already found in the classic Monster Energy can.

Additionally, caffeine should not be used as a substitute for sleep. The brain needs a certain amount of time to rest each day to maintain the mental connections necessary to support cognitive function. While a sleepy afternoon or an early morning are usually enough of a reason for someone to get an energy drink, do your best to get a good night of sleep each night.

Purchasing Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks

The launch of the Hydro Sports drinks has been pushed back several times, with reports stating that the expected release is currently by the end of Autumn 2017. However, some news reports indicate that there are retailers that already offer the drink.

Contacting the Creators of Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks

The company in charge of producing the drink is Monster Energy, though you won’t find the drink available on the website until it’s release. There’s no information on the company’s official page, but the customer service department should know something. They can be reached by filling out the online form.

For consumers with a more urgent inquiry, call Monster Energy at either 866-322-4466 (extension 6585) or 855-488-1212.

Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks Conclusion

While there have been multiple roadblocks in the availability of Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks, it’s easy to see why it will be a popular choice amongst consumers. The non-carbonated beverage is the closest to juice, rather than being a classic energy drink. It has the power to energize any user, though it’s not quite as powerful as the original drink.

By fulfilling the needs of your tiredness and lack of water in the body, Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks may soon become a permanent fixture in your fridge.

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