Maple Syrup Extract Review
Maple Syrup Extract is the purified version of maple syrup. It’s been featured in many news reports lately due to a recent study showing it can help fight back against “superbugs”.
Find out everything you need to know about maple syrup extract today in our review.
What is Maple Syrup Extract?
Maple syrup extract is the purified and concentrated version of maple syrup.
In one recent study by McGill University in Canada, researchers combined maple syrup extract with antibiotics and were able to develop a powerful treatment for superbugs and harmful bacteria.
2015 Study from McGill University On Maple Syrup Extract
A 2015 study from McGill University shows powerful health benefits of maple syrup extract.
A research team from McGill University recently published a report in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. That report discussed how the research team combined maple syrup extract with common antibiotics to make a superbug-resistant supplement.
One of the problems facing the medical world today is the overuse of antibiotics. This is leading to unique strains of drug-resistant bacteria, which could cause lethal diseases to make a comeback.
Researchers tried to fight this problem by combining lower doses of antibiotics with maple syrup extract. This increased the microbes’ susceptibility to the antibiotics, which ultimately led to a lower required dose of antibiotics.
The research team created a concentrated maple syrup extract by purifying store-bought maple syrup. Maple syrup is already rich with phenolic compounds, and the maple syrup extract consisted mostly of phenolic compounds.
Then, the researchers tested common bacteria – like E. coli and Proteus mirabilis (which causes urinary tract infections) against the concentrated formula with no antibiotics. Despite not containing any antibiotics of its own, the maple syrup extract was found to be “mildly effective” at combating the bacteria.
Next, the researchers added common antibiotics to the concentrated extract and found that the formula was “particularly effective”. The maple syrup extract was observed to work synergistically with the common antibiotics and destroyed resistant communities of bacteria known as “biofilms”. Biofilms are commonly found in treatable infections – including UTIs.
What’s Next for Maple Syrup Extract?
The tests performed so far been performed in a laboratory setting without live subjects. Early results are promising, but more evidence is needed before the research team gets too excited.
In a recent report on the study, lead researcher Professor Nathalie Tufenkji explained what’s next for the concentrated syrup:
“We would have to do in vivo tests, and eventually clinical trials, before we can say what the effect would be in humans. “But the findings suggest a potentially simple and effective approach for reducing antibiotic usage. I could see maple syrup extract being incorporated eventually, for example, into the capsules of antibiotics.”
The overuse of antibiotics is quickly becoming a global health problem. It’s leading to antibiotic-resistant strains of common bacteria, which is making certain common infections untreatable. By significantly lowering the use of antibiotics, maple syrup extract may be able to solve a health problem that affects the entire global population.
How to Buy Maple Syrup Extract
The research team from McGill purchased maple syrup at local markets throughout Montreal. That syrup was then frozen and reduced in order to create the phenolic-rich extract.
You don’t have to work that hard to enjoy the benefits of maple syrup extract. Today, you can buy maple syrup extract and pure maple extract online from a variety of different manufacturers.
A quick search on Google turns up Pure Maple Extract on Amazon for $9.55 for a 4 ounce bottle, for example. That extract is made by a company called OliveNation and is also sold in increments of 8 ounce ($13.65), 16 ounce ($18.45), 32 ounce ($24.95), and 128 ounce ($78.95).
However, there’s a difference between pure maple extract and the maple syrup extract created by researchers at McGill. The research team used a special reduction process in order to create a syrup rich with phenolic compounds. The maple extract supplements purchased online will also be rich with phenolic compounds, but they’ll also have plenty of other filler ingredients. They’re primarily used for flavoring and not designed to treat infections.
The supplement available for purchase on, for example, recommends that you should use the supplement for:
— Any recipe calling for maple flavor (it provides a strong, clean maple flavor)
— “Great for making cookies, cakes and frosting”
— Add to baked beans for a maple flavor
The supplements make no mention of the health benefits. Most of the supplements sold online are designed to be used in a similar way: they’re for cooking and not designed to treat bacterial infections.
Most of the syrup extract supplements on the market today are designed exclusively for flavoring. But thanks to the recent McGill study, more and more supplement manufacturers may start creating extract supplements of their own in order to reduce your risk of common bacterial infections.
Stay tuned to see if maple syrup extract becomes the next big thing among supplement manufacturers! We’ll be the first site to feature maple syrup extract reviews.
I have just received my order of pure Maple syrup extract which I would like to use in conjunction with my antibiotics to either eliminate or at least control Pseudomonas. I was expecting to see dosage information on the bottle but it was lacking in this regard. Can you advise me how much I should take, how often, and when to take it before my antibiotics please.