Malou Tea is a tea brand based in Bangkok. These natural teas are created as single leaf tea, so you can blend your own, making tea drinking a daily and enjoyable habit. Their uncomplicated approach is one that allows you the creativity to blend you leaf or flower teas to your personal liking, and they are additionally available in cold pressed bottled teas.
Malou Tea was born out of a passion for organic and single origin teas. Together, a group of young professionals with existing careers in fashion, restaurant management, and retail decided to collaborate with artisanal tea makers to produce teas of their own. Together, this group brought their experiences to the table, and started Malou Tea.
The Inspiration Behind Malou Tea
The inspiration here was to find the real source of the best teas. Working with their tea grower, they found teas that produced different qualities than your average store brands, and put together a superior line of teas.
After spending time visiting tea estates and researching organic and sustainable ways to grow tea, the concept of single origin teas was selected as a perfect way to offer teas that are organic.
Constantly on the lookout for new varieties, Malou Tea is committed to providing their consumers with the best tea experiences. In addition, making this as easy as possible has been the mission, to make drinking tea a healthy, seamless, and relaxing experience.
Working with their own Atelier in Bangkok, Malou has an airy old warehouse complex where people can visit, talk about their interests, and enjoy tea. At Malou Tea, they like to get to know their consumers to give them a better understanding of what they love in a great tea experience.
Malou Tea does their best to cater to each individuals needs.
These Options Include:
Wholesale teas that can be purchased for hotels, restaurants, and other businesses. These purchases come in bulk sizes, and allow for wholesale pricing.
Catering Services are available for tea bar service. You can even design a unique tea menu or blends to suit your needs, or those of a theme or business event.
Customized teas create a specialized flavor and can be used to create a package specific to you. Malou offers these with customized packaging so that it can be used for events.
Malou Tea Is Perfect As A Gift!
They can be purchased as a gift, and are perfect for corporate gifts, mothers day, weddings and workshops.
Malou Tea additionally runs workshops that can walk you through basic teas, to Ceylon tea, and even more complicated Chinese teas.
At Malou Tea, the teas are hand blended and sold as whole leaf teas, this is so that you can choose your own blends if you wish, or enjoy whole leaf teas on their own. The art of tea making is something that stems back centuries, and is used in many cultures as a means to share, relax, enjoy the company of others, meditate, and to heal what ails you.
Whether you are drinking and enjoying a worm cup of tea on your own, or if you share your teas communally or with business partners, you will love the simplicity and the organic nature of Malou Tea. These single leaf teas are perfect for any time of the day, and in any way.
Making your own blends, and brewing your own whole leaf teas doesn’t ever need to be complicated. The makers of Malou Tea are providing you with the purest organic teas you can purchase, allowing you the peace of mind that you are aiding in your health, and drinking teas that are beneficial to your mind and your body.
Even if you aren’t an avid tea drinker, you will quickly be making Malou Teas a part of your daily routine and even sharing them with friends.
Visit the Malou Tea website for further information on how you can order yours today.