LR Aloe Via – Healthy Aloe Vera Oral, Body, Hair, Sun & Face Skincare?


With the rising pollution and toxin levels in the air, it is becoming increasingly difficult to take care of one’s skin. Many studies have shown that due to the stressful nature of many jobs nowadays, many younger people are suffering from issues pertaining to rapid skin ageing, wrinkles, fine lines etc.

To curb such problems, experts have recommended the use of specialised treatment options that are not only natural, but can also counter the effects of bacterial accumulations in a safe and natural way.

Aloe Vera is one such option. This natural plant extract has been widely studied and found to be one of the most potent means of hydrating and protecting one’s skin from external harmful agents.

Not only that, since it is plant based, it is completely biocompatible with our bodies. This means that once its benefits have been extracted by our bodies, it can be safely expelled from our systems without any side effects.

About LR Aloe Via

LR Aloe Via is an all new range of ‘skin care treatment solutions’ that have been customised to meet the needs of different customers (of varying age groups). In more detailed terms, the Aloe Vera used in LR products has been subjected to regular checks by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC).

Similarly, studies done at Dermatest have also shown that the Aloe Vera being used in the product range is of the highest quality. In all, 28 LR Aloe Via products have been registered for patents, each of these products contain a specialised combination of organic ingredients which allow for a multitude of benefits.

Some of the key aspects of Aloe Via supplements include:

  • High Nutritional ratios : each supplement has been infused with a high clinical percentage of Aloe Vera so that users can extract maximum skin related benefits.
  • Specially chosen ingredients: apart from the core formula, each of the products have been loaded with nurturing organic extracts. These ingredients coordinate with each other to specifically suit each skin care need that an individual may have.
  • Additive Free: to ensure the highest quality possible, the manufacturer has made sure that none of the products available for purchase contain within them any traces of Parabens or Mineral Oils.
  • Quality: as mentioned earlier, all of the products have been individually tested and cleared by the International Aloe Science Council . Similarly, there are independent bodies like Dermatest and Derma Consult that have also certified all LR products.

LR Aloe Via Range

  • Skin Care options: these creams, serums have been designed to increase the overall radiance and vitality of our skin. The products have been infused with minerals and vitamins which reduce issues related to skin inflammation, breaking, acne, eczema etc. The aloe vera naturally soothes the skin and helps us feel fresher and rejuvenated.
  • Tooth Gel: many studies have shown that due to its regenerative power, Aloe Vera ensures fresh and healthy oral flora at all times. Not only that, regular use also ensures that one’s lips become softer and smoother.

  • Cleansing Milk: unlike other cleansing solutions which come loaded with chemically loaded agents, LR Aloe Via cleansing milk comes infused with potent extracts that gently eliminate any skin accumulations that might be present within our bodies. This allows us to obtain a glowing radiance which makes us look and feel much younger.
  • Face Scrub: this naturally designed formula allows for the exfoliation of any bacterial particles, pollutants that might have gathered within our epidermal layers. The aloe vera gently soothes our skin, reducing any chances of inflammatory issues that might occur at a later stage.
  • Soft Skin Cream: this gel contains a special recipe that has been found to cater to all of our skin care needs. When used regularly, the cream cleans our skin gently and helps stabilise its moisture balance.

Other than the aforementioned products, there are also items like Sun Screens, Baby based items, Hair Treatment solutions that users can choose from.

LR Aloe Via Review Summary

All of the products are available for purchase through the official web portal of LR Aloe Via. The pricing, compositional information, dosage descriptions can all be obtained by simply clicking on the desired products. Additionally, for bulk purchases, users can directly contact customer representatives to avail of large discounts.

After product selection, there are a host of payment and delivery options that users can choose from.

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