Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat – Organic, Biodegradable & Durable?


Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and look and feel better. Most yoga instructors will tell you that is much easier to do the moves with the use of a mat.

If you are concerned about what your yoga mat is made of and the impact it has on the environment, now there is a plastic and toxin free version you can try.

Today we will be discussing a product called the Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat. We will be reviewing this product and helping you determine if it is the right one for you to try

What is the Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat?

The Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat is a natural yoga mat that can provide the comfort of a traditional yoga mat while being eco friendly and toxin free.

Other benefits of the Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat include:

  • This mat is 100% biodegradable, Fair Trade Certified, and highly durable
  • It is made from organic resources in Sri Lanka. They are made with natural tree rubber and reinforced with coconut coir fibre
  • It can last years with proper care
  • You can use this mat for yoga, pilates, home exercise, and more
  • Can be used as flooring for a home gym or children’s play area
  • It is 100% recyclable, biodegradable, and even compostable

Who Makes the Coconut Yoga Mat?

This yoga mat is made by a company called Live Whole Yoga. They make this and other yoga products they sell online on their website.


You can purchase this yoga mat directly from the Live Whole Yoga website for only $99.00 AUD plus shipping and handling. Right now, this product is only available for shipping to Australia and the U.K.. Check back on the website for updated international shipping options and policy

Should You Buy the Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat?

If you want a natural yoga mat that can help provide comfort while you are working out, need something that is toxin free and eco friendly, or just want to try something new, the Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat may be the right product for you to try.

For more information on their products and how they can benefit you, visit their website for details.

Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat Conclusion

You can learn more about the Live Whole Coconut Yoga Mat, read about how their product can benefit your yoga sessions, and place an order for this product at their website at

Though we have not tried or used this product yet, we will update our information with new comments below as time goes on and more details become available.

In the mean time, you can view customer testimonials, star ratings, detailed product information, and more on the website to give you an idea of the experience you may have with this product.

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