Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor – Clean & Close Wet Shave?


The Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor is a classic design developed by Muhle to help men get a clean, close shave that lasts with minimal redness or irritation. Men who shave on a regular basis will appreciate how this razor feels in their hand and how smoothly it glides over their stubble leaving smooth, irritation free skin in its wake.

This luxury razor is not only functional but is also stylish. Please read below to learn more about the Jack Black Double Edge Razor and how to order one for yourself or a loved one.

What Is The Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor?

Those who shave regularly will appreciate this razor’s design and attention to delivering a close shave that lasts through the day. Unlike cartridge razors, this product offers men a quality daily shave with just a weekly blade change.

The Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor edition is a sleek platinum blue color and is designed to be properly weighted to maximize the blades hair removal properties.

Well reviewed for its hand feel and ability to deliver proper shaves, men with larger hands will appreciate how this razor offers a longer handle helping them maintain a secure grip while shaving to prevent nicks and promote an even shave.

This product is useful for beginners and longtime safety shavers alike.

It is best for non-aggressive shaves and can be used daily. With every use men will feel like they are pampering themselves with the quality and ease of shave with such a beautiful device.

How Does The Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor Work?

Offering men an innovative design that delivers a close shave that feels and looks great with minimal effort, due to the razors weight and balance men will find that this razor is better than other competitor’s products.

For men who have never used a single edge razor there is a bit of learning curve but there are easy to follow YouTube videos available online to make it easier. Users simple combine this razor base with their favorite blades and shaving cream for a smooth shave.

Consumers who purchase the Double Blade Razor through the Jack Black website will receive one hundred free razor blades for the same price as other vendors. Partners will love how soft this leaves a man’s face without the redness or irritation frequently caused by shaving with lower quality razors.

Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor Components

What makes this razor so effective and pleasurable to use it how it is weighted. So many disposable razors are simply too light to deliver a good shave. The Double Edge Razor by Muhle is different.

Men who have used this product feel it delivers a barber quality shave at a lower price than the expensive cartridge razors available at retail stores.

This luxury razor offers a longer handle to help men keep a secure grip while shaving to give them a closer result. Switching the blades will take a bit of practice and users should go slow and ensure they have dry hands their first time to ensure they do not cut themselves. The YouTube video available will help men change the blade properly and coach men on how to best use this razor for their shave.

Muhle Details

Family owned since its beginning in 1945, now in the third generation, Muhle is dedicated to manufacturing high quality shaving products that will not only save people money but also give them a barber quality shave at home.

Muhle distributes their products worldwide from their headquarters in Germany. Consumers will appreciate the Jack Black edition due to its beautiful sleek design, deep blue color, and longer handle making it not only stylish but also functional.

Muhle manufactures razors and shaving products for both men and women who want to pamper themselves with a high quality shave that feels great.

Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor Pricing

Available for purchase online through the Jack Black website, Amazon, and Nordstrom’s.

Jack Black

Each razor comes with one hundred Personna razor blades and costs $125.00. Purchases over $35.00 through this website ship for free. Jack Black offers a store locator option on their website helping consumers find a retailer near their home or office.


Available for $125.00 and ships for free. This razor when purchased through Amazon will come with one blade and then consumers can switch in their favorite brand of razor blade in the future. Reviews offer suggestions for razor blade brands that work best with this razor body.


As with other retailers this razor is available for $125.00 and ships for free. Same as Amazon, this razor comes with one blade included allowing users to choose their own blades for future use. Nordstrom stores may also carry the Jack Black Double Edge Razor as well.

Should You Use the Jack Black Double Edge Safety Razor?

Men who are looking for a high quality razor that delivers a close shave will want to consider this product. If men are tired of paying for costly cartridges that are just not delivering the results men desire, this razor will change that.

At $125.00 per razor this product ends up costing the same price as just a few cartridges or any other brand. Consumers can see the razor in action by visiting YouTube. More information is available on the Jack Black website at www.getjackblack.com.

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