Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix – Weight Loss, Energy & Metabolism?


Losing weight can be one of the hardest things people go through in life. That might sound a tad on the dramatic side, but if you are someone who has struggled with weight loss, or hit that dreaded plateau, you can appreciate that statement. With so many different varieties of weight loss products available on the market – how does one decide.

First things first, it is already a hard take, so avoid products that are going to complicate that process even more so. Some systems out there are so rigid, or way out of your ‘everyday’, so complicating things will not help you along the way.

What we do know, is consuming more water throughout the day is key. Not only is it beneficial for flushing out toxins and other unwanted things in our bodies, it helps us feel better, helps our skin appear brighter, and overall you can generally feel the positive effects of adding more water to your diet within a matter of a day.

About Hydroxycut

So, Hydroxycut developed a drink mix powder that you can simply add to your water! Described as an advanced weight loss product and designed to boost your metabolism and increase your energy.

After completing clinical research, including a random double-blind placebo controlled study, results were almost double with those who consumed the key ingredient found in this Hydroxycut drink mix.

Reviews suggest it is a great tasting formula that yields those desired results in half the time. The average weight loss on the research study disclosed an average weight loss of nearly 11 pounds in the 60 days.

Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix Quick Facts

  • Only ten (10) calories per serving
  • 0 grams of sugar
  • Two (2) grams of carbohydrates
  • Contains Papaya, Blackberry and Saffron Extract
  • Increases energy and boosts metabolism
  • Great Wild berry flavor
  • Scientifically researched

Sounds good enough to try, right?

How To Order

The Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix is available for purchase online, and at several of your favorite retailers such as; Walgreens, Walmart, Amazon, and more.

There are 21 individual packets per box, which makes this an easy grab and go, for those on the go.

Directions For Use

Open a standard size water bottle (typically 16 ounces) and take a small sip to allow for a bit of room at the top of the bottle. Empty one (1) packet into the water bottle, replace the lid and shake well.

Suggested use is to consume this drink 30-60 minutes before your two (2) main meals.

You should not consume more than two (2) packets within a 24-hour period.

Remember to keep hydrated in addition to the Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix – it is recommended to consume an additional 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day.

What Are Others Saying?

On the Hydroxycut website, there are dozens of products reviews, and many describe the great taste and overall very pleased with the results. For a more in depth look, they also offer several video testimonials of customers who have seen exceptional results in weight loss and energy.

One customer described that product as; ‘This really tastes great and I prefer this to taking any type of pill. It is something that I will take in the afternoon for an immediate energy boost.’

Hydroxycut also offers this same drink mix in pill form, however, many of the customer reviews mention that they prefer using the instant drink mix – it has helped them consume more water throughout the day and enjoy the ability to add flavor!

Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix Review Summary

The company Hydroxycut, website boasts that they are America’s #1 Selling Weight Loss Supplement Brand, and have a long-standing history of providing a variety of weight loss supplements and are carried among many trusted big box, brand name stores.

So, if you are in the market for a new weight loss supplement, Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix may be a viable option for you to try! Great taste, increased energy and boosted metabolism sounds like a great recipe for success.

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