Hurricane Handy Scrub – Portable Powerbrush Cleans Dirt & Grime?


Cleaning one’s kitchen and bathroom isn’t always the most pleasant experience. In fact, simple household chores can easily spiral out of control pile up and spiral out of control when they are not taken care of quickly.

Fortunately, there is a raft of helpful tools that consumers can purchase which make the cleaning process much easier to manage.

One product that claims to make cleaning sinks and other surfaces a breeze is the Hurricane Handy Scrub by the manufacturer International Edge.

About International Edge’s Hurricane Handy Scrub

International Edge claims that their Hurricane Handy Scrub is the “Fastest, easiest way to power away dirt and grime any time!”

Apparently, the brush is able to clean any surface within seconds, thanks to its flat and corner brush heads. There are also optional attachments that can be fitted to the device, including two microfiber pads for eliminating difficult to remove dirt and grime.

The device can be powered by either AC or with its rechargeable NiCad battery, which could make it a portable and convenient option for use around the house. During transportation, one can use the included mesh storage pouch to keep it safe from scratches and cosmetic damage.

Shoppers can purchase the Hurricane Handy Scrub for only $29.99 plus postage and handling. (This offer is limited to residents in the United States.)

The device comes with a ten year warranty, and has a powerful 300 RPM motor for superior cleaning action.

What Comes With The Hurricane Handy Scrub?

There are a number of parts that comes with the Hurricane Scrub, including:

  • Flat & Corner Brush Heads
  • Pad Attachment and Microfiber Pads
  • Mesh Storage Pouch
  • Rechargeable NiCad Battery
  • AC Adapter

There is also the option to choose the company’s double offer, which includes two of each of the above for $42.98 plus $9.99 shipping and handling.

In addition to a ten year warranty, the Hurricane Handy Scrub also comes with a satisfaction guarantee. What this means for shoppers is that they can get their money back in the event of disappointment or buyer’s remorse.

One simply needs to hold on to their original packaging if they intend on returning it to the company, as well as paying for the return shipping costs of around $10.

Hurricane Handy Scrub Review Summary

The Hurricane Handy Scrub is one of the many devices that can help save one time and energy when it comes to tidying up. The product comes with an assortment of different attachments that can easily be changed and removed depending on the task at hand, as well as being supported by an extensive warranty period and money back guarantee.

There is also no lack of reviews and testimonials that can be read about the product online, with most people expressing their satisfaction with the product overall.

Special deals such as these do not last forever, so thrifty shoppers will be wise to purchase the product while they still can at its affordable price point, as the company could pull the deal without warning.

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