Genius Foods: Max Lugavere & Paul Grewal Brain Health Book?


Tired of all those books out there that keep regurgitating the same information over and over about how this is the way to improve your brain health? You know the ones – eat more nuts, fish and eggs and all will be well again. Max Lugavere and Dr. Paul Grewal were too we suppose and that was the beginning of Genius Foods.

The History Behind Genius Foods

Max Lugavere’s mother was originally diagnosed with what he calls a mysterious form of dementia. It was then that he put everything he was doing in his social media business on hold and wanted to learn everything he could about this disease.

Over the course of around five (5) years, Max consumed everything he could from the latest scientific research, speaking with dozens of scientists and specialists around the world and would visit multiple neurology departments.

He didn’t take his mother’s diagnosis light, and more than anything he wanted to know all he could and ensure it was based on science and facts, not opinion.

Whereas Dr. Paul Grewal on the other hand was once an obese man who knew, especially being a doctor, that things needed to change. He went out to do his own research and became an expert in health and nutrition after losing more than one hundred pounds.

Together, these two (2) connected and put their expertise to good practice. They found there were multiple cross overs in nutrition and brain health and they were determined to let everyone else know about it.

Why Is Genius Foods Different?

Aside from a social media guy and doctor collaborating on a book you mean? Well, the entire book is based on solid evidence and facts from two very different yet so similar medical areas. This isn’t another diet book that will load you with all sorts of dated research that may or may not be true any longer and ultimately aren’t realistic for people.

The Genius Foods book was written in a way that makes it easy to understand and act on.

Would you be surprised to know that your diet, meaning what you eat, can affect your memory? And, by changing the way you do eat you can create considerable gains in your cognitive functions? Imagine for a moment how many people are living with what is perceived as dementia for example, can be remedied or improved upon through diet alone.

Scary thought, isn’t it?

What Will You Get Out Of The Genius Foods Book?

As mentioned above, this book was written in a way to not only help you understand the information but also to act upon it. You will learn how to what they call ‘biochemical liposuction’ which will work to shrink your belly and simultaneously grow your brain.

You will also learn a variety of exercises you can do that will cut your ‘gym time’ by more than 80%.

Imagine this, you will wake up feeling rested and have a more effective sleep because of foods that will help promote this type of sleep. And, this book will help you determine where you fit meaning, this isn’t a one size fits all – your individuality matters.

Main Benefits You Can Expect from Genius Foods

.. and more.

How To Order Genius Foods

Genius Foods will be available on March 23, 2018. Until then, you can pre order and receive an added bonus valued at $9.99. An eBook loaded with great tips to help your grocery shop and dining out. Quantities are limited for this amazing early bird offer.

There are several other early bird specials you can take advantage of by ordering three (3) books, ten (10) books or one hundred and fifty (150) books.

Visit their website for ordering and shipping details.


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