Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein – Effective Formula?


Considered the number one source of highly digestible protein, 100% Dairy Whey has remained a superior source of whey protein for athletes, with its high BCAA content leaving this an undisputed choice for competitors.

Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein has remained popular among physique competitors because of their seriousness about precisely timed ingestion of protein during a workout, and understand that the fast timing of whey and slow timing of casein makes a perfect balance of digestible proteins for lean muscle growth.

The difference between Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein and competitor’s brands is the difference between training success and failure; the difference between victory and defeat.

With the abundance of low quality whey proteins on the market, Genetic Nutrition set out to research and create a superior product, in terms of its amino acid profile, its solubility, taste and digestive properties.

The protein produced was created to have an extremely high protein content along with low fat and carbohydrate content; making it one of the highest quality whey proteins on the market, the new gold standard in the supplement industry.

Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein Difference

Look at the competitions fat content for starters. Most contain fat content way above the 1 gram mark, while containing 3-5g of carbohydrates. Keeping with a superior product mindset, these numbers are unnecessarily too high for a supplement you are taking as a source of protein.

With numbers like this, you may as well purchase cheap products that will counteract all the hard work you put in while at the gym.

High quality micro-filtered whey protein isolate was the only option when producing a protein that has less that 1.5g of protein and less than 1g of fat. A product that would give you the most highly digestible form of protein without undoing all of your hard work.

Unlike other whey protein products on the market, Genetic Nutrition laboratories uses heat and acid free cross-flow microfiltration techniques to produce their 100% Dairy Whey Protein. With this process, the final product will only contain 100% undenatured whey.

This means that all the health promoting pro anabolic protein microfractions like alpha-lactalbumin, glycomacropeptides, beta-lactoglobulin, immunoglobulin G, lactoferrin, serum albumin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, along with other growth factors.

Because of the specialized process in creating Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein, it is important to identify that the quality of the protein will determine the absorption, thus determining your results. Only GN laboratories 100% Dairy Whey allows you the muscle building and health improving benefits of whey protein.

Genetic Nutrition Dairy Whey Protein Taste

It’s no secret that protein powders can often be gritty, or can taste awful. This was taken into serious consideration and GN Laboratories wanted consumers to walk away completely happy with this product.

100% Dairy Whey has a smooth consistency, and comes in an outstanding 48 flavors to choose from. There is no way someone would not be able to purchase a flavor they don’t love.

Is This A Necessary Purchase?

Whey protein is an essential choice for bodybuilders as it is the secret to gaining lean muscle mass. This natural source of protein carries the highest BCAA content, making it the perfect choice for bodybuilders. This highly soluble whey protein has anti-catabolic and pro-regenerative effects, and is easily digested.

Whether you are using 100% Dairy Whey right after a workout, or are using it as a snack or to supplement meals, you have made the right choice. The fast increase in serum amino acids will trigger a huge hypertrophy response, along with the great taste; you know you have hit the protein jackpot when taking your health to the next level.

Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein Directions

When strength training: Put one heaping scoop into 250ml of water or your favorite beverage for one serving; one serving is recommended for immediately prior to and immediately following a workout.

When using as a protein supplement: Put one heaping scoop into 250ml of water or your favorite beverage. It is preferable to drink one shake in the morning after an overnight fast.

Purchasing Genetic Nutrition 100% Dairy Whey Protein

If you are ready to take your health and your workouts to the next level, GN 100% Dairy Whey Protein can be purchased online through the Genetic Nutrition website.

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