G-Vert – Body Workout Measurements For Intensity & Impact?


The best way to stay motivated and to ensure that you are performing well at the gym or at your athletic routine is to have a reliable intensity tracker on hand.

With the right device, you can attain the support that you need to maintain high intensity and quality workouts so that you are constantly improving yourself and your performance. Of course, with so many devices on the market, you may find it extremely difficult to find the right device for your needs.

That being said, this review would like to introduce you to one device that is most frequently used by sports programs. Called the G-Vert, this is the latest wearable athletic technology. Here is everything you need to know about this device before you buy:

What is the G-Vert?

The G-Vert is the “wearable for athletes.” With this device, you can attain measurements of a number of performance qualities during your workout routine. Better yet, not only do you get feedback about your workouts, but the device makes it easier for you to perform more efficiently, you’ll train smarter, and you’ll even be able to avoid injury.

Further, the device can be used for more than just the individual – it is also useful for those who work in teams, as it can provide the coach feedback about team performance.

Frequently Used by Sports Programs

You know you’ve find a high-quality and effective intensity tracking device when it is being used by professional sports programs and teams.

For example, the device was the first wearable to be used in NCAA games. It is also the official device of USA Volleyball.

In addition to these teams, the device is also used for football teams, soccer teams, and many others. With this device, any athlete can use real data and real time to make improvements to their routine.

Aside from being ideal for professional athletes, the device can be used for regular workouts and athletes as well. The wearable makes your workouts easier, more effective, and it ensures that you are training the best way possible.

Based Upon Research

When it comes to intensity wearables, many make some amazing claims, but very few brands present the research regarding the device’s performance.

The good news is that when you choose G-Vert, you can be certain that it will provide you with the benefits that you are aiming for. On the brand’s website, you’ll find two of the following studies:

  • Quantifying Jump Loads

    The first study was performed upon volleyball players. During the study, it was found that the G-Vert was able to quantify jump loads among the athletes.

    The information enables them to enhance their performance and to make improvements where needed.

  • Validation of an Inertial Measurement for Jump Count and Height

    The second study tested the product’s ability to test for inertia, jump count, and height.

    It was found that it performed well in these categories and the athletes were able to boost their athletic performance for better results.

Apart from the studies, user experiences also illustrate the product’s performance and its ability to provide users with the benefits that they are aiming for.

According to not only individual athletes and teams, the product has a major impact upon their athletic performance, it allowed them to add new dimensions to their training and team marketing, and it gives great athletic feedback no matter the age, size, or experience of the athlete.

You can find user testimonials on the brand’s website so that you can get a sense of just how well this product works to meet user needs.

The G-Vert Capabilities

Many find that G-Vert to be a device that out-performs the traditional intensity tracker. With this device, you’ll be able to attain stats on the following:

  • Intensity of Your Movements

    First, the device provides you with insight into the intensity of each movement that you make during your workout routine.

    With insight into the intensity, you can make the necessary changes to enhance your moves so that you are making the strides that you are aiming for and so that you’re performing at just the right level for optimal effectiveness.

  • Stress on Appendages

    Second, the product also gives you the stress level that you are exerting on your appendages. By presenting the stress levels, you’ll know when you need to tone it down a bit so that you keep your body safe and protected during the entire process.

    This is the devices’ main capability for preventing injuries and according to many users, it works well.

  • Power Exerted

    Third, the device also presents you with insight into the power you are exerting. That is to say, you’ll even realize just how explosive your moves are in watts per pound.

    For many athletes, this information can be extremely useful when it comes to maintaining progress.

  • Jumps

    Jump style and height is important, especially if you are in a sport that requires the movement.

    With this device, you’ll learn how high your vertical jump is and how many jumps you’re performing so that you can determine whether you need to make any changes or improvements to your routine.

  • Asymmetry

    Finally, you’ll also receive insight into the body symmetry so that you can achieve peak athletic performance.

There are many capabilities to this device and you’ll be able to access them when you opt for this product. Also, the G-Vert is compatible with iOS technologies. There is no report on whether it is available for android.

Where to Buy G-Vert

If you are interested in the G-Vert, then you can order it through the brand’s website. The product is currently in the process of being issued on the market, therefore you’ll have to go through a pre-order first. The cost is just $149.99.

G-Vert Review Summary

Overall, if you are interested in enhancing your intensity levels and tracking your progress, then the G-Vert may be just the right intensity tracker for your needs. to order and to get started with this device when it comes out on the market, just visit the brand’s website today.

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